In the presidential suite, looking at the clock that was about to point to"2", Mitsuko gently pushed Bai Ziyu's head:"Ah, come on, Yuichi-kun, time is almost up, don't be so greedy...."

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu raised his head and a look of depression appeared on his face:"It's here so soon?~"

"Okay~, hurry up and clean up, that old fox is still waiting for you!"

"No, he's not waiting for me, he's waiting for you!"

As soon as these words came out, Mitsuko instantly understood the meaning and raised her eyebrows:"I'm on a business trip. If the deal is successful, have you thought about any reward for me, Yuichi-kun?"

"..., how about it?"

Hearing the reward proposed by Bai Ziyu, Mitsuko's cheeks immediately flushed, like the sunset glow in the sky at dusk.

"Tsk~, Jie Yijun, this is not a reward for me, it's clearly a reward for yourself"

"What does Mitsuko want?"

She stretched out her pink tongue and pursed her pink lips. A smile that could charm everyone appeared on Mitsuko's beautiful face:"I want****!"

Gently stroking the purple hair, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but gasp in response to her request:"Hiss~, Mitsuko, you have a big appetite!"

"But Jie Yijun, you will promise me, right?"After hesitating for a moment, Bai Ziyu finally gritted his teeth and agreed:"Okay!"

Although the price is a bit high, compared with the benefits to be obtained, these costs seem so insignificant.

"Yuichi-kun is indeed a good boss who is considerate of his subordinates~"

Mitsuko lowered her head and pecked him lightly, then slowly stood up. After a simple packing, she went to the Sugimoto family.

As for Bai Ziyu, of course, she had a good rest and prepared for the reward in the evening.

At the Sugimoto family, seeing that ten minutes had passed since the agreed time and the other party had not arrived, Ichiro Sugimoto was inevitably a little anxious.

If anyone else dared to stand him up, he would definitely let them know what pain is.

But now

And Sugimoto Shoko, who was standing aside, had a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

She was called back from school to accompany him. Has the Sugimoto family fallen to the point of selling their granddaughter?!

Originally, she had a little good impression of Bai Ziyu!

But now, her heart is full of disgust.

Bai Ziyu:...

Another five minutes passed, and when Sugimoto Ichiro finally couldn't sit still and wanted to call Bai Ziyu again, the guard sent a message that someone had arrived! He hurriedly stood up to greet them.

But immediately, looking at Sugimoto Shoko sitting on the sofa, indifferent, Sugimoto Ichiro's expression suddenly darkened:"Shoko...々` !"

Seeing the other person like this for the first time in her life, Shoko Sugimoto, who didn't want to pay attention to him, subconsciously chose to follow her heart.

Seeing this, Ichiro Sugimoto looked a little better, and then he seriously asked:"You must be more enthusiastic to Yuichi later, understand?"

The girl didn't say anything about this, but just nodded her head gently.

But what she thought in her heart was: Humph! I won't pay attention to him. If you want me to like that guy, no way!

A moment later, an old man and a young man came to the gate. Just when they were about to say hello enthusiastically, they saw that it was not Yuichi Hanyu who got off the car.

It was Mitsuko Iwasaki, who was wearing a black and white OL outfit and had a cold face.

In an instant, Ichiro Sugimoto's heart couldn't stop sinking.

Why did he call Bai Ziyu before instead of the other party?

It was because the other party was a young boy, with little experience, and was easily overwhelmed. He sold misery and moral kidnapping. If Shoko said a few good words, maybe he could get the job done.

But now facing this iron lady, Sugimoto Group is afraid that it will bleed heavily this time.

Seeing the flash of surprise in the other party's eyes, Mitsuko pouted a hint of teasing:"President Sugimoto seems surprised to see me?"

What the other party was planning, she had guessed after seeing the exquisitely dressed Sugimoto Shoko beside him!

Want to use this small price to exchange for the help of the Hanyu Group, where in the world is there such a good thing?

After all, he is an old fox who has been ups and downs in the business world for many years. In just a few seconds, Sugimoto Ichiro adjusted himself:"Ha~, haha~, how could it be! President Iwasaki, please!"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to lead the way for him.

In the middle of the way, the two of them tacitly did not mention Bai Ziyu's whereabouts. Mitsuko's appearance here has already explained everything.

Arriving in the living room, the host and the guest sat down. After a simple greeting, Mitsuko went straight to the point:"I don't know what's the important matter that President Sugimoto invited me to come this time?"

"Chairman Iwasaki must have heard that Director Sada of the Pharmaceutical Review Board died in the hospital room last night. The last place he went was Shoko's birthday party...."

"` 々Kenji Sada is dead?!"

Looking at the astonished look on the other party's face, Ichiro Sugimoto sighed in his heart, she is indeed an iron lady, she actually acted out the play so realistically.

The death of Kenji Sada has spread throughout Kanagawa City, how could the other party not know?

Obviously, now this is nothing more than wanting to raise the price!

In fact, Ichiro Sugimoto really wronged Mitsuko this time.

After all, she has been doing interesting things with Bai Ziyu all morning, how can she have time to care about these?!

Ichiro Sugimoto, who was ready to bleed heavily, nodded seriously:"Yes, so I would like to ask the Hanyu Group to lend a helping hand." Mitsuko quickly digested the news, picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip, with a look of"puzzled" on her face.":"Oh~, it's just a director who died, why would Sugimoto Group need our help?"

Before, I didn't understand why Bai Ziyu said that the other party would come to their doorstep for them to slaughter.

Now I understand! I understand everything! This is really a juicy big fat sheep!

Some time ago, there were rumors that a new drug that the other party had invested billions of dollars in research and development was about to be successfully executed.

At this time, Sada Kenji, who had been acting as their umbrella, died. If someone used this as an excuse to launch a sniper attack on Sugimoto Group, with its current capital chain......

It can be said that now she has complete control over the other party's life and death. If she lends a helping hand, she still has a chance to survive.

Otherwise, she will follow in the footsteps of the Gao Liu Group.

"Chairman Iwasaki is joking...."

He smiled bitterly and was about to shake his head. Just when he was about to say something, the phone suddenly rang.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, but seeing the other party's attitude of"If you don't answer, I will keep ringing", Sugimoto Ichiro had to apologize to Mitsuko and walked aside with the phone.

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