No wonder Liu Xu looks at me like a big baby.

It seems that she is attracted by my beauty and heritage.

But it is not wrong to bump into a beauty of this level. But if you lose your foundation, it will not be worth it.

After all, the fox tribe has different ways of cultivation.

One is to practice in a normal way.

The other is to flatter people and take the path of magic cultivation.

However, the inheritance of their fox demon clan comes from the nine-tailed fox.

I believe they have many secret methods and disdain to flatter people and take the path of magic cultivation.

But Ye Chen also studied the art of love.

If they really bump into each other, it is not certain who will take the body.

But since she reminded him.

Ye Chen naturally expressed his gratitude.

"That's why, thanks for reminding me"

"That's good. We who practice Taoism only hope to achieve immortality. It is not easy for you as a human to practice to this point, so I remind you."

Lingjizi replied in a voice transmission.

Ye Chen secretly thought that there are still good people in this world.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to ask about the situation of the two tribes of witches and demons. He has a clearer understanding of the power situation in this area.

It is similar to the memory of the prehistoric novels in his previous life.

The two tribes of witches and demons have been fighting endlessly, and it is getting more and more intense.

Although the witch tribe won the first battle between witches and demons.

But Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun have now established the Heavenly Court and recruited the Ten Great Demon Saints, Emperor Kunpeng and countless other powerful demons.

Now the demon tribe is growing day by day, gradually overshadowing the witch tribe. In addition, Donghuang Taiyi has the innate treasure Chaos Bell, the top-grade spiritual treasure Hetu Luoshu, the Evolution Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array, and the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array to protect the Heavenly Court. Even if the ten great witch ancestors fight The Heavenly Court was also at a loss.

The most critical thing is that the demon clan established the Heavenly Court, which was recognized by the Heavenly Dao and had a prosperous fortune. Some creatures who were still waiting and watching would naturally be tempted.

And the Black Tiger King of the demon clan in this land, the descendant of the Nine-Tailed Fox, is the strongest demon clan.

Ever since the Heavenly Court wanted to establish the Demon Kingdom on earth and control the creatures of the prehistoric land to increase the fortune of the demon clan.

But Ye Chen, who was familiar with the history of the prehistoric land, knew that it was all in vain.

The demon clan established the Heavenly Court and controlled billions of creatures of the demon clan. It was obvious that they were against the witch clan.

In order to avenge the beating by the ten great witch ancestors, what would happen even if the Black Tiger King and Liu Mei became the masters of the demon kingdom in the future? They still had to obey the orders of the Heavenly Court. Once a war between witches and demons broke out, the probability of their demise was very high.

"" Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, by helping the fox demon this time, do you intend to join the demon kingdom?" Lingjizi asked.

It seemed that Lingjizi also thought that he wanted to join the demon court.

Ye Chen explained:"Fellow Daoist, you misunderstood. I just helped out. I have no intention of joining the demon clan.""

"Daoist friend is smart. Daoist friend Liu Mei invited me several times, but I also refused. I always feel that there will be a war between the witches and demons in the prehistoric world. It is better not to be involved in the cause and effect."

Lingjizi praised.

In fact, there are many creatures who do not join the demon court, but they cannot resist the temptation of the power of the heaven and the future fortune.

After all, it represents countless resources.

There are billions of creatures in the prehistoric world, and there are many who want to go out and try their best for their future.

It's a pity that they all think so, but they don't know that they think they are the protagonists, but they are just cannon fodder.

After all, even Donghuang Taiyi and Zuwu fell in the catastrophe.

Ye Chen saw that he was a good person, so he reminded him:"If it is not necessary, don't get too close to the demons in the future."

Lingjizi paused and nodded silently when he heard this.

Anyway, that's what he said. After all, no one can escape under the catastrophe.

Whether you can survive or not depends on your ability, but you don't get close to the demons. It's just to avoid the risk of falling to the greatest extent. The prehistoric world is inherently dangerous. It's difficult for anyone to guarantee that there will be no catastrophe in cultivation.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, could it be that Fellow Daoist Lingjizi said something bad to you about me?"

Just when the two were chatting happily, Liu Xu's voice came.

Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself, did this woman hear it?

But that's impossible, it's impossible to eavesdrop on the communication of spiritual consciousness of the Golden Immortal stage.

Unless he is a Daluo Golden Immortal, it is possible.

Ye Chen hurriedly explained:"Fellow Daoist Liuxu, why do you say that? Lingjizi and I hit it off right away and talked about some insights on cultivation."

"Bah, every good thing about you men, you looked at my butt six times, Liu Yan five times, Mei Er nine times, I counted them all for you."


Ye Chen himself didn't know.

I actually remembered it so clearly.

This is very embarrassing.

But these three beauties were twisting and turning in front.

Their fat buttocks were upturned, and their long skirts were open to the thighs. Any man would want to see that peach buttocks.

"This... who wouldn't be tempted by these three stunning beauties??"

"Oh, you are so honest. No wonder Mei'er said that you like beauties and even wanted to send my fox clan descendant to you as a concubine. You are really a great wolf shooter."

"Daoist friend Liu is joking. A gentleman loves a beautiful lady. Apart from practicing, what I love most in my life is beautiful women, especially a beauty like Daoist friend Liu. I want to marry her."

"Oh, you wish, I'm afraid of you……"

Liu Xu was embarrassed and stopped suddenly.

They walked very fast all the way.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him became clear.

Seeing that Liu Xu did not turn back, Ye Chen looked up.

He saw a cave layer with a length and width of one hundred miles. Because of the invasion of time, countless stalagmites stood in the cave.

In the center of the cave, there were brilliant stars, isolated from the rock layer.

Wisps of extremely powerful law power surged, and the brilliant stars seemed beautiful, but they bred endless murderous intent.

