The next moment, he forced a smile on his face and walked up to Bai Ziyu:"Master Hanyu, I was blind just now. Please don't bear grudges against me and don't take it to heart."

Looking at the other party's bowing appearance, Bai Ziyu's mouth curled up with a hint of amusement:"Why? Now Mr. Nakano doesn't say that I am bragging!"

"Master Hanyu, you are joking. I am blind! I am blind!"

""That's enough! I'm too lazy to bother with you."

Waving his hand disdainfully, Bai Ziyu immediately looked at Bai Shi Taozi in front of him:"Taozi, let's go!"

Being addressed so affectionately, the girl's cheeks immediately turned a little pink.

She nodded slightly and followed.

Afterwards, Bai Ziyu was not in the mood to attend the meeting that was like an old lady's foot binding, so he took Bai Shi Taozi away.

In the car, the girl opened her innocent big eyes and asked puzzledly:"Boss, where are we going now?~?"

"Let's buy a villa and live there temporarily. I'll take you back to Meiyuan City in a few days. From now on, you will be my exclusive secretary.���, help me deal with all the trivial matters"

"Buy a villa? Live in it first..."

Faced with Bai Ziyu's inhumane words, Bai Shi Taozi's brain suddenly crashed.

Having lived in the countryside since she was a child and relying on part-time work to complete her studies, she really couldn't understand such arrogant behavior.

Seeing the other party's cute look, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but stretch out his hand and rubbed the other party's head hard.

In an instant, the girl's fair and pretty face was stained with a layer of gorgeous sunset.

After a while, seeing that the other party had no intention of stopping, Bai Shi Taozi plucked up the courage to say:"Boss, you, you are harassing me.~"

"Sorry! Sorry! Taozi was so cute just now that I couldn't help myself...."

As he said this, Bai Ziyu took his hand back with full of apology.

After hearing these words, Shiraishi Momoko's face became even more flushed.

At the same time, seeing that Bai Ziyu had not returned for a long time, Sugimoto Ichiro went out to look for him.

Then, he learned from the employees that the other party had left and had a conflict with Nakano Hirokawa, who was in charge of recruitment.

So, without any hesitation, Sugimoto Ichiro directly ordered him to be dismissed.

Although Bai Ziyu once said that he would not care about it, as an old fox, how could Sugimoto Ichiro not see that the other party was deliberately leaving it to him to deal with.

His own attitude in handling the matter corresponds to the attitude of the Hanyu Group in the future.

How to choose between the group and the old employees, isn't it easy?!

Bai Ziyu: Did I think so much? How come I didn't know!

Soon, with 300 million yen being transferred away, Bai Ziyu bought a villa covering an area of 300 square meters on Xiangshan Road, with a garden in front and a swimming pool in the back.

Lying on the sun lounger in the backyard, looking at Shiraishi Momoko, who was standing beside him with her hands clasped on her lower abdomen, standing tall and slender, with a serious face, Bai Ziyu couldn't help feeling helpless.

"Taozi, there are only two of us now, you don't have to be so serious, come, lie down and bask in the sun together."

Hearing this, the girl shook her head like a rattle:"No! I'm just a secretary, and you're the boss, I can't..."

Faced with such a dedicated and even somewhat old-fashioned girl, Bai Ziyu could only use magic to defeat magic:"Well! Now I order you to lie down and bask in the sun with me!"


"What! Are you going to disobey your boss?"

"All right then!"

Seeing Bai Ziyu's face turned serious and he seemed a little angry, Bai Shi Taozi had no choice but to agree.

Lying on the sun lounger, the warm sunshine fell on her body, and a sweet smile appeared on the girl's face.

Then, the two of them chatted casually:"Taozi, are you from Kanna?"

"My hometown is a small village in Hokkaido. I came to Kanagawa City to go to college. I wanted to find a job here after graduation, but I didn’t expect to meet the boss!"

"Then meet me..."

Bai Ziyu stayed in the sun until about 3:00 p.m., and when he felt the temperature gradually drop, he got up.

Seeing Bai Ziyu getting up, Bai Shi Taozi didn't dare to bask in the sun anymore, and hurriedly sat up from the sun lounger.

"I haven’t swum for a long time. Taozi, do you want to join me?"

0 ···Request flowers·· ·····

"No, don't do it!"

Seeing the girl's resistance, Bai Ziyu did not force it.

After arriving in the room, he changed into a pair of black swimming trunks, took a few steps, and fell heavily into the pool, splashing a large amount of water.

After a moment, looking at Bai Ziyu, who was bathing in the sun with eight abdominal muscles in front of him, a layer of attractive blush appeared on the girl's cheeks again.

After living for more than 20 years, this is the first time she has seen a boy's body other than her father and brother. It's too embarrassing!

In the evening, eating the sukiyaki made by Shiraishi Taozi, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but give a thumbs up:"It's so delicious, I didn't expect Taozi that you have such cooking skills!"

Hearing Bai Ziyu's praise, Bai Shishi Taozi's eyebrows gradually curved into a crescent:"Boss, you are too kind. Taozi just likes cooking, so she likes to study it whenever she has nothing to do."

..... 0

Putting another piece of wagyu into his mouth, Bai Ziyu waved his hand and said,"Don't stand there anymore, sit down and eat with me!"

"You are the boss, I..."

Seeing that the other party was about to say that the secretary could not sit with the boss, Bai Ziyu interrupted him directly:"Okay! Now there are only two of us, don't be so old-fashioned, sit down quickly!"

As he said, he stood up and pulled her to the chair forcefully, pressing it down with a little force!

Then he returned to his seat, called out:"Eat quickly!", and then he devoured the food in front of him again.

Looking at the other party's wolfing appearance, Bai Shi Taozi's beautiful eyes flashed with tears.

The next moment, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of green vegetable, put it in his mouth and chewed it gently.

Today's Sukiyaki seems to be more delicious than the previous ones.

The next morning, Bai Ziyu, who was still asleep, heard a gentle call in his ear:"Boss! Boss, get up~" He opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the beautiful lady in front of him, Bai Ziyu subconsciously stretched out his hand, hugged her slender waist, and then for a while, looking at the girl with a face as red as blood, lowering her head and hurriedly fleeing, Bai Ziyu pursed his lips lightly, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up a little. It seems that

I have inadvertently shortened the distance between the two of us.

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