When Liu Mei heard this, her pretty face turned cold.

She was frightened in her heart, but she bravely asked,"Who are you and why are you in my ancestor's cave?""

"Me?" The Taoist priest Lingjizi's face suddenly became ferocious, and he talked to himself,"I, Jiuqu Sanren, was originally a Jiuqu Ganoderma lucidum that had achieved enlightenment.

In order to refine the Nine-Turn Foundation Pill, that enemy woman captured me and brought me here to refine the pill with my body and soul.

I didn't expect that heaven would not let me go.

At the critical moment of refining, the catastrophe came.

That stinky woman never came back, and instead allowed me to refine a ghost body.

It's a pity that this stinky woman's soul consciousness remains in the Four Symbols Star Array.

The Daluo Jinxian is immortal, and even if she never comes back in the endless years, her existence can still be felt.

However, since you juniors came and destroyed the foundation of the array, the rules of heaven have poured in, and the consciousness of this stinky woman has never come back.

But unexpectedly, the array spirit born from this array has surrounded me on its own.

Fortunately, this kid broke the array and I am free...



"What? You were detained by the ancestor to make pills!"Liu Mei was shocked.���The spiritual objects that the ancestor has set his sights on are obviously not ordinary objects, and all these planes are too bizarre. It is amazing that this soul body can survive for so long and still maintain the Taiyi realm. They are afraid that they will be in danger of falling today.

Lingjizi showed a greedy look, and the bright red tongue at the corner of his mouth slid across the edge of his lips:"Don't worry, I will stay with you three women and slowly devour the essence. I will use all the means that your ancestor used to torture me on you. I will have enough fun and then kill you. I haven't enjoyed the taste of women for too long."

Ye Chen connected the Dinghai Divine Pearl and the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and said to the old ghost:"Your Excellency is so scheming that you didn't act immediately and devour Lingjizi, who is also a Ganoderma lucidum body. It's really admirable!"

Lingjizi seemed to see that Ye Chen was preparing a magic weapon, and sneered disdainfully:"Boy, don't waste your time, but I, the ancestor, have to thank you for escaping from trouble. Let me tell you, this old Taoist was naturally confused by my soul technique, and was greedy for the Qingxin Lotus. He is also a wood-type spiritual body, so he is naturally the best hand, but it's your turn next."

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, this person is a spirit after all, and at most he cultivates with the power of the stars, so he may not be as strong as he was in his prime. If we attack together, we may have a chance to kill him."Liu Mei said to Ye Chen at the side.

"That's right, let's do it together!"

Liu Yan and Liu Xu both spoke up, squeezed out their magic weapons and prepared to do it.

However, all this was seen by Jiuqu Sanren, and in return he was scorned.

""I am just a Golden Immortal cultivator, an ant. Although I don't have the magic power of the full victory period, I specialize in the Yinhun Dao body, and you can't resist me." Jiuqu Sanren looked at Liu Xu greedily:"Hey, the Caibu Jile Huanxi Gong you practiced is really a top-grade furnace. After I kill this person, I will taste it."

After saying this, Jiuqu Sanren took out a handful of dust with one hand.

"Tsk, the acquired top-grade spiritual treasure forged with the root system of the body can be compared with the innate lower-grade spiritual treasure."

After saying that, he suddenly swept towards Ye Chen.

"How come Yang's magic weapon is so powerful? Die for me!"

Instantly, the dust flew away, and thousands of golden threads shot out.

It turned out to be a treasure that trapped the enemy and killed him.

"Not good, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, at this time, Lingjizi's famous magic weapon, Golden Silk Dust, is entangled and can lock up people's souls and suppress the power of the body!"Liu Mei hurriedly reminded

""Fellow Daoist Liu Mei, you guys stay aside, I'll take out something more powerful than him." Ye Chen did not retreat but advanced, leaving a word.

Liu Mei, Liu Yan, and Liu Xu lost their minds instantly.

What are you taking out? How powerful is it? Hey!?

But the next second they decided that Ye Chen was really not joking.

Ye Chen sacrificed twelve blue beads.

In an instant, a huge innate force surged.

The sky was covered with stars, and the stars flowed as if they were in the stars.

Countless innate runes flowed, filled with terrifying law power.

There were mountains and rivers flowing on the Dinghai Shenzhu, and the great power was suffocating.

""A congenital top-grade spiritual treasure!!!"

The three sisters Liu Mei opened their mouths so wide that they could fit an egg in.

Their eyes were full of disbelief. That was a congenital top-grade spiritual treasure!

This was a magic weapon that even the disciples of the saints might not have.

Even the powerful Taiyi Jinxian in the prehistoric world might not have a congenital spiritual treasure.

Ye Chen actually used twelve of them at once. With so many congenital spiritual treasures, they might be comparable to the best congenital spiritual treasures!

"Twelve innate top-grade spiritual treasures, how is this possible!"

Jiuqu Sanren was horrified. His mind encountered a terrible shock.

The terrifying power of the law, locking the runes evolved from the void, the law of space, and the law of water, made his soul tremble.

What is the origin of this kid? I thought he was just strong in the flesh, but it turned out that the magic weapon was more powerful than him!


The golden dust had no resistance in front of the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and large pieces of golden silk were instantly shattered.

Frightened, Jiuqu Sanren immediately retracted the magic weapon, but the next second Jiuqu Sanren showed jealousy and greed.

"Haha, good, good, good, God has been kind to me. On the day I escaped, someone presented me with a top-grade spiritual treasure. I can't stop talking about it. It's such a great joy."

With a clatter, Jiuqu Sanren waved his hand, and the bell, red lotus, and mirror on the bookcase fell into his hands.

In an instant, the light shone brightly. With the three magic treasures in his hand, Jiuqu Sanren immediately showed a confident smile.

He had been trapped here for so long, how could he be idle? All the magic treasures here were refined by him.

"Fortunately, I was not in a hurry to get the treasure, otherwise I would have been attacked and seriously injured if not dead!"

After seeing this scene, Ye Chen thought to himself that he almost got tricked.

Without any defense, these three magic weapons would attack, and life and death would be unpredictable.

"Judging from the aura of the magic weapon, it is a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure. I wonder what kind of power it has!"

It's not because of the power of the acquired top-grade that it can be underestimated. The power of the acquired top-grade spiritual treasures refined by some powerful people is equally terrifying. The most important thing is that this person is a strong man comparable to Taiyi Jinxian, and the power of the other party is unpredictable.

After Jiuqu Sanren sacrificed the magic weapon, he was not panicked. Instead, he said more coldly:"Boy, your physical body is so powerful. When I kill you, I will take this physical body and the magic weapon ancestor."

"Old ghost, that depends on whether you have the ability. If you were in your prime, I might be afraid of you, but you are just a remnant soul, so I'd better accept death."

"Stubborn boy, it seems you still don't understand the saying"under Taiyi, you are like ants.

" Jiuqu Sanren snorted coldly, and then drove the four magic weapons.

Suddenly, a thick fog as dark as ink swept over, and a series of strange laws of death spread out, cold, fearful, and brutal, dispersing the power of Dinghai Shenzhu.

Only the laws were left in the void of the back hall.

The terrifying power swept over, and the hall lost the protection of the formation.

For a time, the ground shook and the mountains were in danger of overturning.

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