On the plane to Hokkaido, Shiraishi Momoko secretly shed tears.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu gently embraced her in his arms and comforted her softly,"Don't worry, Momoko, your aunt will be fine!"


Nodding her little head gently, Bai Shi Taozi immediately looked at Bai Ziyu with red and swollen eyes and pleading face,"Boss, can I get an advance on my salary? I have no money!"

As soon as these words came out, the softest part of Bai Ziyu's heart was deeply touched, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pinch the other's upturned nose:"Silly girl~"

Bai Ziyu said nothing, but he said everything.

At that time, the girl felt a warm current in her heart, and tears fell again.

A few hours later, the passenger plane landed slowly.

After taking out the Lamborghini Veneno from the cargo hold, Bai Ziyu followed the girl's instructions and went to her hometown.

When the sky in the distance gradually turned pale, the two successfully arrived at a small hospital in a township.

In the empty corridor, looking at the man sitting in the chair with a sad face and smoking cheap cigarettes, Bai Shi Taozi burst into tears instantly:"Dad..."

The man shuddered as he was called, and then he slowly raised his head.

When he saw Shiraishi Momoko, a smile first appeared on his face, but then it was replaced by anger:"Did that kid Tetsuya tell you? I told him not to tell you, you're still in school...."

Hearing this, Bai Shi Taozi could no longer control herself. She moved her long straight legs and threw herself into his arms like a young swallow, crying bitterly.

The man who had been mumbling to himself could no longer open his mouth. Finally, he could only stretch out his big calloused hand and gently touch his daughter's head.

After a while, Bai Ziyu slowly walked over and said,"Taozi, let's go see our aunt now!"

"Yes! Yes! Dad, how is Mom now?"

""Hey~, come with me!"

In response to the question, the man sighed and slowly stood up, leading the two to the ward not far away.

As soon as they entered the door, a strong smell of disinfectant hit them in the face.

Looking around, of the two beds, only the one on the right was occupied by a woman with a haggard face and skinny body.

Although the woman is now very haggard, her bone structure shows that she was extremely beautiful when she was young. No wonder she gave birth to such a beautiful daughter like Shiraishi Momoko.

And by the bed, there was a young boy sitting.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the boy turned his head hurriedly.

When he saw Shiraishi Momoko, his face was immediately full of joy:"Sister, you're back!"

As he spoke, he stood up and pounced over with his two short legs.

Seeing this brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Shiraishi Momoko curved his eyebrows:"Cheye, you've grown taller in two years!"

As he said this, he was about to reach out and touch the other person's head as he did before.

But when he was about to touch him, he was dodged nimbly:"Hate~, don't touch my head, it will not grow taller!"

Then, the boy looked at Bai Ziyu on the side with suspicion:"Who are you? Could you be my brother-in-law?!"

"Tetsuya, don't..."

When Bai Shi Tao Zi heard this, she was about to explain, but was stopped by Bai Zi Yu:"That's right! I am Tao Zi's boyfriend, and your brother-in-law!"

Instantly, the girl's whole body trembled slightly, and then a sweet smile slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"You look pretty good and are worthy of my sister, so I will acknowledge you as my brother-in-law!"

"But brother-in-law, this is our first meeting, you have to..., Ouch~"

Before he could finish his words, the boy was dragged by his father's ears and thrown out.

Then, the man looked at Bai Ziyu respectfully:"That brat is used to talking nonsense, please don't mind it!"

The clothes on the other party, the demeanor inadvertently revealed in his gestures, all showed that he was a young man from a wealthy family.

Although he didn't know why the other party was with Taozi, he didn't want to embarrass his daughter because of this.

Although they were poor, they were not short-sighted.

"Uncle, you are so polite. Just ask me to get married!"


Just as the man was about to say something else, a doctor in a white coat walked in and said,"You should pay the hospitalization fee first so that we can start follow-up treatment."

Upon hearing this, the man immediately showed a difficult expression on his face:"This......, Doctor, can you give me two more days?"

At the same time, he felt guilty.

He felt guilty for embarrassing his daughter and making her look bad in front of her boyfriend.

0 ···Request flowers···· ······

Facing his request, the doctor frowned slightly and said:"It's not that I won't be lenient, this is the hospital's rule, there's nothing I can do about it?"

"I will only give you half an hour at most. If you still can't pay after half an hour, we will kick you out!"

The reason why the other party said that they would kick you out if you didn't pay was also related to the national conditions of Japan.

In this country, most hospitals are private hospitals.

The purpose of opening a hospital is to make money. No money? Then go wherever you want!


Hearing this, the man wanted to fight for it again, but at this time Bai Ziyu stood up and said,"Let me do it!"

At this moment, the man's guilt and regret reached its peak.

.......... 0

He regretted his own uselessness, embarrassing his daughter in front of her boyfriend, and thinking that he was an incompetent father.

A moment later, Bai Ziyu came back after paying the bill.

Before he even entered the room, he heard a noise:"Quick! Prepare the pacemaker!"

He hurried into the room and saw a doctor taking the pacemaker from the nurse and pressing it hard on the woman.

In an instant, the woman's body suddenly lifted up, and then fell heavily.

The electrocardiogram, which had gradually become flat, also had a few more ups and downs.

But even after so much effort, the electrocardiogram slowly turned into a straight line.

Putting down the pacemaker, the doctor said indifferently:"Mr. Bai Shi, we tried our best!"

Bai Shi Taozi, who couldn't believe it, came to the doctor, grabbed his sleeve and begged:"No, this is not true, doctor, I beg you to save my mother, please!" After practicing medicine for many years and seeing countless such things, the doctor looked very indifferent:"Miss, we really tried our best!"

At this time, Bai Ziyu suddenly stood up:"Let me try!"

Seeing that it was a young man, the doctor frowned slightly:"Sir, the patient has passed away, please don't make trouble."

In response, Bai Ziyu chose to ignore it, took out a bottle of purple medicine from his arms, slowly came to the bedside, and pried open the woman's mouth.

Seeing this, the man opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

The next moment, the medicine entered! A.

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