After slacking off for a while, Bai Ziyu suddenly dreamed of his past life while listening to Sugimoto Ichiro's long speech.

In his past life, he had eaten so many big cakes drawn by countless capitalists. Now he was eating them again after traveling through time. Didn't he travel through time in vain?!

So the next moment, he chose to escape to the toilet.

When passing by an office, he happened to hear a conversation coming from inside:"I'm sorry, Ms. Shiraishi, your resume does not meet the recruitment requirements of our company."

"Oh, so that's bothering you!".

"Wait! Although Ms. Shiraishi cannot apply for the secretary position, there is still a position for the front desk of our company. Would you like to consider it, Ms. Shiraishi?"

"But I studied secretarial studies in college, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to work as a receptionist!"

"It's okay. The front desk job is very simple. With Ms. Shiraishi's qualifications, I think she will be able to do it."

"So, I..."

Just as he was about to say"I'll think about it", the door suddenly opened:"Don't think about it, you can be my secretary from now on!"

Seeing Bai Ziyu, a middle-aged man in his forties with a big belly sitting behind the table, his face was full of displeasure:"Sir, this is a recruitment for our Sugimoto Group, please get out!"

Ignoring such an insignificant little character, Bai Ziyu looked at the girl in front of him with short blue hair and exquisite and capable clothes.

"Name: Shiraishi Momoko

Age: 22

Personality: Gentle, simple

Hobbies: sunbathing, reading, cooking

Sensitive area: leg hollows

Appearance: 91

Favorability: 10

Strength: Lower first level

Recent thoughts: Who is this handsome boy, and why..."

At the same time, a new task appeared on the task panel again.

【Mission requirements: Protect the innocent Momoko Shiraishi from harm by evil spirits. Mission rewards: Mastery of Traditional Chinese Medicine (blue), rescue points +500. Mission failure: no punishment.

Bai Ziyu did not expect that he would encounter the scene where the other party was being recruited.

Tell me, isn’t this a coincidence?

It just so happens that as the future chairman of the Hanyu Group, he also needs a secretary to take care of the chores of life, and she is very suitable.

So looking at Momoko Shiraishi in front of him, Bai Ziyu asked softly:"Miss, are you willing to be my secretary?"

Poaching in person! Ignoring yourself!

What is this? This is a protrusion in the face!

It is tolerable! It is unbearable!

More importantly, if the other party really agrees, wouldn’t his idea of getting the moon first by being close to the water tower be in vain?

When he thought of this, the veins on the middle-aged man’s forehead burst out, and he said angrily:"Sir, please go out, or I will call security!"

But Bai Ziyu still chose to ignore it, just looking at the innocent girl gently.

{Hmm~, his eyes are so gentle, could it be...}

Seeing the girl's wild thoughts, Bai Ziyu's smile widened.

Who can not love such a girl who is as pure as a blank sheet of paper?

Seeing that the other party ignored him again, the middle-aged man could no longer sit still, and directly pressed the communicator to call the security:"Someone is making trouble, come up quickly!"

Bai Shi Taozi, who was awakened by the voice, said anxiously:"Sir, you should leave quickly, the security of the group will be here soon"

"Miss, you haven't told me whether you want to be my secretary or not. Don't worry, you won't suffer any loss if you become my secretary."

"Annual salary of tens of millions, work five days a week and have two days off, and the company can also provide you with a single-family dormitory for living."

Hearing what Bai Ziyu said, the middle-aged man's face was full of sneers and sarcasm.

You are fooling a silly boy, I don't even have such conditions, how can a student who has just graduated from college have such conditions?

Although college students are said to be stupid, they are not stupid to this extent, right?!

But the next moment, Bai Shi Taozi's reaction surprised him directly:"I, I only need an annual salary of one million, I don't need so much!"

Damn! This is also possible!

If I had known this, why did I work so hard just now?

If I just show some real skills, I can trick her in.

Bai Ziyu couldn't help but sigh. The other party is so simple, and I don't know how she has been living for the past twenty years.

With her personality, if she meets a scumbag, she will probably eat her up!

But until now, she is still a girl. It should be said that this is a miracle

"I will never regret what I said, just the conditions before!"

"But, but I am not worth that much!"

Shiraishi Momoko is very clear about her own situation. She is a college student who has just graduated from college and has no work experience at all.

A million yuan a year is already a luxury, so how can she ask for more?

"You are worth the price to me!"

Seeing that the other party was about to snatch his prey, the middle-aged man snorted disdainfully:"Huh! Everyone can talk big, I also said that I would give her an annual salary of over 100 million."

Faced with such a jumping clown, Bai Ziyu really didn't bother to pay attention.

But Shiraishi Momoko, who had already put herself into the role of his secretary, immediately turned on the battle mode:"I believe that the boss will not lie to me, and please don't slander me maliciously, Mr. Nakano, otherwise I will take legal action and make you compensate my boss for the loss of reputation."

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu's eyes lit up slightly, it seemed that he really picked up a treasure this time.

The middle-aged man was almost choked by the girl's breath and laughed angrily:"You, you..., OK! OK! Now please leave, we don't welcome you in Sugimoto Group!"

At this moment, the security guard he called earlier rushed up.

"Nakano Section Chief..."

Just when they were about to ask who was so blind that he dared to run wild in the Sugimoto Group.

Suddenly, they saw Bai Ziyu in front of them, and they were stunned.

This person seems to be the one who accompanied the chairman today.

It seems that the chairman calls him - Nephew Jieyi.

Hiss~, I can't afford to offend you! I can't afford to offend you!

The next moment, the leading security captain came up with a smile and said,"Master Jieyi, the brothers didn't know it was you, otherwise even if we borrowed two of you,���We dare not come up to trouble you!"

Hearing the other party's address, the middle-aged man's face suddenly froze.

If I remember correctly, the young master of the Hanyu Group seems to be coming to the group to attend the shareholders' meeting today.

And this one in front of him...

At this moment, the middle-aged man wanted to slap himself twice.

How could he be so blinded by beauty that he didn't think about it. Who else could be the young man who could walk freely in the group and offer such generous treatment except that one?!.

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