Chapter 146: Elder Chu asked Wu Renjie to show his strength, and the whole world will tremble and fear.

The netizens in the live broadcast room did not believe Wu Renjie's words.

Because it was too arrogant and too arrogant.

They expressed doubts

"How is this possible?! Outrageous"

"It's really outrageous. His words are so arrogant that they are lawless."

"There is no rival in the world, life is meaningless? I don't believe this is true"

"This is really too exaggerated. Does he really think he is the best in the world? Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous.

Countless netizens expressed doubts.

Even in the Shangang Primary School group, those students frowned when they heard Wu Renjie's words.

"Isn’t what Renjie said a bit exaggerated?"

"It's a bit arrogant indeed. I don't agree."

"I also disagree."

The students below all disagreed.

Then, they were attracted by another sentence of Wu Renjie.

"What did he just say? He knew Teacher Chu's identity thirty years ago?"

"I can't believe this.���Yes, he knew Teacher Chu’s identity so early?"

"I don't believe this is true either. I'm afraid the class monitor only found out a little about Teacher Chu's identity after Teacher Chu 247 appeared. Did Wu Renjie know it thirty years ago?"

"I don't believe it. Thirty years ago, he was only thirty years old. How could he know the identity of Teacher Chu? Even now, the identity of Teacher Chu is still a mystery to us."

"According to him, he felt that life in this world was boring and he had no rivals, so he just became a lazy fish. When he learned about Mr. Chu's mysterious identity, he wanted Mr. Chu to take him out to play."

"This sentence is easy to understand, but it is a little hard to believe.


I don't know why Liang Xiaoru is willing to believe him.

"I believe in Renjie.

Many students were confused.

"I said, Xiaoru, what do you know? Why do you trust Renjie so much?"

"Yes, do you know anything else about Wu Renjie? Please share it with us."

"Yes, Xiaoru, don't hide anything from us. We are all classmates, there is nothing to hide."

"Besides, it will be revealed soon, just tell me."

The squad leader didn't say anything in the group.

But he had the same idea about Wu Renjie as Liang Xiaoru.

Because as the head of a country, he naturally knew a lot of world secrets.

But for Wu Renjie, he only knew one thing, that is, he was very mysterious.

At the same time, he was also very awesome.


Chu Yuan heard Wu Renjie speak like this.

He smiled and stared at Wu Renjie.


"Very good, then you need to show it."

Wu Renjie smiled and said,"Okay."

After that, he turned and entered the room.

Millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were confused.

They didn't know what the conversation between Chu Yuan and Wu Renjie meant.

They felt confused.

"What exactly does Wu Renjie mean by this? Elder Chu asked him to show his strength, but Wu Renjie was still so confident. What strength did he want to show? The strength of the five-guarantee households?"

"I was also confused. What kind of strength does Wu Renjie have? I didn't see it at all."

"I didn't see it either, I'm so looking forward to it."

Chu Ling approached Chu Yuan and asked curiously:"Grandpa, what were you talking about just now?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"Just a small test."

Chu Ling frowned:"Test?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Don't you want to know Uncle Wu's identity and background? Now he is going to announce it."

Chu Ling was surprised;"Announce? This... Uncle Wu is not a crazy... ah, no, I said it wrong."

"He, he, he, is this normal?"

Chu Yuan smiled:"Of course"

"Didn't he just say that he felt bored with life, so he closed himself off?"

"(He wants to try something new and challenging."

"I was right. Wu Renjie is indeed Wu Renjie."

"It can be said that he is the one with the highest IQ among my students."

"I saw it back then and wanted to take him with me, but in the end I thought I'd better let him hone his skills!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I can't believe it's been 50 years in a flash. I'm looking forward to the surprises that Wu Renjie will bring us."

"No, I'm afraid I was shocked."

The students in the Shangang Primary School group were all stunned.

They stared at the video on their phones.

They were also looking forward to Wu Renjie's demonstration of his strength.

"What exactly does he do?"

"Does he have some hidden identity?"

"I'm afraid that's the case, otherwise why would I say that to Teacher Chu?"

"Xiaoru and the squad leader seemed to believe him. Maybe this was true. Oh my god, what on earth does Wu Renjie do? I didn't even know what he was doing."

"I didn't know that either. He was as mysterious as Teacher Chu. It was incredible."

Half an hour later,

Wu Renjie, wearing a suit, looked like a completely different person.

He slowly appeared in the public eye and amazed everyone.

"Damn, this……"[]

At this moment, Wu Renjie was like a completely different person.

Both his appearance and temperament were completely changed. If you say that he was a madman just now, now he is a big boss, a real top boss.

"Wow, so handsome"

"He is really handsome. He is worlds apart from what he was just now."

"Wu Renjie looks like he can make his debut, even though he is already 60 years old."

"Have you noticed that he looks like a star named Chen Daoming?"

""Fuck, they really look like him, they have that feeling."

Chu Ling, who was standing by, was also surprised by Wu Renjie's appearance.

She opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth.

"My God, so handsome, no, so charming."

Chu Yuan smiled. This Wu Renjie was the real Wu Renjie.

He seemed to see the young Wu Renjie. At that time, he must have been a powerful and invincible existence.

He was just like Wuming, and he was invincible when he was born.

He shocked the whole world.

Wu Renjie showed a confident smile.

""Teacher Chu, please."

He made a gesture of invitation.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Okay."

Then he strode out of the hut.

At this time, both sides of the road in Taohua Village were crowded with people, all looking at the luxury cars on the street.

The farmers outside exclaimed

"What the hell is this? Maserati, Land Rover, Porsche, Ferrari……"

"My God, so many luxury cars, what are they doing in our village?"


Who are they looking for?".

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