The fox tribe is efficient.

The wedding was held the next day after the decision was made.

The entire fox tribe's blessed land was decorated with lights and colors.

The blessed land was full of joy.

Ye Chen felt a little dreamy. It was not until he put on the groom's red robe that he realized that he was going to marry another wife today.

""Goddess, the auspicious time has come, we can get married."

Another fox called out from outside the house, interrupting Ye Chen's thoughts.

Marrying three beautiful girls at once was something he had never dared to think about in his previous life.

But now he has done it, and others are still rushing to marry.

After tidying up his clothes, Ye Chen stood up:"Okay."

Under the guidance of the matchmaker,

Ye Chen completed some fox rituals and then took the bride. At this time, outside the bride's door, there were indeed many fox girls standing.

They were all whispering, talking to each other, and looking at Ye Chen curiously.

It was the first time to hold a wedding in the fox's blessed land.

"My Lord, it's not that easy to marry my sister Ruyan"

"Yes, my sister Kisaragi is the same!"

"That's right, it's the same for Sister Ruxue."

A group of girls chattered.

Anyway, they didn't want Ye Chen to win easily.

This is just a wedding prank, who would have thought that there is such a thing in the ancient world.

But today is his big day, it doesn't matter if it's a little lively.

A cute girl with two pigtails and a pair of fox ears stood up and said in a muffled voice, holding out her hand:"Hehe... To marry my sister, of course you have to get our consent, you can't do it without benefits!"

Good guy, love needs benefits, the little devil.

It seems that she got too many treasures in the Nine-tailed Cave Mansion. Although Liu Mei didn't say it, she still remembered it in her heart. It seems that she has to bleed a little.

"Haha, what am I waiting for?"

Ye Chen connected to Shouyang Cave Heaven, restrained pieces of fairy jade, and with a wave of his hand, scattered them like raindrops.

For these fox girls who had just shed their demon bodies, these were top-grade fairy jades, treasures for cultivation.

Sure enough, when the fairy jade fell, the group of fox girls screamed in surprise and started to grab it.

As the saying goes, a man who eats someone's food will be soft-mouthed, and a man who takes someone's money will be short-handed.

After watching the fox girls grab the fairy jade.

Ye Chen smiled and said,"How about it, can we go in now?"

These fox girls are so cute, very adorable, each holding a full handful of fairy jade, looking at Ye Chen in disbelief.

Their mouths were wide open, and they exclaimed that it was too arrogant!

These fairy jades, the spiritual power contained in them is a treasure they can't even dream of.

Only the most elite members of the tribe can enjoy the supply of a few pieces.

"This... this, please go in quickly, the sisters can't wait."

Sure enough, these little guys are easy to deal with.

In the auditorium, Liu Mei, Liu Xu, and Liu Yan were so angry that they kept shaking their heads. They were sent away with such little things, but Ye Chen even had the innate top-grade spiritual treasure.

What are these fairy jades?

The fox girls who got the benefits scattered and ran away.

The matchmaker smiled and opened the door, and Ye Chen walked in with a happy face.

When he walked in, he saw three wives who were as beautiful as fairies.

Ruyan was quiet and dignified, Ruxue was enchanting and charming, and Ruyue was young, beautiful and elegant.

Which of the three women was better than the female stars in the previous life, and their figures were like supermodels.

""Greetings, Immortal." The three girls shook their heads and bowed, their faces full of peach blossoms, shy and tender.

In their hearts, they sighed at how charming the fox beauties were.

Today was a great joy, and Ye Chen was also very happy.

Fortunately, it was not the first time he married.

So he smiled and said to the three girls:"Don't hold grudges, follow me as concubines, and I will not treat you badly."

Ye Chen took out the Lihuo Mirror, Kunxian Ling, and Jinsi Fudu, and pushed them into their hands and said:"Since you are married today, you are my own people. These three acquired top-grade spiritual treasures will be given to you, which can be regarded as a little thought from your husband."


Such a valuable treasure, even the master may not have it.

Ye Chen gave away three at once!

This shocked the three newlywed wives.

Holding them in their hands was unbelievable, but now they finally believed what the master said.

Ye Chen's magic power is unparalleled, marrying him is the supreme blessing.

Don't take it lightly, now she completely believes it.

This is too arrogant!

In fact, Ye Chen did this to let Liu Mei and the others know that I took the three magic weapons, but now I give them to my wives. They are also from the fox clan, but they are also my wives. After all, they are all family. What's more, this magic weapon is suitable for them. If I give it back to Yue'er, she can't drive it either. It's better to do a favor and earn a wave of goodwill.

"Thank you, my husband, for the gift of treasure." The three girls all bowed gracefully, their pretty faces unable to conceal their joy.

"Let's go, your master is waiting for you to get married."

The fox tribe has a lot of rituals.

They need to get married, go to the sky, go to the earth, and go to their parents and elders.

This time they have to complete the last ceremony to complete the wedding.

So they took the three girls and the four of them came to the hall together.

They were the witnesses at Liu Mei's seat and completed the wedding ceremony.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for having three beautiful wives."Liu Mei finished the ceremony and congratulated.

There were also voices of congratulations all around. Ye Chen was very proud and returned the gifts one by one.

"I think Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan can’t wait for the wedding night!"

"Ha ha……"

Liu Xu's teasing with a strong smell of vinegar caused all the tribesmen to laugh.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to escape and dragged the three ladies to the bridal chamber! A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, don't miss the good time


The next morning,

Ye Chen got up early.

Looking at his three beautiful wives who were still sleeping, the spring scenery was beautiful.

He was a little dazed for a moment, holding his forehead and shaking his head, thinking to himself:"The late stage of human immortal is still different."

Thinking back to the absurd behavior last night, he calmed down.

The first thing he did was to check the system data.

Sure enough, he saw the wife-marrying gift package.

There were three gift packages!


Marrying a wife is a big happy event.

But the bigger happy event is still to come.

I don’t know what treasures will be opened this time.

"System, open three wife-giving gift packs!"

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