To break the formation, the formation spirit must be eliminated.

This Four-Elephant Star Formation has gone through countless years to devour the power of the stars.

It is possible that a spiritual creature will be born.

But it will take more effort.

In an instant, the black tortoise rushed over, opened its mouth and spit out a blue beam of light.

"So what if you have a spirit? You can't get the Tao body after all. It's just a wisp of spiritual consciousness. Kill it for me!"

Ye Chen, who had experienced the terrible heavenly tribulation, had already transformed.

No matter his character or magic power, they are no longer the same.

In addition, the outer formation suppressed the power of this formation.

He raised his hand and punched out with incomparable destructive power. It touched the ice-blue light column, and the water curtain surged in an instant.

The entire Xuanwu formation eye law was shattered, and the fist force annihilated the ice-blue water column, and even hit the black turtle, scaring the spirit turtle to shrink and avoid.

Crackling, the tortoise shell runes surged, hitting its tortoise shell to remove the force of a punch.

And the next second, the black tortoise shell spun around. Suddenly, it hit Ye Chen

"Interesting, a coward."

It can block Ye Chen's punch and not be destroyed, and it can also launch an attack against the trend.

If the formation is fully activated and the four elephants are killed, even Ye Chen dare not guarantee that he will escape unscathed.

In order to avoid accidents, Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth and opened his five fingers.

"Let me give you a taste of the thunder tribulation."

Crackling, Ye Chen's five fingers flashed blood-red lightning in an instant.

It was the origin of the thunder of the Five Mysterious Immortals.

He usually comprehended it, and now he has a deeper understanding of the thunder law.

The defense of this array spirit is too strong, and it is shrinking in the tortoise shell.

The speed is fast, and it may not be taken down for a while.

But all things are interdependent, hiding in this tortoise shell is not necessarily safe.

Thunder and fire can overcome it.

In a flash, the power of thunder and annihilation hit the tortoise shell, instantly wrapping it up, and the power of the origin of thunder turned the tortoise shell black. A shrill roar came from the tortoise shell, and the speed of movement was greatly reduced. It was probably because of the electric numbness. Coupled with the terrifying high temperature, the tortoise shell actually showed signs of cracking.

In an instant, the tortoise shell showed extremely pure law fluctuations.

"What a pure law of water!"

Ye Chen showed a look of surprise. It was the first time he had seen such a spiritual object.

If he could subdue it and put it into the Dinghai Divine Pearl to stabilize Shouyang Cave Heaven, it would be a rare guardian spirit.

"Sure enough, it's not enough to work in isolation. We still have to look for opportunities more often."

Seeing the prey, Ye Chen was excited and immediately controlled the origin of thunder to trap the array spirit.

The other party struggled hard, but this was the ultimate thunder origin of the heavenly way.

For this kind of spiritual creature, it is the most feared thing. The birth of spiritual creatures also needs to be baptized by heavenly thunder.

They were born in the big array by chance and did not go through the heavenly tribulation. Therefore, when they encountered this kind of thunder power, they were extremely afraid.

Without any effort, Ye Chen subdued the array spirit and cast a magic power to restrain it.

Holding the black tortoise array spirit, he searched for the array eye in the array.

This array spirit is only magic power, and the body has not been found yet.

If you want to completely crack the black tortoise array eye, you have to destroy the array eye hub.

"Where did it go?" The scene in the sight kept changing.

It was full of endless water curtain phantoms and mysterious formations.

Coupled with the pressure of gravity, he relied on the Eye of Delusion to search.

But he found nothing, so Ye Chen restrained the black turtle:"Considering that it was not easy for you to be born with intelligence, quickly guide the location of the main body. I will spare your life and give you a chance."

"hold head high……"The black turtle seemed to understand and chirped. It pointed to the location of its body in fear.

After the black turtle pointed the direction, Ye Chen finally showed a satisfied smile.

Sure enough, all living things are afraid of death.

