In this uncivilized hunting era of the human race, there are no other entertainment activities.

At night, it is not to make a baby with his wife.

They are also looking forward to the arrival of this day, but before that, Ye Chen has to take priority.

At this moment, all the girls of marriageable age look at Ye Chen, some with affection, some with shy heads down, some with wild and unruly eyes, and some with calm expressions, with expectation and nervousness, after all, this is the day to truly become a woman tonight.

Most of the men's eyes fell on the leading girl.

This woman's black hair was scattered randomly, her skin was whiter than snow, her facial features were extremely beautiful, her tall figure was graceful and outstanding, and compared with other women in the crowd, she was like a crane standing out among chickens, breathtakingly beautiful, as if a fairy from heaven had descended to the earth.

Her red lips were full and translucent, her eyebrows were like distant ink, her eyes were like a pool of autumn water, and her straight long legs were even better than those of the supermodels in her previous life.

She stood there quietly, like a poem or a painting.

Such a woman inevitably attracted the attention of all men, and even Ye Chen's heart tightened when he saw her.

This kind of top-notch woman could not even be compared to the top actresses in his previous life!

"Sir, please make your selection."When the elder saw Ye Chen's eyes on this woman, he took the initiative to step forward and talk to her, and pointed at the leading woman with his eyes.

Ye Chen was not blind, and this woman was the best choice in terms of figure and appearance. Now that he had the right to take the initiative to choose, he felt a little unreal. Isn't this just the emperor choosing a concubine? He didn't expect that he would have this day. Since he came to this world, he would live with a clear mind. He immediately pointed at the leading woman and said,"She's the one."

The elder followed Ye Chen's finger and saw the leading girl. His face trembled, but he was relieved immediately.

They were all men, and everyone knew that this girl was the most beautiful. It was not surprising that the lord chose her.

And this lord can control fire and bring prosperity to the tribe. Other obstacles are not a problem.

The elder immediately said to the girl,"Yue'er, the lord has chosen you. I hope you will serve the lord well in the future and have children for the tribe."

The woman's pretty face was shy, and she bit her plump red lips lightly. Today, Ye Chen shined brightly and brought fame to the tribe. In addition, Ye Chen himself was handsome and extraordinary. He was a handsome guy in himself, and he would definitely have a bright future. She nodded:"Yue'er understands."

The elder saw that Yue'er saw her agreement, and a smile appeared on his old face.

The witch clan and the monster clan wantonly killed humans and enslaved their people to live in this primitive world.

The strength of the tribe has skyrocketed to survive. With Ye Chen here, the tribe will be protected.

With such a great opportunity, Ye Chen must give birth to offspring no matter what, and be firmly bound to their tribe.

So he turned to Ye Chen and said respectfully:"My lord, your original residence is no longer suitable for you. I have arranged another residence for you. Please move to the new house, and you can have the bridal chamber."

"That's fine."

Ye Chen originally lived in the worst place in the tribe.

It was also the farthest place from the group. Now his status has risen.

He still can't enjoy special treatment. The elders immediately called Yue'er.

When he came closer, Yue'er looked at Ye Chen, silent, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Ye Chen also looked at Yue'er. The name was very sloppy in this era.

In his memory, this girl was the daughter of the chief. Before, the two had a huge difference in status and had no intersection, but now he has become a big man in the tribe, so it is natural.

When he thought about sleeping in the same bed with this stunning woman tonight, his heart was somewhat ups and downs, so he nodded to her. Nod.

When the latter saw Ye Chen, a blush appeared on her handsome face.

What to do next? Although her mother taught her, she was still very shy.

After all, this man would be her husband in the future, her lifelong partner and support.

Although he was not welcomed in the clan before, Ye Chen, who was blessed with merits, had an already good appearance, and now he was even more handsome, and had an indescribable holy temperament, which was very attractive to an inexplicable girl like her.

The ceremony was simple, without any complicated procedures. After it was done, Ye Chen planned to take his wife to prepare for the bridal chamber.

"I don't agree!"

Just when everyone was envious of Ye Chen for marrying the most beautiful woman in the tribe.

Suddenly, a roar broke out, and then everyone's eyes shifted, including Ye Chen who had just left.

What the hell.

Could it be that there is a scene of wedding robbery in movies and TV shows!

Damn, I just got married and you want to rob my wife.

Ye Chen looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw a group of burly and strong human beings striding outside the tribe.

The tribesmen took the initiative to make way.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a beard. His face was firm and courageous, like a lion, exuding the majesty of a superior.

Next to him was a tall and mighty heroic man with a bare upper body and a spear in his hand. He was carrying the corpse of a black bear on his right shoulder. His whole life exuded a primitive and wild taste. The rest of the tribesmen were also extremely fierce, carrying the corpses of various wild beasts.

When the elder saw this man, he thought it was not good, and immediately explained in a low voice beside Ye Chen:"Sir, Yue'er is the daughter of the chief, and the one next to him is the first warrior of the tribe, Shanyue. His father has wanted to marry his daughter to him since he was a child."

Ye Chen was silent when he heard this.

He had just married a wife, but he was stopped by someone.

He must be unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. It happened that the chief led the tribe back from hunting outside.

However, with his current strength, this so-called first warrior of the tribe was not his opponent.

But he thought to himself that it was no wonder that he didn't see the hunting teams in the tribe today.

The elders and the chiefs have their own focuses, but the chief's hunting team is the one who really controls the lifeline of the tribe.

No matter when, the leader who can ensure that the tribe is not invaded by foreign enemies and hunts for food is deeply loved and respected.

So when they came back, the tribesmen showed awe and respect. After all, they brought back food, and in this era without animal husbandry and planting, food is the most important thing.

""Shanyue, you brought the spiritual fire to the tribe, and the heaven has bestowed great merits on you. You should apologize to the lord!" The elder scolded immediately. Ye Chen was the hope of the tribe, the foundation of the strong, and his majesty could not be offended.

However, as the first warrior of the tribe, the chief had high hopes for him.

In the future, he would be the chief of the tribe, and the chief naturally wanted to train him as the chief.

At this moment, he was beaten to the punch, so how could he give up? He ignored the elder's scolding.

As for the merits, I'm afraid it's some monster that is possessed by a demon and deceives the tribe members!

Shanyue immediately said to the chief beside him:"Chief, I know this man. He was seriously ill, and now he is full of energy. I'm afraid he is possessed by a demon."

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