This must be the real purpose of Liu Xu's trip.

Rather than watching the ceremony, it's better to say that she is here to support the occasion.

It seems that Liu Mei is not absolutely sure about the competition for the leader of the Monster Kingdom this time.

Well, after marrying three fox beauties, this cause and effect should also have an end.

It's a good time to come out of retreat and look for some opportunities.

After all, it seems that the Huangzhongli is not enough.

The consumption of the Nine Revolutions Profound Origin Art is too terrible. If you don't replenish the things for practicing qi and blood, I don't know when you can break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After a little thought, Ye Chen said:"Daoyou Liu Xu came in person, so I will take a look. It's a good opportunity to see the grand occasion of the monster clan."

"Really, that's great."Liu Xu's peach blossom eyes lit up, and her pretty face showed surprise.

She was worried that Ye Chen would not want to go to the ceremony, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to agree. Although

Liu Mei had made sufficient preparations, she was still afraid of accidents.

If Ye Chen went, he would definitely suppress a large part of the monster clan.

After all, in recent years, Ye Chen's dojo has erupted with law fluctuations. It shocked the hearts of the powerful people in the radius of tens of millions of miles, and everyone knew that an extraordinary human cultivator had appeared here.

Unknowingly, Xuan Yuan's name has spread throughout the territory of tens of thousands of miles.

"Daoyou, we, the fox clan, will never forget your kindness."Liu Xu immediately bowed, and it was indeed sincere and heartfelt.

Ye Chen accepted this bow calmly.

Although he knew in his heart that the great calamity of the prehistoric witches and demons was inevitable and short-lived.

But after fifty years of development, there will be a little chance of survival.

The fox clan is smart, and fighting like this is a ray of hope.

Only with enough foundation can you laugh to the end.

Facing the great calamity, Ye Chen can only improve his cultivation as soon as possible to be qualified to dominate the fate of the human race.

After all, what he wants to snatch is the fate of the human race of Nuwa and Laozi.

So he said goodbye to his wife and children, and told them to guard the blessed land formation and not to go out recently.

Then he went to watch the ceremony with Liu Xu


Over the past few decades, the demon race has actually built a dynasty palace in the vast Ten Thousand Mountains.

It is magnificent and has moved countless spiritual veins for transformation. Now, more than 100,000 demon cultivators have settled in.

The city is bustling with people, and the demonic energy rushes straight into the sky.

There is also a large formation to protect it, and the luck is prosperous!

Walking in the clouds, Ye Chen withdrew his consciousness and was greatly shocked.

This invisible luck is shrouded, and the demon race is indeed on the rise.

No wonder the witches and liches rule the prehistoric world. Along the way, Liu Xu told the inside story of the Heavenly Court.

Now, in the blessed land where the demon race gathers in the prehistoric world, tens of thousands of demon countries have been established, commanding hundreds of millions of lives.

These demon countries are under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. The existence of the demon countries is similar to that of the vassal states, and they will be issued and appointed by the Heavenly Court.

It is only necessary to pay tribute regularly, and this is only on the surface. The lord of the established demon country began to monopolize some sacred mountains and blessed lands, gather resources, and build his own violent organization. He is majestic and unique, and truly became a vassal with overwhelming power.

It is no wonder that the fox clan is trying their best to seize the position of the leader of the demon kingdom. Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun are really ambitious.

But if this continues for a long time, can the witch clan bear it!

As long as the demon clan continues to occupy the prehistoric resources and forms countless demon kingdoms with concentrated power, the monopoly of resources will inevitably lead to war.

Looking at the plans of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, they intend to destroy the witch clan and make the demon clan the ruler of the prehistoric world.

But his idea is too beautiful. Unless they become saints, the prehistoric world is still the chessboard of the saints.

"Daoist friend, how is it? Isn't this demon king's court well built?" Liu Xu was fascinated and pointed at the royal court below.

Ye Chen nodded and said,"The demon clan is indeed worthy of being the largest clan in the prehistoric world. Unifying the demon clan and absorbing the supreme luck will make the demon clan prosperous."

""I will remember your kindness. If the fox tribe comes, we will not let you down." Liu Xu said with a smile.

This is exactly what Ye Chen considered. The witches are too powerful.

This place is just a drop in the ocean. His biggest goal is to keep everything peaceful.

As long as he is given time to develop, he will be able to overcome the threat of witches sooner or later.

"Hmm."Ye Chen nodded and asked,"By the way, is there anyone coming from Heaven this time? What's their background?"

