In the end, the two declined each other's invitation and went to the hotel that had been booked long ago.

In the presidential suite, a black tuxedo was placed in front of Bai Ziyu. After taking a look, Mitsuko couldn't help shaking her head:"No! This one won't do either!" Then she threw it on the Simmons bed beside her.

Looking around, there were no less than ten evening gowns on the bed.

Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel helpless:"Mitsuko, just pick one at random, there's no need to go through so much trouble!"

"That won't do. Jie Yijun will be able to officially take over the group in a few years, so this time it must be perfect!"

As he spoke, he picked up a white suit and looked at it in front of him.

After a moment, he threw it on the bed again.

His right hand subconsciously reached out to the side, but it was empty.

Looking back, he saw an empty clothes rack.

"Ah~, why is it out of stock? Jie Yijun, I’ll ask someone to buy it right away!"

"" Okay!"

Stopping Mitsuko who wanted to make a phone call, Bai Ziyu lowered his head and kissed her pink lips.

After a while, the beauty finally broke free, her cheeks flushed and her breath sweet as orchid.

She stretched out her snow-white jade arms and rested them on the broad chest:"Damei, Jie Yijun, wait for us..."

In response to this, Bai Ziyu's answer was:

The purple evening dress fell to the ground, and the whispers drifted away.......

It was almost dusk when Bai Ziyu changed into a black tuxedo.

Yes, it was the same one as before.

It wasn't that Mitsuko suddenly changed her mind, but that this was the only one left.

Now that the birthday party was about to begin, there was no time to buy any more, so she could only make do with it.

On the way to the party, Mitsuko looked at Bai Ziyu beside her and said in dissatisfaction,"Jieyi-kun, it's all your fault!"

Seeing that the beauty was angry, Bai Ziyu hurriedly comforted her softly.

In front, the female driver who saw all this through the rearview mirror gradually had a few blushes on her earlobes.

More than 20 minutes later, the two successfully arrived at the venue.

As soon as they entered, the eyes of most people in the venue were inevitably attracted by them.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman, what kind of fairy combination is this?!

At this time, Ichiro Sugimoto, who was talking to someone else, noticed the two coming, and hurriedly ended the topic and walked over

"President Iwasaki, my dear nephew Yuichi, you are here!"

""Hello, Uncle Sugimoto. By the way, where's Shoko? Why didn't I see her?"

Bai Ziyu greeted him with a faint smile, and then he asked about the whereabouts of the other party's granddaughter.

After all, the main reason why he attended this birthday dinner tonight was to verify whether the other party was the one.

Otherwise, Mitsuko would have come alone, and there was no need for him to join in the fun. Seeing that Bai Ziyu was interested in his granddaughter, Ichiro Sugimoto couldn't help but get excited.

Interested is good! Interested is good!

As long as you are interested, there is a possibility of further development.

Of course, before this, he had already found out about Bai Ziyu's situation and knew that he had a girlfriend in school.

But so what?

The most important thing for a wealthy family is to match the same social status. How can a little girl from a commoner family be the future mistress of the Hanyu Group?

"Shoko is still getting dressed and will be down soon...."

Seeing the other party's thoughts, Bai Ziyu secretly sneered in her heart. She wanted to be the mistress of the Hanyu Group, but she was not qualified.

There was only one person who could sit in this position, and that was Mitsuko!

The appearance of Sugimoto Ichiro woke everyone up from their amazement.

Some of them did not know Mitsuko, and hurriedly asked their companions:"Who is that? How could he make President Sugimoto like this?"

"Didn't you hear President Sugimoto call her President Iwasaki? In the whole of Neon, there is such a young and beautiful female president with the last name Iwasaki. Who do you think she is?"

"Hiss~, you said she is the Iron Lady of the Hanyu Group?!"

"That’s right!"

"It was her..."

Upon learning of Mitsuko's identity, the other party couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The Gao Liu Group incident has made Mitsuko's name resound throughout Japan.

Everyone knows that the Hanyu Group has an iron lady who, with her own strength, turned the tide and saved the collapsing building.

She pulled the Hanyu Group, which was on the verge of collapse, back from the brink of death and made it grow again.

It is said that now 80% of working women in Japan regard her as an idol.

The remaining 20% have become her die-hard fans.

Then, many people gathered around to see if there is a chance to cooperate with the Hanyu Group.

This kind of upper-class banquet, to put it bluntly, is to provide a platform for these business tycoons to communicate.

Otherwise, they, who make millions of dollars every minute, are just celebrating the birthday of a yellow-haired girl.

Bai Ziyu has never been interested in these business matters.

After politely greeting everyone, he ran away.

He came to the table with exquisite pastries, reached out and picked up a piece, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

You have to say, the taste is unexpectedly good!

Bai Ziyu had already consumed a lot of physical energy before, and he was in a hurry when he came, so his stomach was already empty.

Now that the delicious food is in front of him, how can he resist? He immediately devoured it with relish.

Although he ate quickly, his eating manner was very elegant, so there was no scene in some novels where he was ridiculed and then pretended to be cool and slapped in the face.

On the contrary, the female guests looked at the way he ate, and their eyes couldn't help but turn into heart shapes.

It's so handsome and elegant, isn't it?

Just as Bai Ziyu reached out to take another piece of tiramisu, suddenly a snow-white hand reached out.

Then, everything happened so naturally.

Seeing this scene, the women let out a howl like a groundhog in their hearts.

"Damn it, you little slut, you actually held hands with my boyfriend!"

"How can it be repaired?..."......

He quickly released his right hand and bowed his head to apologize:"Sorry!"

At the moment when she bowed her head, Bai Ziyu also saw her full appearance.

She had a white oval face, eyes with a look of life under her eyebrows, and long black hair like a waterfall, casually scattered behind her head.

At the first sight of her, Bai Ziyu was sure that her appearance must be above 90 points.

At the same time, the attribute panel that had been motionless for a long time also showed a new task:

【Mission requirements: Prevent Himeno Yuri from being hurt. Mission rewards: Variety Mask (blue), rescue points: 500, mission failure: no penalty. 】

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