At the Sugimoto family, thinking about what her grandfather said after the party, Sugimoto Shoko lay on the bed, tossing and turning

"Shoko, you are an adult now, and it is time for you to shoulder the responsibility of reviving our Sugimoto family...."

Finally, the annoyed girl stood up suddenly and scratched her hair a few times:"Damn it! Why are you forcing me? I only have Onii-chan in my heart. I don't want to marry someone I've only met a few times."

At the same time, Ichiro Sugimoto, who was about to take a rest, suddenly received a call from the hospital.

Listening to the news from inside, the whole person stood there like a sculpture, and remained silent for a long time.

In the ward of Shenghua Hospital, after checking the hideous-looking mummy on the bed, a slender and short-haired beauty said lightly:"The water in the body has been drained, which should be the method of those guys." The handsome young man leaning against the wall not far away heard the words, took out a cigarette and lit it, and took a deep breath:"This is strange, he is just a director of the Pharmaceutical Review Committee, why did those guys attack him?"

"Yushan-kun, we are investigating a case now, please be more serious!"

Looking at this newcomer who had just been sent by the organization, the beautiful lady frowned slightly and reminded

"This is my habit. Cigarettes can make my brain more clear. If you are not used to it, you can apply to your superiors for a partner!"

The other party's arrogant look made Liren Xihe's chest heaving.

I really don't know why the superiors value this guy, and they actually let him join the organization.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, the beauty said lightly:"According to the investigation, the deceased loved to conduct intoxication experiments on beautiful women. Perhaps he was murdered because he accidentally touched their prey!" He took another deep breath and exhaled a big smoke ring. The young man sneered:"Ha~, that's it!"

The beauty couldn't stand the other party's attitude, but she didn't want to get entangled with him too much on this matter, so she immediately changed the subject.

"There have been many strange incidents in Meiyuan City recently. The dead bodies seemed to be burned all over. This should be the work of those guys."...

Soon, hearing the approaching footsteps outside, the two people who were talking stopped talking and then slowly disappeared into the darkness.

When he arrived at the ward and saw Kenji Sada, who was dead and staring at him, his heart couldn't help but choke.

The death of the other party was a blow to the Sugimoto Group.

This was the network they spent a lot of money to support every year. They thought that they could provide support for the group when the new drug was released, but now, it's gone! All gone!

What's more terrible is that the group just happened to have a new drug successfully developed recently. For this new drug, they invested billions of research and development funds.

But now, this investment is at risk of being wasted.

They may even get into big trouble.

After all, the other party only had this problem when he attended your birthday party. Do you dare to say it has nothing to do with you?!

Once the"truth" is confirmed, those former business rivals and partners will definitely rush in like sharks that smell blood and devour their Sugimoto Group.

"What should I do now?..."

The old brows were furrowed tightly, and Sugimoto Ichiro's slightly turbid eyes were full of thoughts.

After a moment, he suddenly thought of something, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

The next day, a severe earthquake shook the entire Kanagawa City. Kenji Sada, a director of the Pharmaceutical Review Committee, was found dead in the ward last night.

And the last place he went before he died was the birthday party held by the Sugimoto Group.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the Sugimoto family, wanting to see how they would deal with it.

In the presidential suite, Mitsuko was supported by her snow-white jade arms, her three thousand purple hair was casually scattered, her cherry lips were slightly pouted, and her face showed resentment:"Men are really fickle, and they don't want me after just a few days~"

Facing Mitsuko's acting skills, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but feel helpless:"Mitsuko..."

Just as I was about to explain, I was interrupted by an annoying phone ring.

"Wait a moment!"

Standing up and lightly pecking her pink lips, Bai Ziyu reached out and picked it up:"Hey~, that person!"

"My dear nephew, I am your uncle Sugimoto. Are you free today? I want to meet you!"

"It's Uncle Sugimoto. I'm already on the plane. I don't have time!"

Ichiro Sugimoto, who was in the hotel lobby, heard the words and a few black lines appeared on his wrinkled forehead.

I just asked the front desk, you haven't checked out yet.

Now you tell me you're on the plane, are you fooling a fool?!

But he had no choice but to be humble.

That's right, the solution Ichiro Sugimoto came up with was to ask Bai Ziyu, or the Hanyu Group for help.

Before, after the death of the Hanyu couple, their Hanyu Group was sniped like that, but in the end it was able to fight back and be reborn.

It's all because of the connections behind it!

Although I don't know why the other party, a company that has just been established for more than 20 years, can talk to such a big shot.

But if they can get them to say a few good words in front of the adults, all the problems facing the Sugimoto Group now will no longer be a problem.

And if you want to use this connection, the most important thing is Yuzuru Yuzuru, the future chairman of the Hanyu Group.

But the problem now is that this little fox is too cunning and won't be fooled at all!

"My dear nephew Jieyi, please meet me. I have something very important to discuss with you. Please!"

As his voice fell, there was silence on the other end of the microphone for a long time.

Finally, when Sugimoto Ichiro's heart was about to sink to the bottom, Bai Ziyu's voice came slowly:"Since Uncle Sugimoto has invited you sincerely, it would be impolite for me to refuse."

"How about this, I will visit you in person at two o’clock in the afternoon!"

"Hi! Then I'll have to trouble you, nephew!"

Seeing that Bai Ziyu finally agreed, Ichiro Sugimoto breathed a sigh of relief.

After the call was hung up, Mitsuko looked at Bai Ziyu with suspicion:"Why did that old fox call you?"

"Of course it's delivered to our doorstep, waiting for us to slaughter it!"


The more Bai Ziyu explained, the more confused Mitsuko became.

But before she could ask, a big, hot hand slowly rested on her waist:"Let's not talk about this anymore. How about we play some interesting games now?"

"(~ ̄▽ ̄)~".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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