"Open the pregnancy gift pack"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a 100-foot Golden Dragon of Luck."


Golden Dragon of Luck.

Golden Dragon of Luck, this thing is similar to the power of merit.

It can increase luck. Luck is hard to say.

If you are unlucky, it is really a blessing or a curse.

But this Golden Dragon of Luck is different. As long as your luck is strong enough, you can pick up treasures when you go out, beautiful women can throw themselves at you, and powerful people want to take you as a disciple.

This is a good thing. Not only can it bring you good luck and avoid evil, but it can also bring you good luck.

Not bad, not bad.

No amount of luck is enough

""Receive the luck golden dragon.""


The moment he received it, a golden dragon of a hundred feet sank into Ye Chen's body.

It surrounded his soul and protected him.

This luck golden dragon also had the effect of protecting his soul.

Ye Chen felt refreshed in an instant, and he was looking forward to the future.

Feeling the rise of luck, Ye Chen rubbed his hands in his heart, thinking of his wives who had been separated for a while.

Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest, so Ye Chen came out of retreat immediately.

Let them get pregnant!


"Ding, congratulations to the host Ruxue for being pregnant, and getting the pregnancy gift pack"

"Ding, congratulations to the host Ruyue for being pregnant and getting a pregnancy gift pack."

On this day, the system prompt sound kept rising.

Ye Chen was greatly surprised!

Could it be that there was a blessing from the luck golden dragon?

Now his pregnancy is so good, it started at once.

Ye Chen, who was still teasing Xiao Xuanchu, got two pregnancy gift packs.

Recently, the pregnancy has really exploded. This time, Chu Qingyue didn't get pregnant.

Other wives and concubines got pregnant. Sure enough, hard work will not be in vain.

As long as you are willing to bump into it, you will get something.

With tears in his eyes, Ye Chen opened the two pregnancy gift packs

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the five-needle pine"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, a Grass Rejuvenating Pill."

However, the rewards this time don't seem to be particularly strong.

But it's not bad. Five-needle pine is also a product of innate spiritual roots.

It can strengthen and cleanse the body and has the effect of nourishing the foundation of Taoism. As for the Grass Rejuvenating Pill, it is the famous Life Fruit in later generations. Eating one bite can make you immortal. Sure enough, the Ruyan root bone is better, and the reward is better.

But she didn't ask for too much. Marrying the three beauties of the fox clan has brought a lot of good things.

"Husband, Shaogu and my father went through the tribe to search, but did not find any tribesmen who met the requirements. However, there are three people with two spiritual roots, and ten people with three spiritual roots."

At this time, the eldest wife Qingyue came over and told me what I had told her last time.

There is not a single person who meets the requirements?

It seems that it is not easy to find a top-level root bone.

But it doesn't matter. At present, he is advancing to the Taiyi Jinxian and breaking through. It depends on fate to marry him later.

"It doesn't matter. You sisters will all practice cultivation soon. Let these talented women help you with some mundane things. I have a Qingqing Jade Art here. You can teach them when the time comes."After thinking about it, Ye Chen took out a jade slip. This was found in the Nine-tailed Cave Mansion and reproduced by Liu Mei for her. It would be no problem to practice to the late stage of earthly immortals. Just think of it as finding some maids to serve my wife.

"My husband is really thoughtful. I will ask my father to send them to the mountain."Qingyue took the jade slip and said.

Ye Chen nodded. These are all beauties picked from thousands of miles away. Even if he doesn't marry them, he can still have them as maids.

In addition, this huge blessed land also needs people to take care of it. In the future, he will have many children and will need some manpower.

There is no time in the prehistoric world. After Ye Chen started a period of leisure time, he began to continue to comprehend the laws and began to sprint towards the Taiyi Golden Immortal. In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the prehistoric world, it is just a snap of the fingers.

In ten years, Xiao Xuanchu is already eleven years old.

He can already start to practice the Brahma Demon Suppression Technique.

Qingxi and Qingyun gave birth to two daughters, and then Ruyan gave birth to a boy, and Ruyue and Ruxue gave birth to a girl.

The system rewarded each of the innate lower-grade spiritual treasures, a wind and fire gourd, a wind and thunder bag, a hundred-foot luck golden dragon, a five-turn purple gold pill, etc. Treasure.

Qingxi and Qingyun are also single spiritual root cultivation geniuses. With Ye Chen's resources tilted towards them.

Qingyue has broken through to the late stage of human immortality, and the two sisters have reached the realm of refining emptiness and merging with the Tao.

As for the three sisters of the Liu family, they have all entered the realm of earthly immortals.

What shocked Ye Chen the most was Xiao Xuanchu. After taking a Grass Returning Pill and adding the aptitude of an innate holy body, his cultivation speed has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has actually reached the realm of refining emptiness and merging with the Tao, and is about to surpass the two sisters Qingxi and Qingyun.

Ye Chen was so happy. As expected, they were his own children, with amazing aptitude. On the contrary, the two daughters, like their mother, had single spiritual roots, but their progress was also good. The main thing was that they were too cute, which made Ye Chen like them very much.

Although the feedback of cultivation was dispensable to him, if he continued at this rate, he would be able to feedback more cultivation sooner or later, as long as he kept giving birth to children.


