"It would be great if you are willing to help me. I am almost at my limit in maintaining the formation."

Liu Yan controlled the formation flag, sweating profusely, her skin was moist, but her face was pale and she was not in good condition.

Ye Chen nodded, and immediately his figure flashed into the eye of the white tiger formation.

As soon as he entered, the void was filled with blood mist of killing.

This breath was bewitching, making people indulge in killing.

Ye Chen's consciousness was shaken, and he stabilized his mind.

He saw that the catkins not far away were like crazy, driving a series of colorful jade belt magic weapons to attack a white tiger Dharma image.

Obviously, not every formation eye can give birth to a formation spirit. The white tiger Dharma image was evolved from the formation prohibition, but the formation eye that mainly kills is not that simple. The endless killing law not only fascinates the mind, but also makes people who enter the formation become killing machines, unknowingly falling into the devil's way, and finally dying.

"This woman has been tricked. If I don't wake her up, I'm afraid it will be a mistake."

Seeing Liu Xu fighting the White Tiger Dharma Image desperately, Ye Chen flew away and punched the White Tiger phantom. The destructive fist force instantly defeated the White Tiger phantom. At the moment of defeat, the White Tiger phantom actually condensed. If the real body is not found, the White Tiger phantom will be born infinitely.

"It's you. I knew you had bad intentions!"Liu Xu's eyes were bloodshot, and she looked at Ye Chen angrily.

She waved the colorful jade belt towards Ye Chen, and suddenly the sky was full of magical power fluctuations, and a strange pink air wave came.

"Daoist Liu Xu, why don't you wake up?"Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this woman was so deeply penetrated by the killing power that she even had hallucinations and lost her mind. He raised his hand to disperse the pink air waves and shouted fiercely.

Ye Chen's voice was like a huge bell, shaking the entire formation.

However, Liu Xu heard the words, as if it was the murmur of a vicious villain.

Instead, the murderous intent became deeper:"Thief, how dare you do this."

She tapped her jade foot, brushed her jade belt at Ye Chen, and personally sacrificed a golden jade long sword.

"It seems that we have to use some force."Seeing that he couldn't wake up Liu Xu, and the opponent attacked more fiercely, Ye Chen didn't waste any words.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, gathered all his strength, and grabbed the flying colorful jade belt.

He grabbed the flying sword that was flying to kill him with one hand, and with lightning speed, he knocked out Liu Xu, whose mind was filled with killing.

The early stage of the Golden Immortal was not a match at all. What

's more, she had lost her mind.

The beauty collapsed, and Ye Chen hugged her soft and boneless body in an instant, touching her perky body.

However, the danger did not come into contact, so Ye Chen had to carry her on his shoulders. Once the pair of long legs were too slippery, he had to cover her perky body and fix it.

Before he could feel the fragrance of the beauty's body, the phantom of the white tiger condensed and attacked again

"If it is a complete formation, there is really no way to deal with a little cat like you, but the mere law of killing is child's play in front of absolute power."

A punch was thrown!

Wrapped with a terrifying destructive fist.

The white tiger phantom disappeared in a desperate roar, and this time it took longer to condense the Dharma image.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to open the Eye of Delusion, with the way to unlock the Xuanwu formation spirit, combined with Ye Chen's own knowledge of formations.

He quickly found the key point of the formation, and immediately moved according to the Xuanmiao trajectory.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly became clear and he came to the position of the formation.

I saw a Gengjin gold sword appearing in the formation plate in front of me, with runes surging on it. It was actually an innate lower-grade spirit sword, the color of Gengjin.

There were mysterious formation plates placed around, and this sword was indeed a suppressive object. No wonder the killing aura was so strong. Ye Chen was about to break the formation.

He saw this innate spiritual treasure trembling and shooting towards Ye Chen

"Humph, a mere innate lower-grade spiritual treasure, I used to be afraid of it, not to mention a hint of killing intent."

Ye Chen's body is already comparable to the level of an innate spiritual treasure. Facing this sudden attack of the spiritual sword, he directly trapped it with his bare hands.

No matter how it flew away, it was helpless. However, the next second, a rolling killing aura swept through the void, trying to confuse Ye Chen's mind.

For a moment, countless killing phantoms appeared in front of him, with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and countless ancient gods died tragically.

"It turned out to be the sword of the original owner. It was not enough to stain my mind."

Crack, the immortal orifice gave out the origin of thunder, and the bloody killing aura disappeared. The Gengjin long sword completely lost its support and stopped moving. Ye Chen grabbed the Gengjin long sword and chopped the array plate into pieces. Suddenly, the surrounding killing aura gradually dissipated, and the eye of the White Tiger Array was broken.


Just as the eye of the White Tiger Array was broken, the surrounding Four Symbols Array retreated.

A pure wood spirit and fire spirit dissipated.

"It seems that they have done it."

Ye Chen's spiritual sense sensed.

