Hearing this, Bai Ziyu stopped what he was doing and looked at Bai Shi Taozi with a tender look in his eyes:"Taozi~"

Gradually, the distance between the two of them became closer and closer.

When the distance between their lips was only 0.05 meters, Bai Ziyu suddenly heard a hurried system prompt in his ear:

【Emergency! Emergency! Etsukiko Shinjo is in crisis! Etsukiko Shinjo is in crisis! Could the host please teleport to her side immediately! Could the host please teleport to her side immediately! 】

Instantly, Bai Ziyu's face changed slightly!

He pecked the pink lips lightly like a dragonfly touching the water, left a sentence"I still have some things to deal with", and hurried back to his room.

At the same time, in Meiyuan City, in a KTV box with exquisite decoration, Etsukiko was wearing a black and white OL outfit, with a pair of straight legs, emitting a white light under the dim light.

However, at this time, she was lying on the sofa, with her right hand hanging limply.

In front of her, a thin middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, stretched out his broad tongue, licked his lips, and glanced at the plump���、The slender and graceful figure, his eyes full of greed. He had long wanted to taste this body, but never had the chance before.

This time he had a whole night, and he must have a good time!

The next moment, he slowly extended his hand to the fullness that was about to burst out, and seemed to have felt the warmth coming from it.

But at this moment, a voice as cold as the coldest days of winter rang out from the box:"You are looking for death!"

"Who is it?!"

Upon hearing this, he turned his head sharply, but saw only a headless corpse standing there quietly.

""Hmm? Why does this body look so much like mine?"

Such a question emerged in his mind, but then, a strong feeling of fatigue came over him, making him want to just close his eyes and have a good rest.

And this rest would be forever!

He sprinkled half a bottle of corpse powder, no longer paying attention to the corpse that was gradually turning into blood, Bai Ziyu came to Yuemiko and gently called out:"Yuemiko! Yuemiko~~ !"

After calling her several times and seeing no response from her, Bai Ziyu was sure that she had been drugged.

He bent down and picked her up, then slowly sank into the ground and headed towards Amemiya's house.

But halfway through, the other party suddenly looked at him, and Bai Ziyu had no choice but to find a hotel.

The next morning, feeling the dazzling sunlight, Etsumeko slowly opened her eyes and subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands.


Seeing her fair arms, Etsumiko was startled for a moment and quickly lifted the quilt.

The next moment, a strong despair surged from her heart.

Jie Yijun! I'm sorry!

In an instant, tears flowed down like pearls from a broken string, and Etsumiko kept pulling her hair with both hands.

At this moment, a low and magnetic voice came from not far away:"Etsumiko~"

Hearing this familiar voice, Etsumiko raised her head abruptly.

Looking at the handsome and tall figure, she immediately jumped up from the bed, regardless of her current situation, and threw herself into his arms like a young swallow:"Jie Yijun!"

Lifting her right hand lightly and gently rubbing the short blue hair, Bai Ziyu said softly:"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, she raised her little head, with her red and swollen eyes, Etsumiko sobbed:"I thought, I thought..."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ziyu's face suddenly darkened:"I haven't seen you for a few days. You have become more capable than before. You actually dare to go to KTV with a man alone at night?"

Fearing that the other party would misunderstand her, Yue Meizi hurriedly shook her head like a rattle:"I didn't, Jie Yijun. The company wanted to hold a team building, and I really couldn't refuse, so I..."

As she was talking, the beauty suddenly thought of something and gritted her teeth:"These bastards!"

She was not a fool. She had been restraining herself from getting drunk before, just to keep her mind clear.

But after drinking a glass of juice handed to her by a colleague, she lost consciousness. While she was still conscious, she seemed to hear something vaguely said to President Zhu....

"I want to call the police!"

As soon as she thought of this, she immediately reached for her phone, but was stopped by Bai Ziyu.

Immediately, a hint of confusion flashed in Yue Meizi's beautiful eyes:"Jie Yijun..."

Facing the other party's puzzled eyes, Bai Ziyu said lightly:"Do you have evidence?"

Upon hearing this, a bit of frustration immediately appeared on Yumiko's pretty face.

Yes! She has no evidence. Even if the cup of juice was spiked, it might have been processed by someone.

In the absence of evidence, how could the police listen to her one-sided words?

But can they just watch those bastards get away with it?!

At this moment, Bai Ziyu's words made her clear the fog in her heart:"` 々All right! Leave this matter to me. They dared to plot against my woman. I will make them regret coming into this world." Hearing that the other party actually called her his woman, Yumiko's cheeks immediately became hot, and she whispered softly:"Jie Yijun, what did you just say?"

Looking at the other party's thoughts at this time, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"Make them regret coming into this world?"

"Not this one? It's the previous one!"

"Leave this matter to me?"

"It’s not this one, it’s the next sentence!"

"Is there? What else? I forgot!"

Raising her head slightly and puffing up her cheeks, Yuemiko looked at Bai Ziyu angrily, like a chipmunk storing food in autumn.

If she still couldn't react at this time that the other party was teasing her on purpose, she could go buy a piece of tofu and kill herself!

Bai Ziyu lowered his head and pecked lightly, gently stroking the delicate waist, and said softly:"Okay! You are my woman, I will naturally stand up for you!"

Hearing Bai Ziyu's promise in person, Yuemiko burst into tears instantly:"I will marry Zhao Zhao~"

Originally, she thought that the other party just regarded her as a hot bag friend, and only she had unknowingly invested her feelings in it.

For this reason, she tossed and turned in bed for countless nights, secretly cursing herself for not being competitive.

But every time she saw him, her body couldn't help wanting to get close to him.

In order to make the other party happy, she even did it again and again...

This made her feel like she was**

But now she knew that he had long regarded her as his real woman. How could she not be moved and happy?

Reaching out to wipe away the hot tears, Bai Ziyu gently scratched the straight nose:"Okay! You are so old, but you are still crying. Aren't you ashamed?"

Looking at the handsome face quietly, Yue Meizi slowly smiled happily. The next moment, a light white fluorescence slowly emerged from the top of his head and shot into Bai Ziyu's body.

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