Ye Chen looked at the bull-headed demon cultivator.

No, I am familiar with you, right?

He ignored the bull demon.

However, the high price the old man quoted was too outrageous.

For this group of demon cultivators, 10,000 low-grade immortal jades was a huge sum of money.

Not to mention buying a human woman.

They were naturally very dissatisfied.

"That’s right, we humans are just two-legged sheep, and I can catch as many as I want!"

"What kind of holy body am I? Can this pure and spiritual body be worth so much money?"

"Human race, I heard that there are human race not far from here, it’s easy for me to capture a few hundred human women!"

"Fellow Daoist, please be careful with your words. A powerful Golden Immortal has appeared in the human tribe here, and he has immense powers. That tribe has long become a forbidden area for us!"

"Well, what, a great power in the Golden Immortal Stage, then... it's okay."

Ye Chen shook his head and casually cast a law on the demon cultivator who spoke arrogantly.

A mere human immortal demon cultivator dared to say that he would go to his dojo to arrest someone.

When the law is activated, this person will be burned to death by the law of fire.

"Is there anyone who knows the value of this?!"The old man on the high platform was so arrogant that he didn't care about anyone. Seeing that no one bid, he didn't get angry. He directly put forward the next item for sale, which turned out to be a fairy girl who had achieved enlightenment. Strictly speaking, she was also a demon. He didn't expect that this demon would trade with his own demon clan, but the demon clan was known for its brutality and ruthlessness.

The gloomy old man smiled and said,"Everyone, this girl is what I got when I was wandering in the northern region of the prehistoric world.

She is a first-class beauty.

Her body is the incarnation of snow lotus.

Her cultivation is in the late stage of human immortal.

Are there any Taoist friends who like her? This girl has a icy body and is also a perfect virgin.

Whether she is used for sexual intercourse or as a concubine, she is of the highest quality.

The asking price is 20,000 low-grade immortal jades, 10% off for medium-grade immortal jades, and I will give a discount of 150 for high-grade immortal jades.


The crowd didn't shout this time. After all, she was a late-stage human immortal and had achieved enlightenment through snow lotus.

Such qualifications are very rare, but the price is too high. It still exceeds the psychological price of many people.

"This person is only at the Golden Immortal Realm, but he has traveled to so many places in the prehistoric world and specializes in buying and selling people. He is quite capable."

Ye Chen was moved. This time he came out to watch the ceremony, he just wanted to finish it early and go back to practice. By the way, see if there are other opportunities.

At present, these two beauties are good embryos with special bones. Now that they meet, there is no reason to miss them.

So he planned to buy these two women as wives.

"Hey, can you give me a discount, Taoist friend? One hundred top-grade fairy jades, I want to buy the snow lotus essence."

"Too expensive, make it cheaper"

"I offer 110 top-grade fairy jades."A demon cultivator in the crowd offered a price.

They were all Xuanxian and Zhenxian demon cultivators with good cultivation.

However, this price was rejected by the old man.

"No, this is the Snow Lotus Essence that I have been planning for a hundred years to catch. I will not sell it for less than 150 top-grade fairy jades."

For a moment, everyone shook their heads helplessly. They didn't say anything, but they cursed the old guy in their hearts.

There was nothing they could do, because he was a great man in the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

So they had to give up buying.

The old man continued to sell other men and women.

However, the prices of other things were relatively lower.

Later, Ye Chen also saw a female demon monk weighing several hundred pounds, who bought several handsome men.

Looking at her body as thick as a water tank and the bloody aura she exuded, it seemed that these men would end up in a miserable situation if they bought her back.

Soon the cheap ones were sold out, and the gloomy old man sold the most expensive ones to no avail. He shouted for the last time:"Fellow Taoists, these two women both have rare roots. If they are sold together like this, they can be exchanged for 240 top-grade fairy jades if they have other treasures."

After saying that, the old man looked around and showed an expectant look.

Ye Chen felt that it was almost done. There were definitely not many people he could afford.

The Shouyang Cave Heaven's top-grade spiritual veins gave birth to a lot of fairy jade.

He could still afford these fairy jades.

"I want two hundred and forty top-grade fairy jades."

All the demon cultivators were stunned and looked at Ye Chen.

Such a large amount of fairy jades, he just bought it when he said so.

So arrogant!

For a moment, all kinds of unkind eyes and spiritual senses came over to investigate.


Ye Chen showed his Golden Immortal power, and immediately a spiritual sense that was checking Ye Chen's background was beaten back, and one by one, the spiritual sense was secretly injured.


Everyone was afraid and retreated, and they avoided him in a panic, leaving a vacuum area.

The bull-headed demon cultivator who had been chatting with Ye Chen before was so scared that his legs trembled.

""Fuck, a powerful golden immortal!"

Even the gloomy old man on the high platform frowned.

His eyes showed a trace of horror, just because Ye Chen's magic power fluctuations were too strong.

It was unfathomable, but it was such a powerful person who had the intention to bid.

So he changed his clothes and smiled kindly:"Oh. Daoist friend, are you willing to buy it?"

Ye Chen flew up to the high platform without any nonsense and directly threw out 240 pieces of fairy jade

"I want these two people."

The gloomy old man took the fairy jade and checked it. They were all top-grade fairy jade. He immediately clasped his fists and said,"Fellow Daoist, you are very courageous. In this case, I will give the soul tablets of these two people to you."

After that, he handed over two forbidden jade tablets. Since this person dared to put people here, he must have his own means.

Ye Chen took the soul tablets, scanned them with his spiritual sense, and then scanned the two women to confirm that they were genuine.

With a wave of his hand, he tore the iron cage into pieces, walked up to the two women and said,"Follow me."

The two women looked sad and their eyes were red.

But they had no choice. Fortunately, the man who bought them was extraordinary.

I don't think he is a bad person, but you can't judge a person by his appearance.

I just hope he is not an evil cultivator, so I got up and followed Ye Chen away.

""Wait a minute, fellow Daoist!" After receiving the spirit stone, the gloomy old man suddenly sent a telepathic message.

Ye Chen stopped and replied coldly:"What's the matter, are you going to regret it? Think about it before you speak."

The gloomy old man felt the strong pressure from Ye Chen, and felt cold all over. He felt that the strength of this senior was far above his.

So he said:"Daoyou misunderstood, since you like beauties, if I find one again, would you be willing to buy it?"

This old guy is really unscrupulous and wants to do repeat business.

Doesn't he want to abduct the human race? Thinking of this


A powerful spiritual attack was launched, and the gloomy old man's face turned pale, and his body shook and he almost fell down.

When he came to his senses, he looked at Ye Chen with infinite horror.

Ye Chen taught this man a lesson and left directly.

The buying and selling of human races made him, who is also a human race, unhappy. He even dared to arrest them. If this kind of thing is allowed to go out,

I don’t know how much disaster the human race will suffer.

This time he was taught a lesson. If there are many demon cultivators here. If there is a big demon sent by the Heavenly Court, he will directly kill this person.

Ye Chen did not continue to stroll around, Take the two women back to the residence of the future.

In the room.

The two women were dusty, with sad faces, standing there miserable.

But even though they were in a mess, they could not hide their peerless beauty. The human women were in their twenties, graceful, wearing a simple green dress, with a thin waist and a plump hip. They looked elegant and handsome, like fairies in paintings. The snow lotus was pure and innocent. The sadness on her face did not affect her appearance, which made people feel pity. She stood there like a blooming snow lotus, so beautiful that it was hard for people to desecrate it.

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