As soon as the call was connected, a burst of urgent words like a string of cannonballs came from the other side:"President, it's not good. The group has been maliciously sniped. The stock has fallen by three percentage points and is still falling at a very fast speed!"

Hearing this, Ichiro Sugimoto just said calmly:"Okay! I know!" Then he hung up the phone.

But the slightly white knuckles holding the phone showed that his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

Soon, they returned to the living room and continued to discuss.

As for Shoko Sugimoto, she played the role of the background board very well.

It was not until then that she knew the current predicament of the group.

This made her heart a little touched.

But only, just a little!

It is impossible to change her mind because of this. The future development of the group is the business of the men of the Sugimoto family. Why should she, a weak woman, pay for it?!

In the end, after a verbal battle, the Hanyu Group was willing to pay 3 billion yen to purchase 23.5% of the shares of the Sugimoto Group.

Of course, the most critical one is the latter one, to help them solve their current predicament.

Otherwise, how could their Sugimoto Group, with a market value of tens of billions, be bought by someone for only 3 billion yen for nearly a quarter of its shares?

Under the notarization of the lawyer, Mitsuko signed her own name and looked at Sugimoto Ichiro with a faint smile:"Then President Sugimoto, I wish our two companies a happy cooperation!"

The head of the Sugimoto Group forced a smile and nodded slightly:"Happy cooperation!"

After he left, Sugimoto Ichiro looked at Sugimoto Shoko beside him:"Shoko, you just saw that our Sugimoto Group can no longer afford the loss, so..."

Hearing this, he nodded indifferently, and Sugimoto Shoko said coldly:"I understand, Grandpa!"...

Let's not talk about the communication between Sugimoto and his grandson, let's just talk about Mitsuko.

The moment she left Sugimoto's house, she showed a smile from the heart.

This time, she really made a lot of money.~

"I'm looking forward to Jie Yijun's reward now!"

Mitsuko opened her mouth slightly and murmured softly, then walked slowly towards the black BMW outside the door with graceful lotus steps.

More than ten minutes later, Bai Ziyu, who was still asleep, was awakened by a familiar and warm feeling.

He opened his eyes, looked at the familiar purple hair, raised his right hand and stroked it gently:"You're back, how's the situation?"

"This time, the old fox was bitten off a piece of meat. I used 3 billion to buy 23.5% of their group's shares."

Lifting his head lightly, Mitsuko smiled and told about his victory this time. Then he lowered his head and continued to be busy. With a little force on his right hand, looking at the snow-white ceiling, Bai Ziyu said with a little emotion:"It is indeed an old fox. Even if he lost these shares, he still occupies a dominant position in the group."

Sugimoto Group is a family business. Although it later accepted a round of financing, the shares distributed were only a little over 20%.

Therefore, even if 23.5% is distributed again this time, it still has more than 50% of the shares in its hands.

And this completely cut off Bai Ziyu's idea of changing the name of Sugimoto Group by absorbing those retail shares.

Faced with Bai Ziyu's sigh, Mitsuko couldn't help rolling her eyes:"You really want to become a big fat man in one bite. It's already very good to have such a harvest now!"

"Well! It is true that I am too greedy. Besides these, the old fox should have other requirements, right?"

"Well! He wants us to solve the current predicament of Sugimoto Group!"

The big hand slowly moved down, caressing the jade-like delicate face. Bai Ziyu's expression was calm:"As expected!"

Seeing Bai Ziyu's confident look, Mitsuko said no more, and her pink and tender tongue gently licked..., her beautiful eyes revealed a sly smile like a little fox

"I have earned so much for the group, are you ready for Jie Yijun's reward?"

"Of course!"

Bai Ziyu is a man who always rewards meritorious service and punishes faults. Since the other party has made such a great contribution, he must reward him well.

On the way to reward, the annoying phone rang again.

Listening to the incessant"ding-ling-ling" ringing, Mitsuko turned around and said jokingly:"Jie, Jie Yijun, could it be your girlfriend, or your maid?"

Feeling the teasing in the other party's tone, Bai Ziyu raised his head....


With a crisp sound, Mitsuko's delicate body suddenly stiffened, and after a moment it slowly softened.

At that time, Bai Ziyu had already picked up the phone and pressed the answer button:"Hello, I'm Yuichi Hanyu, what can I do for you?"

"Yuiichi-kun, my name is Shoko. I would like to invite you to the park. Do you have time?"

"It's Shoko, what a coincidence! I'm a bit busy now, let's wait until tomorrow, I have time tomorrow, I'll call you then"

"Good! I'll wait for news from Jieyi-kun."

When Bai Ziyu put down the phone, Mitsuko curled her lips slightly:"Jieyi-kun's lying skills are becoming more and more perfect now!"

Gently rubbing the pet raised by the beauty, Bai Ziyu showed a gentle smile in his eyes:"But every word I said to Mitsuko was from the heart!"

"Tsk~, who knows!"

Although she said so, Mitsuko couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

"I didn’t expect Mitsuko to not believe me. It’s so sad!"

"Okay! Then I will use practical actions to express my true feelings for Mitsuko."......

The bright moon outside the window had hidden in the clouds at some point, and seemed to blush at the sight.

When everything was settled, Mitsuko snuggled in Bai Ziyu's arms and said softly,"The old fox wants to marry you, but you're using a beauty trap.~"

"Then I will make him lose both his wife and his army!"

"In this regard, I���Believe in Jie Yijun, with Jie Yijun's methods, dealing with a little girl should be easy, right?"

"? Mitsuko, why do I feel like you are mocking me?"

Sensing the other party's unfriendly tone, Mitsuko immediately chose to follow her heart:"Ah come on~, how is it possible, Yuichi-kun is wrong!"

"Am I really feeling wrong?"

"Yes! Really! Really!"....

I said: Hieu Baocot

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