As the void changed, an ancient stone door appeared in front of him.

The decoration of this stone door was not ordinary, but also forged from the best black iron.

The steps were made of fairy jade pendants, engraved with mountain flowers, birds, fish and insects.

The style was very elegant and grand.

The door was closed, and I didn't know what was going on inside.

This door had a ban to block the spiritual sense

"Sister Liu Xu!" Liu Mei, Liu Yan, and Ling Jizi came together.

Liu Mei and Liu Yan came to his side with nervous expressions.

They said in unison:"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, what happened to my sister?"

Seeing the two women's sincere feelings, Ye Chen explained:"She lost her mind due to the law of killing, and I knocked her out."

Knocked out?

But the situation is clear now.

Ye Chen had the spare energy to break the eye of the Xuanwu formation first.

Then he broke the eye of the White Tiger formation, otherwise, with their speed of breaking the formation, they might not succeed.

Liu Mei and her two sisters are like family members, and their feelings are extraordinary.

Ye Chen saved Liu Xu and said it was a great favor to them.

Liu Mei:"Thanks to fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, you broke the eye of the Xuanwu formation first and weakened the operation of the town."

"As it should be, we are in the same boat this time, Daoist Liu Mei, you don't need to be polite."Ye Chen carried Liu Xu and grabbed her hips and said generously.

Seeing this scene, the picture of her sister being carried by someone, Liu Yan looked strange and embarrassed and said:"Daoyou, can you put my sister down first and we wake her up?"

""Ahem, okay." Ye Chen was stunned, thinking that this was indecent.

So he put down his peach-buttocks big hand and handed it to Liu Yan.

The two sisters were worried about Liu Yan, so they took out the elixir for Liu Xu to take.

But a moment later, Liu Xu woke up faintly.

In fact, Liu Yan had woken up a long time ago. Once the killing rule was broken, she regained consciousness.

It was just too embarrassing so she pretended to faint.

This time the four of them acted together, and she was the only one who made a mistake. On the one hand, her face was red, and the most important thing was that she was saved by Ye Chen. She was also carried on Ye Chen's shoulders. If you want to save people, you can save people, but can't you change your posture?

This series of events made her feel ashamed.

Fortunately, her acting skills are online. After waking up slowly, she covered her pretty face with her jade hands:"Ah... where am I?"

Sisters Liu Yan and Liu Mei looked at Liu Xu's expression.

They looked at each other and their faces froze.

They were sisters who lived together, so they knew that their sister was pretending to faint.

But it was not easy to point it out, so they asked with concern and told her everything.

After learning the whole story, Liu Xu looked at Ye Chen tenderly:"Thank you for saving me, Taoist friend. I have nothing to repay you for." Liu Xu looked grateful, contrary to her usual pitiful look.

Ye Chen smiled and said,"It's okay, it's just a little help."

It's just a little help, Liu Xu secretly spit in her heart when she heard it.

Did you feel comfortable where you touched just now!

You lecherous playboy, you are really a big shooter!


Liu Mei saw that Liu Xu was fine, but her mana was too much.

Fortunately, her foundation was not damaged, so she let her recover her mana first.

So Liu Xu swallowed the elixir to recover her mana, and the others took a break.

As for the things obtained in the formation, Liu Mei did not mention it.

After everyone recovered, they looked at the stone door of the cave. They had spent so much effort to find the cave, and they were about to get it.

Everyone was looking forward to it.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, you have made great contributions in breaking the formation this time. If there are any treasures, you can choose one first."Liu Mei spoke up at this time and took the initiative to bring it up.

Everyone heard this and had no objection. Ye Chen's strength was unfathomable.

Invisibly, everyone looked up to him. Liu Mei did this naturally to please Ye Chen.

He was able to break the Xuanwu first and help Liu Xu break the White Tiger Formation Eye, which showed that his strength was far beyond anyone present.

Ye Chen was not polite either. Since others said so, he would not be hypocritical.

After getting the Xuanwu Formation Spirit, the Heavy Water Origin, and the Gengjin Spirit Sword, he felt that this Nine-Tailed Cave Mansion did have good things.

"Thank you very much. Now that the formation is broken, let's go in and take a look."

Liu Mei was also very excited. The opportunity she had been thinking about day and night was right in front of her.

Even she couldn't help but feel her heart beating faster.

So she nodded, stepped forward and gently pushed open the stone door.

Once the stone door was opened, there was a different world.

The whole cave was like a huge palace.

The materials were luxurious, the style was gorgeous, and the floor was made of spiritual jade.

In the center of the hall, there was a three-meter-high tripod furnace.

It was antique and fragrant, just like a treasure. After countless years, it still couldn't conceal the charm of Taoism.

""Void Demon Cauldron!" Liu Mei called out the name of this treasure with just one glance.

The two sisters who were traveling with her had their pupils trembling, unable to conceal their excitement!

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