Obviously, he is just an ordinary little bodyguard with some ability, and not one of those people who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers in some novels in the previous life.

Such a guy should not have any intersection with the daughter of a big chaebol like Sugimoto Shoko.

However, Sugimoto Ichiro has always been strict with her and strictly forbids her to associate with boys.

A teenage girl has excessive hormone secretion. When there is only such a boy around, she naturally develops a good impression of him. In the same situation as her is the eldest daughter of Samsung Group in South Korea in the previous life.

If it weren't for Old Li's strict control, she would be blind to fall in love with the little bodyguard who has no education and no good looks. She even willingly gave up her inheritance rights for him..

"It's just a small gift, nothing expensive or heavy. If Shoko doesn't accept it, I think Uncle Sugimoto will be unhappy!"

Hearing this, after hesitating for a moment, the girl finally nodded and took it. At this moment, Bai Ziyu seemed to hear a"click" sound in his ear, like glass breaking.

After talking with him for a while, Bai Ziyu took the initiative to leave.

When meeting for the first time, just stop at the right time, otherwise it is easy to backfire.

Of course, during the conversation, he did not forget to leave a space mark for the other party to prevent any accidents.

After he left, Himeno Yuri came to his side and asked softly:"Shoko, do you know the gentleman just now?"

"Yes! That was a playmate of mine when I was a kid...."

Shoko Sugimoto nodded her head lightly, and suddenly reacted. A bit of joking appeared on her lips:"Why, is Yuri interested? If so, I can introduce you to each other~"

Although it was said in a joking tone, it was her true thought in her heart.

She is not a naive person. Grandpa specially arranged for the two to meet tonight. She knows what he wants to do!

But she only has her own Oni-chan in her heart, how can she be tempted by him again?

In this case, it is better to introduce her bestie to him.

The other party's father is her grandfather's right-hand man. If the two can be together, then the dilemma she is in now can be solved.

It can only be said that a girl is a girl, and her vision is far inferior to that of an old fox like Ichiro Sugimoto who has been immersed in the business world for many years.

Don't think about it. If the other party is really with Bai Ziyu, can the Sugimoto Group still be named Sugimoto in the future?!

Fortunately, the other party did not agree.

Otherwise, in a few days, his father will be happy to receive a letter of dismissal.

On the way back to the hotel in the middle of the night, Mitsuko gently stroked her long hair on the side of her ear, and her throat moved slightly.

Immediately, she looked at Bai Ziyu with a cunning look in her eyes:"It seems that the old fox Sugimoto Ichiro wants Yuichi to be his grandson-in-law!"

In response, Bai Ziyu smiled without saying anything, just gently stroking the three thousand waterfall-like black hair.

What I want to say has been said before.

Now Mitsuko's words are just to make fun of herself

""Tsk~, boring!"

Seeing that the other party didn't react at all, Mitsuko pouted in dissatisfaction, then adjusted the wrinkles on her long skirt and sat next to Bai Ziyu.

The bright moon was hanging high in the sky, and Bai Ziyu gently kissed the sleeping beauty in his arms, and then he gently pulled out.

After changing into a nightgown, he used a bamboo dragonfly to jump down from the 25th floor.

When the ambulance came earlier, he saw the name of the hospital printed on it, and he could send that guy on the road tonight.

More than ten minutes later, at Shenghua Hospital, Bai Ziyu slowly sank into the ground.

After a search, he finally found Kenji Sada in the intensive care unit.

Looking at this man with a ventilator, frowning, and a ferocious face Ghostly, Bai Ziyu suddenly wanted to try a new method.

The next moment, he slowly put his hand on his chest.

With a flash of blue light, Sada Kenchi's body twitched violently, and his face became even more ferocious.

Various instruments were beeping, and the electrocardiogram was fluctuating violently.

In front of the door, a flustered sound of footsteps gradually approached.

But this did not stop Bai Ziyu, on the contrary, he continued to increase his offensive. In an instant

, the blue light in the room became stronger.

After a while, a nurse wearing a pink nurse uniform, a pair of gold-wire glasses on her nose, three thousand black hair draped behind her head, and a slim figure walked in.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was so scared that he collapsed to the ground....

He saw a shrunken, hideous corpse on the bed, staring at him.

However, Bai Ziyu was unaware of this. At this moment, he was walking underground, happily checking his harvest.

"Name: Hundred Changes Treasure Robe

Type: Armor

Level: Blue

Effect: When worn, it can withstand a full-strength attack from a fourth-rank warrior, and can automatically change appearance according to the user's thoughts.

Introduction: In a certain world, it is what ordinary cultivators wear."

Although it is only blue level, Bai Ziyu is still very satisfied. With this thing, he will never have to worry about what to wear in the future. After a while, he took out the Hundred Changes Treasure Robe and tried it. After changing several different shapes, Bai Ziyu put it away with satisfaction.

Then he slowly stretched out his right hand, looked at the water ball that was gradually condensed on it, and a curve slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth:"I didn't expect this to actually work. It's quite interesting!"

That's right. Bai Ziyu used the first skill of the Sea King before - Water Wave. It was introduced that it could make the water elements within a radius of ten meters work for oneself. At that time, Bai Ziyu thought this skill was useless.

But now it seems that this is simply a magical skill.

After all, the human body is 78% water. If you give the enemy such a skill during a battle.

Oh my god, I dare not think about it! I dare not think about it at all!

Of course, Bai Ziyu's idea is a bit taken for granted. After all, not all enemies are lying there like Sada Kenji. Waiting for you to suck.

Besides, with the current level of supernatural power, it’s okay to suck ordinary people. If you want to suck those strong ones, you’d better go to bed early. There are all kinds of things in dreams.

And this point was not understood until he actually operated it later.

Waving his hand to disperse the water ball, Bai Ziyu took the bamboo dragonfly and went to the hotel.

It can be imagined that there will be a huge storm in Shenna City tomorrow.

After all, the death of a director of the Pharmaceutical Review Committee is no trivial matter.

But what does that have to do with Bai Ziyu? He is just a student who is still in school!.

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