Looking at the photos of her father going out with other women and entering couple hotels, and seeing the evidence sheets of embezzlement of public funds, Yuri Himeno's eyes widened, and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

"This this..."

"As Miss Yuri has seen, your father, Minister Himeno Takuya, has an improper relationship with his subordinates."

"Moreover, during this year, he had repeatedly used his position to embezzle public funds to buy jewelry, luxury cars and mansions for himself."

"This, this is not true! It's not true!"

Every word of Bai Ziyu was like a sharp sword, piercing the girl's heart deeply.

She couldn't believe that the father who loved her mother so much and doted on her so much would cheat on her and embezzle public funds for other women....How is this possible? How is this possible?

Looking at the girl whose tears were flowing like a river bursting, Bai Ziyu showed no pity and went all out..

"Why do you have to deceive yourself, Miss Yuri? You must have noticed the abnormality of Minister Ji Ye recently , right?!"

As soon as these words came out, the girl instantly recalled that in the past few months, the other party did come back very late every day, and sometimes did not return home at night.

And she had accidentally bumped into her mother crying secretly. Could it be that her mother knew all this a long time ago!?

Seeing the girl silent, Bai Ziyu immediately said lightly:"Since Miss Yuri doesn't believe it, then I can only find a professional to identify it!"

Believe that they will definitely give Miss Yuri a satisfactory answer.

As he said, Bai Ziyu was about to take the evidence back.

But the next moment, the girl seemed to go crazy and tore the evidence in her hand to pieces.

Compared to letting her father go to jail, she would rather keep the status quo.

At least, the family can sit together and eat together from time to time, that's enough!

But Bai Ziyu did not stop it at all, but just watched the girl's performance quietly.

When she tore the last piece of evidence into pieces, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but applaud:"Very good! Miss Yuri, are you satisfied with the tearing? If not, I have more..."

As he spoke, Bai Ziyu opened the storage compartment, took out another copy and handed it over.

Looking at the same material as before, the girl's pupils shrank suddenly.

After a while, her eyes were full of bloodshot, and she said in a slightly hoarse voice:"What do you want in order to hand over the evidence to me!"

"I sincerely invited Miss Yuri to solve this matter, but your actions just now made me very dissatisfied."

"So, I want to make a deal with Miss Yuri. Every time I make a deal, I will destroy an original manuscript."

"There are a total of twenty-one pieces of evidence here that Minister Ji Ye embezzled public funds, which means you only need to trade twenty-one times, how about that? Fair, right?"

In fact, Bai Ziyu originally planned to boil the frog in warm water and use it to slowly attack.

But the other party actually did such a thing to destroy the evidence, so don't blame him.

Since you don't like gentleness, then go straight to the point!


As soon as these words came out, the girl was so angry that Xihe's chest heaved.

He was a rich young master, but he was clearly a villain who took advantage of others' misfortune.

"Of course, Miss Yuri can also refuse, then tomorrow this thing will appear on President Sugimoto's desk. I think if he knew that his most trusted subordinate was secretly draining the company, his expression would be very interesting."

Hearing this, the girl instantly thought of the consequences of Sugimoto Ichiro knowing this. She screamed and grabbed Bai Ziyu's arm with both hands, begging:"No!" Seeing this

, Bai Ziyu gradually showed a signature smile at the corner of his mouth:"Then Miss Yuri, what is your choice?"

"I, I promise!"

"Very good!"

Extending his index finger to lift the delicate jade chin, Bai Ziyu slowly moved closer.

Facing the handsome face that was gradually approaching, Himeno Yuri's eyelashes frantically blinked, but she forced herself not to leave.

Soon, the girl's face suddenly turned red.

And Bai Ziyu's face showed a bit of gloom.

He usually abides by traffic rules very much, and he must not do things that violate traffic laws!

An hour later, after Bai Ziyu sent the girl to the door of her house, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away directly.

Walking into the house a little tiredly, a gentle and beautiful woman in a blue apron came up to greet him:"Youri is back, wash your hands and prepare to eat!"

Looking around, she did not see the figure she imagined, and Himeno Yuri asked softly:"Dad is still not back?"

Hearing this, the beautiful woman's eyes revealed a hint of pain.

Then, she smiled and shook her head:"Your father has to work overtime at the company, he asked us to eat first, don't wait for him!"

Although that trace of pain was fleeting, it was still captured by Yuri Himeno.

At this moment, the tall and majestic image of the other party in her heart in the past completely collapsed.

Without saying anything more, she went to the bathroom, washed up and sat at the dining table. She scooped a small bowl of chicken soup with a spoon and placed it in front of him. A faint smile appeared on the beautiful woman's face:"Try it, how about the chicken soup made by your mother?" 907

When she saw the milky white chicken soup in front of her, Yuri Himeno suddenly felt nauseous. She retched, covered her cherry lips lightly, and hurried away.

Looking at the other party's back, she picked up the spoon and took a sip. Feeling the fragrance in her mouth, the beautiful woman's eyes were full of confusion:"What's wrong with this child, it's not hard to drink!"

In the bathroom, after rinsing her mouth several times, the girl cursed in a low voice:"Baga, damn bastard, you actually..."

At the same time, the bastard she scolded had returned home and was eating the feast prepared by his secretary.

After swallowing a fried shrimp, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Bai Shi Taozi again:"Not bad! Not bad! I've decided, Taozi, from now on, you will not only be my secretary, but also my personal chef. The food you cook is so delicious!"

"No! No! If you keep going like this, I will be unable to leave you!"

This is not because he is deliberately trying to please her, but because the food he makes is really delicious.

In fact, it is even better than Mitsuko's!

Mitsuko: Humph~( ̄ε(# ̄)

Facing Bai Ziyu's last words that were almost teasing, Bai Shi Taozi's cheeks were flushed, and she whispered softly:"If the boss likes it, Taozi will make it for you every day in the future!


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