In any case, according to Ye Chen's experience, there is no good banquet.

This time, the competition for the master of the demon country means having supreme power and resources.

Only a fool would not want such a big benefit, and the internal struggle would inevitably be bloody.

So Ye Chen wanted to ask about the situation above. Liu Xu did not hide it and said,"It is someone from Heaven. This time, the registration into Heaven will be presided over by two great demons from Heaven. One is the Black Tiger Ancestor, Taoist Hei Xuan. He is a demon general in the Ministry of War of Heaven and is under the seat of the demon saint Ji Meng."

The background is so profound, Ji Meng, one of the ten demon saints. The internal struggle of the demon clan is also not small.

Ye Chen's face condensed slightly and said,"This Black Tiger King has such a background. If he interferes, wouldn't it be very difficult?"

The leader of this demon country is like a direct descendant, and the ten demon saints command hundreds of millions of demons.

Behind this is supreme power and resources. No one would complain about having too many resources, and of course it is better to train your own people.

Liu Xu hurriedly said:"Daoyou, don't worry, my fox clan is not without background. The other big demon who came this time has some connection with my clan, and will definitely not let Taoist Heixuan interfere."

"That's good."Ye Chen nodded. He knew very well that background is important to get involved in this. The fox tribe is smart and has been operating for so many years. It is impossible for them to be unprepared. Since both sides have backgrounds, it is necessary to see who is stronger.

So under Liu Xu's arrangement,

Ye Chen was arranged to stay in the harem of King Jin for a while, giving him enough face.

The Demon Clan Hall will be held in two days.

During the ceremony, Liu Xu was called by the tribe to deal with the affairs of the ceremony.

Ye Chen was free instead.

He couldn't stay on the day when all the monsters gathered, so he planned to go out for a walk.

Ye Chen, who had hidden his cultivation, came to the market of the Monster Kingdom to stroll around.

He opened his eyes to look at the world.

This grand occasion brought all the successful monsters from the surrounding miles to join in the fun.

There are many different levels of cultivation.

There are wild beasts that are ten feet tall, monsters that have taken off their human bodies, and cat monsters with half-monster bodies.

There are many kinds of monsters, especially when you see a walking tree monster.

The real cat-eared girl is sexy and enchanting, and she is not wearing clothes.

She is rich.

There are generous ones, you can look at them at will.

Ye Chen was greatly shocked.

But after seeing so many, he got used to it.

With so many demon cultivators gathered, it was inevitable to trade spiritual materials, magic weapons and other items.

There were all kinds of things for sale, and many natural treasures made Ye Chen feel excited.

He had the general outline of the four arts of cultivating immortals, and he also had a certain foundation in alchemy.

Many of these materials were good things for refining elixirs.

But at this time, the alchemy of prehistoric times was not popular.

Except for the saints, Laozi was proficient in this way, and the demons were really squandering heaven's gifts.

This simply gave Ye Chen the convenience of harvesting information asymmetry.

So Ye Chen began to sweep the goods vigorously, buying a large number of rare spiritual medicines at very low spiritual stones.

This scene quickly attracted the attention of demon cultivators.

Ye Chen's moves were all fairy jade and top-grade spiritual stones.

This bold move naturally attracted the covetousness of some demon cultivators with evil intentions.

However, after Ye Chen killed a demon cultivator of earth immortality with his hands, the surrounding demon cultivators were in awe of him in an instant, and no one dared to cause trouble since then.

"Come on, the best human beauties, pure and beautiful bodies!"

Ye Chen turned around and came to a place surrounded by a large group of demon cultivators.

Ye Chen was not interested at first, but when he heard that they were human, he stopped and looked over.

He saw that on a high platform, in an iron cage, there were people, demons, and monsters, both men and women.

Most of them had cultivation. The leader was a gloomy demon cultivator, who did not hide his demonic aura at all, but was at the early stage of the Golden Immortal realm.

""This is a beautiful human being, a perfect body. I found this woman while wandering in the southern region of the prehistoric world. If she is well trained, she will be able to break through the realm when she fails to break through through cultivation. By picking the essence of primordial yin and the pure spirit, she will surely break through. I offer her 10,000 low-grade fairy jades." The old man Yin Yi made a direct offer.

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar!

A bull-headed demon cultivator next to Ye Chen was very angry and turned to Ye Chen and said,"Daoyou, this is a profiteer. He actually offered 10,000 low-grade fairy jades for a human woman. Do you think he is crazy?"

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