"Daddy, I want to eat grilled Flamebird chicken wings!"

"No, I want to roast the blue bull!"


Ye Chen's children have fair skin, lively and cute. They have shown good looks since they were young, and they will all be handsome beauties when they grow up.

At this moment, they are gathered around the grill, chirping and shouting.

Ye Chen's eardrums hurt from the noise.

He is not in the good mood that he had when he got the cute babies. It is really tiring to take care of the babies.

Fortunately, he also had foresight and found a dozen human girls to take care of the babies, otherwise he would be annoyed to death.

"Xuanchu, you are the older brother, you have to give in to your younger sister, understand?"Ye Chen supported the little guy who was almost at his chest and said

""Okay, Dad." After all, she was an eleven-year-old child, still childish, but Xuanchu was precocious and very obedient. She immediately stopped making noise and gave in to her sister.

"Hehe...thank you, big brother, daddy will grill them for me first." The second child, Ye Chunxiao, who was as cute as a porcelain doll, happily lay on Ye Chen's thigh, looking forward to the grilled chicken wings.

"You are just greedy!" He scratched Chunxiao's little nose and caressed the child's hair lovingly. This girl was like her mother Qingyun. She was a troublemaker since she was a child and ran around the world, but she was particularly pleasing to Ye Chen. Every time he went out of the customs, he would stick to her.

And it is difficult for a person's love to take care of everything. Even Ye Chen sometimes feels a little partial.

"Daddy, I want one too."The fifth child, Ye Xialing, and the sixth child, Ye Qiuyan, are rushing to act like a spoiled child.

Fortunately, Ye Chen usually retreats and doesn't take care of the kids, otherwise he would collapse. Now he is enjoying it.

""All, all, my dears!"

After the roasting, every child was full of oil in their mouths and shouted that it was delicious.

This must be because Ye Chen loved barbecue in his previous life, and he made a secret roasting seasoning with ancient materials.

The taste was so delicious that anyone who ate it would be addicted to it. Even the wives were acting cute and came to grab it.

"Daoist Xuanyuan, you are so lucky!"Just as Ye Chen was enjoying his family, a beam of light fell from the sky.

Ye Chen looked over and saw that it was Liu Xu, the supreme elder of the fox clan. After ten years of hard work, she had actually broken through to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

It was unexpected, but her dress was still so charming and attractive, with a pair of straight long legs that were soul-stirring, her skin was as white as mutton-fat jade, and her tassel skirt opened to the root of her thighs. I don't know if the ravine was an illusion, which made her even more generous.

"It turned out to be Brother Liu Xu. I haven't seen you for ten years. You are still as beautiful as ever. How about joining my big family?"Now Ye Chen is free and easy, and he has several wives. His talking skills have improved.

"You!" Liu Xu's pretty face condensed. He was indeed a big shooting wolf. Now his mouth was more poisonous than hers. He spat:"If I really want to join your big family, do you dare to want me?" Ye

Chen thought of the Extreme Joy Skill that Lingjizi said. He didn't know if it was really that scary.

He wanted to try it to see if it was really that fierce.

In the past ten years, he has been continuously condensing 365 immortal orifices and integrating the avenue of power.

He found that the Nine Revolutions Xuanyuan Skill was very powerful, but it was different from the breakthrough of ordinary immortals.

The top skills of the prehistoric times condensed thirty-six orifices and finished the job.

He also had to gather 365 immortal orifices for the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top (the only mysterious gate of the fusion of essence, energy and spirit).

Now he finally gathered them all together.

The next step is the Five Qis Returning to the Origin, but because In order to cultivate the physical body, Ye Chen not only had to train his five internal organs, but also every drop of blood and every hair in his body had to be sacrificed and refined into one.

Only in this way could it be considered complete.

Just to fill up the 365 immortal orifices, it took Ye Chen three yellow plums.

This scared Ye Chen so much that he couldn't even afford to practice on his own if he continued like this.

So in recent years, Ye Chen has been practicing and comprehending the power of the laws, trying his best to integrate the state of perfection, and comprehended a law of space.

Although he is in the perfect state of the Golden Immortal, his real strength is already terrifyingly strong.

""Disciple pays respect to Master." Ruxue hurriedly paid respect at this time. She was Liu Xu's direct disciple and they had a good relationship.

It was also a very perceptive way to change the subject. Liu Xu then gave Ye Chen a fierce look. However, in the eyes of other ladies, Liu Xu was probably interested in her husband. There was a hook in her eyes. Women's sixth sense was very accurate. It was indeed the case. Since

Liu Xu was rescued by Ye Chen, his shadow has been left in her heart.

However, it was related to the competition between the fox clan and the demon country.

She had to let go of this bond, wholeheartedly help the clan members to improve, preside over the overall situation, and wait until the demon clan took the throne of the demon country.

At that time, she would get closer to Ye Chen.

Liu Xu suppressed the thoughts in her heart, chatted with her disciple for a while, and praised her for her great improvement in cultivation.

Then she explained the purpose of this visit.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, I came here this time to invite you to go to the Demon Country to watch the ceremony. This time, Sister Liumei and the Black Tiger King will compete with each other, and thousands of demons will descend. I wonder if you are free?"

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