At the Sugimoto family's house, I saw Shoko Sugimoto, who was wearing bear pajamas and yawning, coming into the living room.

Ichiro Sugimoto put down the newspaper in his hand and said gently,"Shoko, why don't you make an appointment these days? You young people need to communicate more!"

"I will make an appointment, so you don’t have to worry about it, grandpa!"

"Good! Grandpa believes you..."

In the villa, Bai Ziyu, who was lying on the sofa and silently enjoying the massage from the secretary, suddenly received a call from Sugimoto Shoko..

"Hello, Shoko, what's going on?"

"Jieyijun, I would like to invite you to play tennis. Are you interested?"

"Tennis? OK, where are you now? I'll pick you up!"

"I am here..."

After putting down the phone, Bai Ziyu turned his head to feel the faint resentment behind him.

Then, he saw the girl with slightly pouted lips and a wronged look:"Taozi, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, the girl turned her head to the side and shook it a few times:"Nothing!" Looking at the child-like Bai Shi Taozi, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then stood up and hugged her slender waist. With a little force, the other party fell into his arms uncontrollably.

"Boss, you..."

The girl subconsciously wanted to say something when she encountered the sudden change, but was blocked by a shadow.

After a while, Bai Ziyu pinched the cheek of the girl who was already limp in his arms, and explained in a gentle voice:"It was the eldest lady of Sugimoto Group just now. She invited me, and I can't refuse!"

Seeing that Bai Ziyu was willing to explain to her, the girl's eyebrows slowly curved, but she still said stubbornly:"I'm just a little secretary, the boss doesn't need to explain to me!"

Little did she know that Bai Ziyu had already seen through her thoughts.

So the next moment, the big hand from the waist slowly

"You are more than just a little secretary~"

Quickly holding down the mischievous hand, Shiraishi Momoko hurriedly said:"Boss, you'd better go quickly. It would be bad if you make Miss Sugimoto wait for a long time!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu nodded without saying anything else:"Okay! Then I'll go first."

Then, he suddenly remembered something:"By the way, let's have sushi tonight. I've been eating too much greasy food recently. I want to eat something light."

""Hmm!" After a moment, Bai Ziyu stood up and left. Looking at the gradually disappearing back, the girl's cheeks flushed a little.

After gently saying"bad boss", she hummed a little tune and went to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients for sushi.

Ten minutes later, Bai Ziyu met Sugimoto Shoko at a street corner, and next to her, there was a young man with an indifferent face.

Seeing her recent thoughts, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The rift between the two has been getting bigger and bigger.~


Seeing Bai Ziyu, Sugimoto Shoko came up with a cheerful step.

""Sorry, Xiangzi, I kept you waiting for so long!"

The girl smiled and shook her head. In front of the young man, she hugged Bai Ziyu's arm and said,"It's okay, Jie Yijun, let's go!"

As she spoke, her eyes seemed to glance at the young man beside her casually.

Finding that he didn't react at all, the girl's movements became even worse, causing her arm in front of her to completely sink into the softness.

Although the other party regarded him as a tool to anger the young man, Bai Ziyu didn't realize that he was being used as a tool at all.

The next moment, he actually stretched out his hand and rubbed the cute little head with a doting look on his face:"Okay! Let's go!"

This made the girl's brain crash immediately.

No? You're just a tool, who told you to touch me?!

But then, she glanced at the young man with blue veins bulging on his temple, and she felt refreshed in her heart.

Humph! Now you know you're anxious, don't think that I like you, so I'm fearless...

Immediately, the girl said calmly:"Zhenye, you go back first, I will go with Jie Yijun, and he will take me home."

After that, she looked at Bai Ziyu:"Is it Jie Yijun?"

"Of course!"

Seeing that the other party was actually riding on his face, the young man roared in anger in his heart:"Damn bitch! Damn! Damn!..."

But his face was calm:"Okay Miss!"......

After playing tennis with Sugimoto Shoko for several hours and letting her win a little, Bai Ziyu sent her back to Sugimoto's home.

When they were about to part, Bai Ziyu glimpsed the young man hiding behind a tree not far away and rubbed the girl's head lovingly:"Shoko, I'm very happy today. Do you want to go hiking with me tomorrow?"

Feeling the warmth from the big hand, the girl's cheeks turned lightly rosy, and she couldn't help but feel a little greedy in her heart.

But she knew what she wanted to do, so she finally chose to refuse:"Sorry, Yuichi-kun, I have something to do tomorrow."

Although she was rejected, Bai Ziyu was not angry at all, and the corner of his mouth still had that gentle smile:"It's okay, we'll go when you have time."

After a while, the two parted. Looking at the young man standing in front of her, Sugimoto Shoko was excited in her heart, but her face was full of indifference:"What's the matter?..."

"Miss, you..."

"This is none of your business!"

The girl said coldly, and walked past him and towards the villa.

"Damn it! Damn it!..."

After returning home, Bai Ziyu enjoyed the sushi carefully prepared by Shiraishi Momoko. He said,"It's so delicious. Momoko, you are indeed a good candidate for a wife."

Bai Ziyu's words could not be said to be a hint, but a naked indication.

In an instant, the girl's crystal earlobes became like agate:"Boss, you......"

Bai Ziyu couldn't help but be tempted by her charming appearance.

But just when he was about to take action, the other party's phone suddenly lit up.

Looking at the caller ID, the girl quickly picked up the swipe to answer the call:"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Sister, this is Tetsuya. Please come back soon. Mom suddenly became seriously ill today and has been sent to the hospital. Dad didn't let me call you...."

"" Pah!"

The next moment, the phone fell to the ground helplessly, and the girl's eyes suddenly turned red, and tears poured down like a river bursting its banks.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu hurriedly stood up and hugged her in his arms, anxiously saying:"Taozi, what's wrong?!"

"Boss! My mom, my mom's condition has worsened, woo woo~".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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