When Bai Ziyu thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This name sounds a little familiar!

"That's right! Do you think we should go?"

Supported by snow-white jade arms, three thousand purple hair scattered like a waterfall, Mitsuko's beautiful face was full of questions.

Reaching out to grab a strand of hair and stroking it gently, Bai Ziyu slowly smiled:"Go! Since they are so enthusiastic, we can't refuse, right?"

In the original owner's memory, the other party had never invited him before.

Even during the period when the original owner's parents died, the cooperation between the two major groups tended to stop.

But now, the other party is like this.

Obviously, seeing that the Hanyu Group has grown again, they want to take the opportunity to ease the relationship, or even take the cooperation to a step further.

Bai Ziyu naturally has no objection to this.

After all, there are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests.

What's more, if the other party's granddaughter is really that person

"Then I'll make some arrangements and leave for Kanagawa City the day after tomorrow."


She smiled faintly and nodded, and Ziyu's right hand slowly moved from her hair to her waist.

In an instant, Mitsuko's eyes showed a bit of panic. This bad guy will not...

Fortunately, the worst did not happen. Holding the plump waist, Bai Ziyu gently said,"Go to sleep," and slowly closed his eyes.

Looking at the other's handsome face and peaceful sleeping posture, Mitsuko's eyebrows slowly curved into a crescent.

The next morning, after waking up as usual, Bai Ziyu packed up and drove to Shengfeng College.

As for Mitsuko, she went to the company to explain the affairs.

After all, the two of them were going to Kanai City tomorrow, and they had to deal with everything before leaving.

At Shengfeng College, seeing Bai Ziyu coming, Marina's pure and beautiful face was full of joy.

But then, this joy turned into a faint resentment:"Yuichi-kun hasn't come for two days~"

What should I do if my girlfriend is unhappy?

Teacher Bai's small class started!

A few minutes later, through the words and a little tricks, he successfully calmed the resentment in his girlfriend's heart.

Nestled in Bai Ziyu's arms, the girl's cheeks were flushed, her breath was like orchid, and her pair of lavender eyes were shining with a faint light.

The voice was as soft as a mosquito's hum, and she complained softly:"Yuichi-kun always bullies Marina.~"

"There is no way, who made Marina so cute, people can't help but want to bully her"

"( ̄c ̄)y▂ξ"

While the two were whispering to each other, Mikami Yuka's eyes flashed with anticipation, hoping to make another deal in the evening.

After some sweet words, Bai Ziyu told the other party that he was leaving tomorrow.

"Yuiichi-kun, are you going to Kanagawa City tomorrow?"

"That's right! The Sugimoto Group in Kanagawa City sent us an invitation yesterday to attend the 18th birthday of their chairman's granddaughter."

"The president's granddaughter must be very beautiful."

"I only saw her once when I was very young. Who knows what she looks like now? Maybe she is big and fat, like a gas tank?"


Upon hearing that, Marina couldn't help but chuckle.

After she reacted immediately, she quickly covered her cherry lips, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with curved eyebrows,"Yuichi-kun is so mean, she is the president's granddaughter, how could she, how could she be like a gas tank!"

"It's hard to say, what's wrong with the president's granddaughter? Having money doesn't mean having beauty."......

As the two of them were happily playing around, time slowly came to noon.

During lunch break, Bai Ziyu brought Marina to their secret base again. Now that the other party's relatives had left, they could...

After a while, seeing Marina dressed in a red and white maid outfit, Bai Ziyu expressed his love for her with his actual actions.

In the evening, with the ringing of the school bell, boys and girls like birds out of cages, filed out of the academy.

After seeing off the three girls, Bai Ziyu drove to the villa.

As for why? Of course, it was because the business partner had proposed to trade again.

As soon as he entered the door, the little carrot head opened his arms and rushed towards him with a cheerful step:"Ouni~"

Bending down to hug him, and rua the other's little head fiercely, Bai Ziyu looked at the beauty not far away, everything was self-evident.

The moon was on the willow branches, and a bright moonlight shone into the bedroom, reflecting Bai Ziyu's tranquil face.

Holding the top-grade soft jade in his arms, he yawned and slowly fell asleep as he gradually became sleepy.

The next day, seeing that time was running out, Bai Ziyu had to call his beautiful wife to comfort her.

Kanagawa City is on the west side of Mihara City, about 300 kilometers away in a straight line, and it takes at least several hours to drive.

But who is Bai Ziyu? As the young chairman of the Hanyu Group, isn't it too low to drive to attend the birthday party of an equal?

Considering this point, Mitsuko simply waved her hand and chartered a small business jet.

An hour later, Bai Ziyu officially set foot on the land of Kanagawa City.

As soon as he got off the plane, he saw an energetic old man, surrounded by a group of black-clothed bodyguards, walking quickly towards him.

The old face full of wrinkles, even smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Coming in front of the two people, the old man immediately greeted them warmly:"President Iwasaki, I have been waiting for you here for a long time. This must be Yuichi, you have grown so big in a few years...."

Looking at the old man, Mitsuko showed a ceremonial smile on her face and nodded lightly:"President Sugimoto!"

In comparison, Bai Ziyu seemed much more"sincere":"Uncle Sugimoto~"

The old man's face froze when he was called uncle.

But he quickly recovered and nodded with a faint smile:"Okay! Okay!"

While greeting him, Bai Ziyu threw a probing eye at him:

"Name: Ichiro Sugimoto

���Age: 72

Personality: shrewd

Skills: business savvy

Favorability: 20

Overall strength: lower level of the first rank

Recent thoughts: This guy is good-looking, and he is a good match for Shoko..."

Seeing her inner voice, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

You actually want to match me up, but first, let me make it clear, if your granddaughter looks like you, then stop it as soon as possible!

Sugimoto Shoko:...

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