So he followed the strange movements guided by the black turtle and avoided the array restrictions.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he came to a vacuum water curtain.

A strange jelly-like black black turtle was placed at the hub of the array.

It emitted a black light curtain as if swallowing all colors.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately blocked the array with a big hand and took out the black basalt spiritual material.

Suddenly, the basalt array eye lost its source supply, and the water curtain of the array faded away, and he felt much more relaxed.

"It turned out to be a spiritual material that condenses the law of water, innate heavy water!"

Knowing the power of this thing, Ye Chen was overjoyed!

This treasure is a real good treasure.

It is of great benefit to comprehending the law of water. One drop contains a lot of water essence.

If it is used to refine a magic weapon, it is definitely comparable to an innate middle-grade spiritual magic weapon. One drop of water contains a huge gravity!

And such a large ball, I dare not imagine the effect of exerting its power.

"It seems that we will not come back empty-handed this time."Ye Chen smiled confidently, and now he felt that breaking the formation was not that difficult.

He put the treasure into Shouyang Cave Heaven, and imprisoned the formation spirit.

Ye Chen wanted to deduce the heavens after breaking the formation and taking the treasure, and put the heavy water and the formation spirit into it to stabilize the spatial laws of the heavens.

After finishing it, he found that the formation was still running, and it seemed that others had not broken the eye of the formation.

So Ye Chen flashed out of the formation.

Liu Yan, who was presiding over the formation outside, saw Ye Chen coming out.

Her pretty face immediately showed surprise.

""Fellow Daoist, have you already broken through the array?"

Liu Yan was very shocked.

Ye Chen came out too quickly.

It took less than half a minute.

"I just spent some time, how come the others haven't broken the formation yet?"

Liu Yan looked incredulous. She had heard from Liu Mei that this person had great magical power.

But she didn't expect the other party to be so fast, even though she suppressed the power of the formation.

But after all, it was a formation set up by a Golden Immortal, and it was dangerous and unpredictable.

But the other party broke the formation so easily, how terrible was the other party's strength ?

"Daoist friend is indeed very powerful. Others have not yet broken the formation, but once the Xuanwu formation eye is broken, the power of this formation will be weakened a bit."

Ye Chen still underestimated his own strength. With his current strength of the late Golden Immortal.

With some restrained formation spirit methods, others can't compare at all.

After all, they all thought that he was in the early Golden Immortal period, so Ye Chen would not take the initiative to mention this.

However, the Xuanwu formation spirit has gained something, and Ye Chen is wondering if other formation eyes have the same treasures.

He thought about whether he should help, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

Even if he helped, it would not be good to take away other people's opportunities.

"I just happened to have the means to restrain myself, so I took it down easily."

Liu Yan couldn't help but feel surprised when she heard this. With Ye Chen's good start, she was more confident in opening the ancestral cave.

Even though Ye Chen said so, they had studied this formation for thousands of years, and only they knew its terrifying aspects.

"Daoist, you are too modest. This time, Liu Mei's search for Daoist is the most important decision she has made."

As soon as Liu Yan finished speaking, she saw the White Tiger Array stirring up waves.

This movement attracted the attention of Ye Chen and Liu Yan.

Even if the Xuanwu Array Eye was broken, the power of this array was still strong.

At this moment, the array was constantly surging and fluctuating, and it can be seen that the other three people were under tremendous pressure at the moment.

"The White Tiger Formation's Eye is a killing method, and I don't know if Liu Xu can withstand it."

Ye Chen looked at the direction of the White Tiger Formation's Eye. Compared with Liu Mei and Ling Jizi, he felt that Liu Xu was more dangerous.

This woman was only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and he didn't know what kind of danger she encountered.

He said he was not worried about the woman's life or death, but time passed.

They haven't come out yet, don't let this failure happen.

"Daoist Liu Yan, I will go and help Daoist Liu Xu. The White Tiger Master is in a difficult situation."

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