Ye Chen's brows trembled. This treasure is indeed a good treasure, but it is not an innate spiritual treasure.

I don't know why the three fox sisters are so excited. It seems that they have concealed many things.

But this is the cave of their ancestors after all, and it is estimated that there are some inheritances in it.

This treasure looks like an alchemy treasure, and it may have some magical uses.

Liu Mei walked into the hall excitedly, and her pretty face flushed in front of the furnace. She was about to take it, but she thought about what she promised Ye Chen.

So she turned to look at Ye Chen and said,"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, this tripod is of great use to my fox clan. It may not be useful to others. I want to take this treasure, please don't blame me?"

Ye Chen observed it with his eyes of breaking delusion and found that there were strange Taoist patterns on it, which seemed to be related to the fox clan. It seems that

Liu Mei did not lie to her. It should be a treasure exclusively for the fox clan.

So he said generously:"It is a treasure of the fox clan, Daoist friend, just take it."

Liu Mei, Liu Yan, and Liu Xu all breathed a sigh of relief.

This treasure is very important to the fox clan. If Ye Chen insists on snatching it.

It is indeed a big trouble. Liu Yan thanked him and took the tripod.

After Liu Mei collected the treasure, everyone continued to explore the main hall. The treasures arranged in the cave were of limited value.

The scraps left by the Golden Immortal were extremely precious materials for the current fox clan. The three sisters of Liu Mei naturally packed up everything they could take.

Ye Chen and Lingjizi didn't care. These materials were dispensable to them.

Soon the main hall was searched, and the side hall was searched, and it was indeed mediocre.

Next, Liu Mei suggested going to the back hall, and the back hall was the main place for cultivation.

There should be good things, so the five of them went to the back hall together.

When everyone arrived at the back hall, they really found treasures.

On the rows of bookshelves made of top-quality peach wood, there were some jade slips, magic tools commonly used by women, a small mirror, a red water chestnut, and a small bell, as well as some jade boxes. Things that could be preserved by the Golden Immortal seemed to be extraordinary. In other places for cultivation, there was a futon made of rattan, which looked ordinary.

However, a giant lotus plant ten feet high was planted on one side of the bed in the cave. The lotus blossomed with a Taoist charm and a leisurely fragrance.

It turned out to be a pillar of innate lotus spirit.

A living innate spirit, this made everyone's eyes light up, especially Lingjizi, when he saw the lotus.

His expression was dull:"How is it possible, it turned out to be the Nine-Leaf Pure Heart Lotus. It is rumored that a lotus seed made of this thing can allow a person to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, and the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top and the Five Qis Returning to the Origin can be achieved in one move. It is an unparalleled treasure!"

Everyone's minds were all attracted, and Lingjizi was even more excited.

He walked straight forward. He was originally a wood-type monster who had achieved the Tao. He was extremely sensitive to such wood-type spirits.

""I am an old man who has achieved great success!"

Lingjizi ignored everyone and walked directly to the lotus with a greedy look on his face. This scene made Liumei and the other two frown. After breaking the formation this time, the treasures should be distributed by them.

Lingjizi's move was a bit presumptuous, and they would naturally not let anyone get their hands on such a precious treasure as the Qingxin Lotus easily.

Liumei immediately said,"Daoyou Lingjizi, wait a minute!"

With the precious treasure in front of him, Lingjizi, who has always been steady, did not hesitate to obey.

However, Ye Chen saw this scene and immediately became alert.

Such an innate spiritual object, after such a long time, can no longer transform into a monster.

And why is the fragrance and rhyme so strange, which makes Ye Chen very sick.

Everything seems unreasonable.

So he shouted,"Daoyou Lingjizi, this lotus is weird, don't touch it!"

But Lingjizi seemed to be possessed.

He immediately reached out to pick the lotus, and the moment he reached out his hand, the lotus suddenly bloomed with a strange light, and then suddenly swelled to a size of three feet.

In an instant, the petals gathered together and swallowed Lingjizi. Lingjizi woke up at this time and looked shocked.

But it was too late. Half of Lingjizi's body was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Soon he let out a scream and fell silent in an instant.

And this was a powerful Golden Immortal, and he didn't even have time to react.

"Hmm... the wood spirit Zhilan has the taste, it's not bad."

After swallowing Lingjizi, the enchanting lotus twisted, but made a strange sound, as if it was still unsatisfied.

"How can it be!"

"What a monster!"

""Retreat quickly!"

Liu Mei, Liu Yan, and Liu Xu instinctively retreated, shouting. They immediately distanced themselves from the lotus.

Ye Chen also distanced himself, looking at the strange lotus with caution.

It happened so suddenly that even he did not realize the true nature of this thing.

"Hehehe… After waiting for so many years, someone finally broke the Four Symbols Star Array. I thought I would stay here forever."

I saw a cloud of green smoke rising from the lotus, flowing in the air as black as ink.

It soon condensed into a human figure, ferocious and terrifying, with a pair of blood-red pupils.

Lingjizi's body was in his hands, and under the unbelievable eyes of the four people, the evil mist merged into Lingjizi's body, and then Lingjizi stood in the air as if he had been resurrected.

But his blood-red pupils made people know that this was not the original Lingjizi.

"It's a soul!"

After seeing the soul with his delusion-breaking eyes, Ye Chen discovered that it was actually a physical soul. Judging from its aura, it was a powerful soul. It was at least a Taiyi Jinxian-level force. No wonder Lingjizi was killed in one move. This was a leap across a great realm!

"Boy, I wanted to earn your flesh god, but you can actually drive the origin of thunder, so I have to find the old man first." Jiuqu Sanren's eyes wandered around Ye Chen, looking superior.

Ye Chen's hair stood on end, the other party had been paying attention to them from beginning to end.

This meant that the other party had been in this formation, but was trapped here and unable to leave.

Now that he has taken away Lingjizi's Taoist body, he is not trying to escape, which obviously has bad intentions.

In his opinion, the other party is a Taiyi Jinxian period existence, and also a strange soul body. His strength is far superior to theirs, and he is sure to defeat them.

Ye Chen:"Are you not going to let us go, sir?"

"Haha...boy, you are quite smart." Lingjizi raised his head and laughed, then fixed his eyes on Liu Mei, revealing a strange smile:"Tsk tsk, this must be the descendant of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, with such mixed bloodline, it seems that the Fox Clan has also declined."

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