It seemed that time was flowing in the stars, and a simple stone door could be vaguely seen emerging.

"We are here!" Liu Mei pointed at the Milky Way, and then said to Ye Chen:"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, outside this cave is the Four Symbols Star Array set up by our ancestors. To be honest with you two Daoists, since we found this place, we have been trying to break the array for thousands of years, but we have always failed. If it weren't for the weak transfer of the stars in the sky, we couldn't even achieve the first level of manifestation by using the array to cover the star power."

Ye Chen nodded, his face solemn. After all, he was a powerful Daluo Jinxian. The eternal and immortal supreme power, even if he died, can travel through the long river of time.

It's just that due to the increasingly perfect evolution of the laws of heaven, it is not so easy to cross the long river of time.

"Since you have studied this formation for thousands of years, you must have found a way to break it. Why not speak frankly?"Ye Chen observed this formation and found it mysterious and extraordinary. Even though he had some knowledge of formations, he was still shocked by its power.

"Fellow Daoist Liu Mei, I think even if this formation conceals some of its power, it is still extremely powerful, and we can really break it." Lingjizi said with a guilty conscience.

In his opinion, he felt a catastrophic disaster before he even entered the formation, which made him back down. Even if the fox demon agreed to offer it the essence of willow wood spirit saliva, this thing was good, but it was far less important than his own safety.

Seeing Lingjizi like this, Liu Xu looked at him contemptuously and said,"Fellow Daoist Lingji, don't be afraid. We have studied for thousands of years and have figured out a way to break the formation. Later, Liu Yan will control the formation to break the formation, and the others will extract the things in the eye of the Four Symbols Star Array, and then they will be able to enter the cave."

"Haha… that’s good, that’s good." Lingjizi smiled awkwardly, then raised his head to observe the galaxy.

Liu Mei said at this time:"It is indeed as my sister said, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, Fellow Daoist Lingjizi, but this matter still has certain risks.

Even if the eye of the formation has gone through endless years, it can still draw the power of the stars to maintain it.

This time, the stars are rotating, and it is the time when the power of this formation is the smallest.

Once the formation is broken, the things in the eye of the formation must be extracted as quickly as possible, otherwise you will be trapped in the formation.


Ye Chen is watching with the eyes of breaking delusion at this moment.���This formation, combined with his own background.

It is indeed as Liu Mei said, there is nothing wrong.

But the only key is to extract the center of the formation.

Fortunately, he has the Dinghai Divine Pearl and the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Even if it doesn't work, it is still no problem to withdraw.

So he said:"Since I promised my Taoist friend, I must try my best."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist!" Liu Mei was unsure, after all, his ancestors might not have left any treasures. If he spent so much effort and got nothing in return, it would be a big loss. However, if the bet was successful, their clan would surely rise.

So he looked at Lingjizi. Lingjizi met Liu Mei's gaze and immediately clasped his fists and said,"Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I will try my best. If it fails, don't blame me."

"What are you talking about? It is natural for you to be cautious. Whether this is successful or not, I will give you what I promised you."Liu Mei said sincerely.


Why does this sound familiar?

I don't know what treasure Liu Mei promised to give.

But I think it won't be bad.

"Okay, this time, fellow Daoist Lingjizi will go to the center of the Eastern Azure Dragon Star Array, I will go to the center of the Vermillion Bird Array, fellow Daoist Xuanyuan will go to the center of the Black Tortoise Array, and sister Liuxu will go to the center of the White Tiger Array. Once the other centers are broken, the array will lose its power."

After allocating the keys to each other, except for Liu Yan who was controlling the array outside, the other four were concentrating on preparation.

Liu Yan took out four array flags and cast a spell to connect the array plate arranged outside to block the power of the stars.

In an instant, a film of light rose, and a continuous ban enveloped the outer periphery of the galaxy. In an instant, the galaxy in the Four Symbols Star Array dimmed.

Accompanied by the deafening roar of four beasts, the phantoms of the four sacred beasts appeared in four directions in the galaxy.

"Hurry up, I can only hold on for a quarter of an hour. If you can't extract the origin of the array eye, you will all be trapped in the array!"Liu Yan shouted, and the golden fairy's magic power was instantly drained. He kept swallowing elixirs, and the mature and beautiful woman's pretty face turned pale.

As soon as the voice fell, the four of them came out in an instant!

Entering the array instantly, Ye Chen also knew that time was precious.

In an instant, he rushed to the location of the Xuanwu array eye.

However, as soon as he entered the array, he felt his body sink.

In an instant, his body seemed to be reinforced with billions of weights, and his muscles were rubbed and crackled.

"How can it be so heavy!"

Ye Chen's body was so strong that it was comparable to an innate spiritual treasure.

But the moment he entered the formation, he was a little breathless.

He saw dense and heavy water drops pressing down, as if each drop of water contained a weight of ten thousand pounds.

Even moving one step was extremely difficult.

"No wonder they asked me to come to the center of the Xuanwu formation. They saw my strong body. Could it be that Lingjizi is a spiritual wood that has achieved enlightenment? Well, I'd better break the center of the formation first to avoid any mistakes."

Although the pressure in the formation was shocking, Ye Chen felt that it was acceptable after adapting to it.

He gritted his teeth and rushed to the center of the formation. It was easy to pass through the heavy water curtain.

But when Ye Chen rushed to the center of the formation,


A black turtle emerged. This beast was strange, with forbidden runes connected on its shell.

When it saw Ye Chen coming, it roared, shook its head and tail, and rushed towards Ye Chen. In this heavy water curtain, it was as if walking on flat ground.

"Array spirit!"

Ye Chen's face changed. He didn't know what kind of magical power this nine-tailed fox had. The array he arranged actually gave birth to an array spirit!

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