Sitting on the edge of the bed in a couple's hotel, listening to the sound of water dripping from the bathroom, Yuri Himeno lowered her head and kept playing with her fingers.

If possible, she hoped that time could be frozen at this moment forever.

But unfortunately, her wish was doomed to fail.

After more than ten minutes, the sound of water gradually stopped.

Then, the bathroom door was opened.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, the girl's heart was raised to her throat.

After a moment, seeing the big feet that had already come to her, the girl slowly raised her head:"Will you keep your promise?"

"Of course! Miss Yuri has already felt my sincerity, right?"

Hearing this, she nodded her head, slowly stood up, opened her arms.........

More than an hour later, looking at Yuri Himeno in his arms with a frown and a bit of pain between her eyebrows, Bai Ziyu took out a tube of medicine that exuded a mysterious luster under the light.

Facing the girl's puzzled eyes, Bai Ziyu said lightly:"Drink it! It's good for your injury!"

Hearing this, the girl took it after hesitating for only a moment, uncorked it and drank it all.

In an instant, a stream of cold and sweet water slowly fell into the lower abdomen along the esophagus.

It immediately turned into a mint-like cool breath rushing towards the wound.

The originally hot wound, under the comfort of this breath, gradually began to heal.

Seeing the pain between the other's eyebrows gradually dissipated, Bai Ziyu nodded:"Let's go! I'll take you back!"

After a while, when everything was packed up, she glimpsed a few bright plum blossoms on the white bed sheet, and Yuri Himeno's beautiful eyes revealed a bit of complexity.

After thinking about it, she finally picked up the scissors and cut it off.

After folding it and putting it in her schoolbag, she looked at Bai Ziyu and said,"Let's go!"

Bai Ziyu, who had never thought that the other party would do this, showed a little surprise in her eyes, but did not say much.

Outside the couple's hotel, Bai Ziyu, who was about to start the engine, saw two people coming together not far away, and gradually showed a hint of playfulness on his face:"Ms. Yuri, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence々」 ?"

Ji Ye Youli, who was staring out the window in a daze, turned her head subconsciously and asked,"What?"..."

Just after saying two words, she froze in her place.

In front of her left, her father was walking slowly towards her, hugging a short-haired beauty with an amazing figure. She had also seen that beauty before, she was a member of the sales department - Suehiro Enka. When passing by Bai Ziyu's car, Himeno Takuya stopped and looked thoughtful.

Seeing this, Suehiro Enka showed a bit of dissatisfaction on her pretty face.

****So now you don't want to leave?

"Minister, what's so good about a car? Let's go to the hotel and Yuanxiang will show you...."

The other party's words immediately woke Ji Ye Takuya from his thoughts.

He immediately moved his right hand down, while holding the Hun Yuan, with a"serious" look on his face.":"Then Yuanxiang must not surrender crying...."

Listening to those disgusting words coming out of the mouth of her most beloved father, the girl's eyes gradually turned red.

Pulling out a tissue and handing it over, Bai Ziyu said lightly:"If you want to cry, then cry!" The girl's nose twitched slightly, holding back the tears that were about to burst out, and pretended to be strong:"I don't want to cry! I'm not that fragile!"

But as she spoke, the tears could not stop flowing down.

Bai Ziyu sighed softly when he saw this, and then leaned over and wiped it gently for her.

It didn't matter if he wiped it, the emotions that the girl had accumulated in her heart for many days burst out.

Throwing herself into Bai Ziyu's arms, she clenched her pink fists and kept hitting him:"Woo woo~, you bastard, why did you tell me all this, can't I just be a fool who is kept in the dark happily, why are you forcing me..."

Bai Ziyu hugged the other's soft and fragrant back without saying a word, letting her vent.

After a long time, the girl was tired of beating and her voice was hoarse, so she gently left Bai Ziyu's arms and said,"Sorry, I just lost my temper!"

"No problem! Didn't you just ask me why I forced you? Well, I'll tell you now, I like you. I've liked you since the first time I saw you at the birthday party."

"Therefore, after I learned about the crime your father committed, I did not immediately hand it over to President Sugimoto...."

Yuri Himeno had never thought that the other party would suddenly confess his love, and her brain suddenly crashed:"You, you..."

But Bai Ziyu didn't give her a chance to react, and immediately changed the subject:"I know you can't accept it now, but in the future transactions, I will let you slowly get to know the real me!" After that , Bai Ziyu stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Jiye's house.

"` 々"From the bottom of my heart", my heart is even more confused.

No matter men or women, they will have a natural liking for the person who gets their first time, plus Bai Ziyu's handsome appearance, touching confession, and comfort when she is sad.

All these prompted her to gradually change her original inherent image of him as a shameless villain and a big pervert.

Looking at the other party's favorability, which soared from the initial 20 points to the final 55 points, Bai Ziyu secretly couldn't help but give his reaction 10086 likes.

According to his original plan, he would increase the other party's favorability through repeated transactions.

After all, in the previous life of the Republic of China, a Master Zhang once said: The shortcut to a woman's heart is (Li Nuo Zhao)..Yang.

And now, his on-the-spot performance has greatly accelerated the process.

He is sure that before the transaction is completely completed, there will be one more resident in"Goddess Record".

Soon, after putting the girl down, Bai Ziyu drove away.

Looking at the car shadow gradually going away, Ji Yeyouri's beautiful eyes were full of complexity.

After the car shadow completely disappeared, she slowly walked towards home.

As soon as she walked into the living room, her mother came up to her anxiously:"Where have you been, kid? You didn't answer the phone and you didn't reply to the text message. I'm worried to death!"

Feeling the concern in the other party's words, Ji Yeyouri's nose suddenly soured. Holding back the tears that were about to fall, the girl showed a sweet smile on her face:"I went shopping with Sachiko. Unfortunately, my phone ran out of battery, so I didn't answer the call. I'm sorry, mom!".

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