There is no code in my heart.

It is no wonder that the fox tribe did not leave far away. There is such a treasure land for cultivation.

If Ye Chen put himself in their shoes, he would not leave.

However, compared with his own Shouyang Cave, it is not a little bit worse.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, I didn't expect to meet you so soon. I can still remember your demeanor that day."Lingjizi arrived first and exchanged cultivation experiences with Liu Mei, the elder, Liu Yan, and Liu Xu of the Fox Clan. As soon as he entered the reception room, he heard a familiar voice. It was the old Taoist Lingjizi who came before the heavenly tribulation that day. Behind this person's style and rhyme, he is also in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal realm.

With the protection of the precious light, it seems that his strength is extraordinary. Ye Chen, as a latecomer, clasped his fists and said,"Fellow Daoist, you are joking." Liu Mei stood up to greet him. He bowed lightly.

"Daoist friend really kept his promise and arrived an hour earlier than the scheduled time."

Ye Chen has a strong sense of time and never procrastinates.

Since he has promised, he will naturally abide by the time.

In addition to Liu Mei and Ling Jizi, there are two early Golden Immortal masters in this room.

Although they are a little older, they are also charming and exude a mature charm.

The coquettishness in their bones, every smile is soul-stirring, and the two women greeted with smiles.

Liu Mei took the initiative to introduce:"Daoist friend Xuanyuan, these two are the elders of the clan, Liu Yan and Elder Liu Xu"

"Met Taoist Xuanyuan"

"Wow, this guy is so handsome."

Liu Yan is a top-notch beauty, with a noble and elegant appearance. She dresses conservatively, but not every fox demon wears revealing clothes.

However, this elder Liu Xu is naturally charming and hot-tempered. She has a crazy big and big bud, which is even hotter than Liu Mei. She has a plump buttocks under her water snake waist, and the outline of her long skirt is faintly visible, revealing her fair skin.

"Sister Liu Xu, this is my distinguished guest." Liu Mei looked at him, afraid of offending Ye Chen, and glared at him.

"Hahaha, it's okay.

Ye Chen smiled and said it was okay. He was just praising himself for being handsome.

Who would complain about good words?

"Mei'er, look at Taoist Xuanyuan, you just don't understand romance." As she said that, Liu Xu walked in front of Ye Chen, swaying from side to side, showing off her perfect figure, hooking her jade fingers across her red lips, and casting a charming look.

Damn, who can stand this.

This fox demon clan is too hot!

Fortunately, his Taoist heart is as hard as iron, so he smiled in response:"This sister is also beautiful and charming, stunningly beautiful."

Who doesn't flatter?

Sure enough, Ye Chen boasted.

Taoist Liu Xu smiled even more:"I didn't expect Taoist Xuanyuan to be an elegant person. It seems that I won't be lonely on this journey."

"Ahem."The old Taoist Lingjizi coughed and said seriously:"With Daoist Fellow Xuanyuan coming, we should be more confident in finding the noble treasure land. I think there is no time to lose, let's set off."

Speaking of business, everyone's face became serious.

Liu Mei also looked at Liu Xu helplessly and said to Ye Chen:"Daoist Fellow Lingjizi is right. According to the formation, it is the weakest these days. Don't waste time."

Ye Chen naturally had no objection. The sooner things happened, the better.

So everyone set out together, led by Liu Mei to the cave of the nine-tailed fox.

Liu Mei was very scheming and actually built a rare teleportation formation.

It was teleported to a million miles away, avoiding the eyes and ears of other monsters.

After leaving the formation, it flew away on its own.

There was no conversation along the way. All the people present were masters of the Golden Immortal Stage.

The speed was extremely fast. After flying for several days, it was unknown how many billions of miles they had flown.

Only then did they come to an island in the middle of the lake. The lake island was not big, about 800 miles, and the island was barren.

There was only the breath of migratory birds, and occasionally wild rabbits were seen running among the grass and trees.

The escape light flashed and the five people landed on the island.

Ye Chen immediately opened the Eye of Delusion to observe the surroundings.

This old Taoist Lingjizi had a good relationship with the fox clan, which was worthy of vigilance.

Even if he was arrogant, the four Golden Immortals who had a deep foundation and comprehended the laws were very powerful.

He still had to be more cautious. He had to be on guard against others, let alone the monster clan.

However, after observing underwater, the island did not find any tricks

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, Fellow Daoist Lingjizi, we are here." Liu Mei said with a smile.

Taoist Lingjizi looked around and said with deep emotion:"It is worthy of being the Daluo Golden Immortal Cave. We claim to be in the Golden Immortal realm, but we can't even see any traces of formations here. The power of the ancient great powers is unfathomable."

Liu Xu rolled her eyes at the old Taoist:"Lingjizi, who said that there must be a large formation outside the cave? According to our speculation, this island in the middle of the lake was caused by the great power's action, which cut off the spiritual vein. We still have a long way to go."

As she spoke, she walked to a stone mountain, pushed open a stone mountain disguised as a mechanism with a little force, revealing a faint passage going down.

"Ah, this, I made a mistake."Lingjizi smiled awkwardly and said no more.

Ye Chen also had a preconceived idea. It seemed that the fox clan had not set up any magic restrictions for the sake of safety, but this was a safe bet.

According to Liu Xu, this place was caused by a battle.

I don't know if there are any treasures in the cave that Liu Mei mentioned.

Don't be happy for nothing, but since they are so anxious.

They should be sure.

"Daoist friend, let's go first, the two of you follow us."

Liu Mei took the initiative to say, she was very familiar with people's hearts.

Ye Chen naturally had no objection to not letting them go first.

So everyone went in one after another. Ye Chen looked back at the stone mountain and closed it casually.

"Daoist friend, what benefit did Liu Mei promise you?"

Just as he turned around, Lingjizi sent a message.

No, this is what you should ask.

I didn't realize that this old man is so gossipy.

"Daoist friend, please don't misunderstand me. I am just afraid that you will suffer. The fox Liu Xu is practicing the Nine-tailed Extreme Joy Technique. She has cultivated to the Golden Immortal stage with her perfect body. If she finds a male immortal with strong magic power to cultivate, she may be able to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage. I think she likes your magic power and essence very much. Daoist friend, don't be tempted by beauty and ruin your immortality in vain.��"

PS:Please give me flowers and data, is there anyone who wants to read it?

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