"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a star fruit"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the innate middle-grade spiritual treasure Five Spirit Pearls"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a piece of Fairy Feather Daoyi."

The reward reminder sounded.

Ye Chen hurriedly checked the warehouse prize attributes.

"Star Fruit: The fruit of the Star Fruit Tree, which uses Chaos Soil and billions of Star Power as nutrients. Taking it can enhance the soul, understanding, and the power of the law."

"Innate middle-grade five-spirit bead: the original spirit bead was born when the five elements condensed, containing the origin of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and can emit the power of the five elements of wind, fire, thunder, mountain and water to defend against enemies"

"Fairy Feather Taoist Robe: An acquired spiritual treasure of the highest quality, made from phoenix feathers, capable of breaking through time and space, containing three phoenix true flames, which are automatically activated when attacked."

Not bad, not bad, all good treasures.

It turns out that marrying a wife is the right way.

The opportunity that others risk their lives to seek.

He can get it as long as he marries a wife, which is wonderful.

And this star fruit is also the fruit of the innate spiritual root.

It can enhance the soul, improve understanding, and enhance the power of the law.

It is exactly what he needs at the moment. As for the five elements spirit beads, it contains the origin of the five elements. It is not only an innate spiritual treasure, but also a treasure that can comprehend the five elements law.

The last Taoist robe not only increases his speed and has the ability to break through time and space. It also contains three phoenix true flames, which are the true flames of the phoenix powerhouses of the three tribes of the prehistoric times.

I am afraid that Taiyi Jinxian will fall, which undoubtedly greatly improves Ye Chen's life-saving trump card.

It's so cool


Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, several months had passed.

After leaving the fox tribe,

Ye Chen led his three beautiful wives back to the tribe.

Yue'er, Qingxi, and Qingyun had no objections.

Who made their husbands like wild bulls, and they really couldn't stand the collision.

Instead, they welcomed the arrival of Ruyan, Ruxue, and Ruyue to share the pressure with them.

However, problems followed. The arrival of the three women.

It was not possible to let them practice in the tribe.

And there were no spiritual veins around, and they couldn't let their path stagnate.

So at Ruyan's suggestion, Ye Chen went to Miaomu Mountain, the blessed land of the fallen Lingjizi.

He dug out a medium-grade spiritual vein and transferred it to the Xiaozhu Peak of the tribe. Anyway, if he didn't grab it, it would be taken away by others. It's better to benefit the tribe.

So for several months, Ye Chen has been building and transforming the spiritual vein.

Such a big movement is naturally inevitable to be noticed by the surrounding witch and lich tribes.

But after knowing that it was Ye Chen, the witch and lich tribes did not make trouble.

But the news of Ye Chen marrying the fox tribe's genius spread.

The vast mountains.

Black Tiger Mountain Ancestral Temple

"What? This human race actually married a fox tribe beauty. Damn it, that bitch Liu Mei got there first!"When the Black Tiger King heard the report from his men, he cursed angrily.

""My king, that human cultivator seems to be obsessed with beauty. If so, why don't we select a beauty and offer her to him?" The subordinate suggested.

Upon hearing this, the Black Tiger King was surprised.

Love beauty?!

Everyone knows that the beauties of the fox tribe are extremely beautiful.

The fox tribe even offers their trusted disciples to her.

Where can she find so many beauties? It would be strange if she would be attracted to those mediocre women.

Don't let them reject you later.

"Isn't he just a human cultivator who got an opportunity? My ancestor holds an important position in the Heavenly Court. These fox demons are nothing. They dare to compete with me for the position of the leader of the Demon Kingdom. They don't know how to live or die!"

After thinking about it, the Black Tiger King was too lazy to win over Ye Chen. In his opinion, this human cultivator did not dare to interfere in the affairs of the demon clan. It was just that the fox clan was cunning and relied on beauty to win over forces. However, the result of this matter would not change. The establishment of the Demon Kingdom was decided by the ancestor's words.

"Humph, I'm going to retreat. After all, Liu Mei is in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. You can't underestimate her. Keep an eye on the fox clan's movements."

After leaving a word, the Black Tiger King went to retreat.

The monster clan competes for the master of the monster country, which is simple and domineering.

The weak will be defeated and the strong will be defeated. At that time, all the monster clan masters within a radius of tens of millions of miles will have to watch the ceremony. Only by showing your true strength can you convince the crowd.

However, what the Black Tiger King didn't know was that Liu Mei had inherited the Nine-Tailed Fox and the Void Demon Cauldron.

Now her strength has skyrocketed, and she is no longer a rival to the Black Tiger King.


On the other side, Ye Chen built a cave.

He was not practicing magic.

He just transformed the spiritual veins of the bamboo forest every day.

He was either playing with his wife and children or wandering in the mountains. He observed and experienced every plant and tree.

Listening to the wind, admiring bamboo, and making tea, the three beauties of the fox clan were good at singing and dancing, and they were in his arms and lying on the knees of beauties.

The days were endless and he was free and easy between heaven and earth.

Of course, most of the time he was comprehending the principles of the Tao.

He relaxed like this because he was comprehending the laws through his own practice.

A flower is a world, a grain of sand is a universe, and the Tao is everywhere.

The big one has no outside, and the small one has no inside.

Ye Chen's perception was improving every day.

He gradually began to settle down. On this day, his mind was peaceful and blessed.

Ye Chen said something to his wives.

Then he smiled and closed the door of the cave and began to comprehend the laws.

The world of Shouyang Cave Heaven. Ye Chen projected the innate heavy water into it.


The chaos and nothingness were felt, and the innate heavy water whistled away and sensed each other.

In an instant, the two merged, and endless mysterious Dao patterns emerged. Water is one of the five elements and the most basic element in the prehistoric world.

It is the origin of all life. It exists like the Tao and is everywhere. All living things will dissipate without the nourishment of water.

While Ye Chen was observing the fusion of the Dao patterns of water, he also discovered the sudden change of the entire Shouyang Cave Heaven world.

Heavy rain rose from the void, nourishing the creatures in Shouyang Cave Heaven, constantly transforming and evolving the laws of order.

The heavy rain lasted for three days and three nights, and then stopped for several months.

In this process, the rain turned into water vapor and condensed in the void again.

After a few days, heavy rain fell in an instant, and the cycle repeated itself.

Sometimes the water would submerge the plants, but they would become more luxuriant and prosperous with nourishment.

All the order was derived naturally.

On this day, Ye Chen smiled.

"Water is what everyone hates. The Five Elements do not refer only to water. It is also a way of operating force. The force running downwards, although it is lowly, is like the Tao, nourishing all things, speaking without words, but it can always be consistent. Wonderful!"

After Ye Chen understood it, he laughed heartily, and the law of water was understood and integrated!

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