Live broadcast of blind box opening, my student is the chief chip

Live broadcast of blind box opening, my student is the chief chip


163 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: Live broadcast of blind box opening, my student is the chief chip

Fifty years ago, Chu Yuan was still a rural teacher.

Fifty years later, he was already an eighty-year-old man and had retired from the industry.

One day, Chu Yuan returned to his hometown and suddenly thought of the fifty elementary school students he had taught.

Filled with emotion, he was scrolling through his phone when he saw the popular "Classmate Blind Box" on the Internet. He was inspired and wanted to see how these students were doing now.

I made my students into blind boxes. No matter where you are, I want to see you.

The first was Huawei’s chief chip scientist, the second was a frontier governor of the Dragon Kingdom, the third was an admiral of the Dragon Kingdom’s navy, and the fourth was the president of a top university… the two bomb heroes, the bigwigs behind foreign consortiums, and even foreign presidents.

Only then did Chu Yuan realize that each of his students was extraordinary.


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