In the end, Mitsuko could not escape Bai Ziyu's punishment.

He stretched out his right hand and slowly smoothed the beautiful woman's frowning eyebrows. Bai Ziyu smiled and kissed her softly.

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a number:"Moshi Moshi, is this Councillor Gao Cheng?..."

After a moment, everything was done. Looking at the balance of more than 5,000 on his attribute panel, he couldn't help but want to spend it.

After thinking about it, he finally spent 2,400 rescue points to buy 12 purple thunder-type devil fruits.

Together with the four that were gathering dust in the warehouse, he successfully broke through the level of Three Thousand Thunders to Purple Level 6.

Three Thousand Thunders: If you master this ability, you can become the Lord of Thunder and drive thousands of thunders to your use (the current stage is Purple Level 6, which can be strengthened to the highest level of dazzling color).

Skill 1, Thunder Escape: Stimulate the ability, and the body will turn into a lightning, which lasts for 18 seconds.

Skill 2, Thunderbird: You can summon thirty thunderbirds to attack the enemy.

Skill 3, Thunder Cage: Stimulate the ability to form a thunder cage with an area of 4.5*4.5 to control the enemy, which lasts for one minute and forty seconds.

Seeing that there was nearly half of it left, Bai Ziyu then spent another 1,600 to buy two bottles of fourth-level gene potions.

After taking it, all four dimensions soared by 40 points.

And the system's assessment of his strength finally reached the fourth level:

"Name: Bai Ziyu

Age: 19

Physique: 167

Strength: 168

Spirit: 180

Speed: 169

Appearance: 93

Number of goddesses: 7

Talents: Diamond Indestructible (purple), Diamond Kidney (purple), Unbreakable (purple), Rapid Recovery (purple), Photographic Memory (green)

Skills: Eye of Exploration, Armament Haki (purple), Six Styles (purple), Ten Thousand Swords Return (purple), Eight Young Maidens (blue)

Powers: Three Thousand Thunders (purple sixth level), Sea King (blue first level), Lord of Flame (blue third level), Whisper of the Wind (blue third level)

Items:"Goddess Record", Guardian Chain (blue), Thunder Blade (blue), Whirlwind Sword (blue), Soul-Extinguishing Spear (blue)

Rescue value: 1330

Overall strength assessment: High-level fourth stage"

Faced with the remaining balance of just over a thousand, two villains, one black and one white, appeared in front of Bai Ziyu.

The white villain suggested that Bai Ziyu keep it for emergency use. The black villain was just the opposite. He suggested that Bai Ziyu use it for a lottery.

After all, this little thing can't improve your strength much, so it's better to use it for a gamble.

Take a gamble, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle.

Maybe you will get a big shipment!

In this regard, Bai Ziyu said: It makes sense!

【1000 rescue points have been deducted. Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 1 billion yen*3, a favor from a big shot, healing potion, human baby burp bag (ultra-thin version)...】

As items were taken out one by one, Bai Ziyu's expression changed from the initial*^____^*, and became what it is now o(≧口≦)o

Sure enough, I shouldn't have listened to the other party. Gamblers don't get house.

Just as he wanted to greet his family in a friendly way, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Holy shit! Golden Legend, I knew you could do it, and it was right to listen to you!"

The black villain:...

Without paying attention to the other party's thoughts, Bai Ziyu hurriedly checked the attributes of this golden legend:

"Name: Record of Hundred Demons

Type: Strange Item

Level: Gold

Function: Can collect and seal the powerless demons, and can summon them in battle to drive them to fight against the enemy

Introduction: In a certain world, it is the treasure of a sect of immortal cultivation."

Looking at the"Record of Hundred Demons" which is completely black and depicts various demons, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

I didn't expect that such a powerful item could be drawn at random. Sure enough, the system still loves me.

System: o(*^@^*)oAfter a moment, he wiped the tears from the corners of his mouth, admired it carefully, and then Bai Ziyu put it into the personal space, replacing the original position of the Thunder Sword.

Thunder Sword: So love will disappear, right? Woohoo~

After finishing these, he looked at the last two items. When he saw one of them, his eyebrows slightly raised, and there was a bit of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

The next morning, Sugimoto Ichiro, who had just arrived at the company, received a report from Kashiwagi Ayano:"President, now our group's stock has fallen by 17 percentage points. Do you want to..."

0 ···Request flowers··· ···

In response to his suggestion, Ichiro Sugimoto waved his hand and said,"It's okay! We will get through it!"


Hearing this, Kashiwagi Ayano's eyes were filled with worry. The group was being attacked so hard and the funds within the group were seriously insufficient.

She really couldn't think of any other way to save the group.

"Ayano, you go ahead and do your work, tell everyone not to worry, we will be fine!"


Although she really wanted to know where the other party got the confidence from, Kashiwagi Ayano still kept her duty as a secretary.

......... 0

After nodding slightly, he slowly left.

Looking at his back, when he completely disappeared, Sugimoto Ichiro whispered softly:"Hanyu Group, please don't let me down!"

Facts have proved that Hanyu Group is absolutely reliable.

Half an hour later, Kashiwagi Ayano hurried in, full of joy:"President, the original sniping has stopped, and our group's stock is recovering"

"Okay! I understand. I'm telling everyone not to take it lightly in case the opponent counterattacks."

"And tell everyone that after this busy period, I will invite them to go on a hot spring trip together!"


After he left, Sugimoto Ichiro looked at the girl who had been silent beside him and said,"Shoko, now you understand why grandpa wants you to get in touch with Hanyu. If you can establish a deeper bond with the Hanyu Group,"

"Then their connections can be used by us, and the revival of the Sugimoto family will be unstoppable."

"I understand!"

Hearing this, Sugimoto Shoko nodded gently.

But little did she know that these words completely aroused the girl's rebellious psychology.

Why should a girl like me bear the revival of the Sugimoto family?

Why should I pay for your ambitions?


It can only be said that Ichiro Sugimoto is too doting on her.

It's really sad that she doesn't even understand such a simple truth as"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!" Big.

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