Chapter 147 He is Master Wu, a legend, a god who drives countless people crazy. At this time

, outside Taohua Village, luxury cars appeared at the entrance of the village.

Men in suits and beautiful women opened the car doors.

They stood respectfully beside the car doors, as if they were waiting for someone.

A middle-aged bald man hurriedly got out of the second luxury car, looking around. He seemed to be looking for someone.

He looked excited, anxious, and excited. All kinds of emotions appeared on this middle-aged bald man.

He dialed the phone, but no one answered.

He was not angry, and turned to look at the luxury car drivers behind him.

He said loudly:"Be more alert, everyone."

"Stand up straight, don't bend, hold your head high and cheer up."

"The guests we are welcoming today are extremely important. Anyone who fails to deliver will be kicked out."

The male drivers and beautiful secretaries were all in high spirits.

They held their heads high and looked solemn, just like standing at attention.

The middle-aged bald man took a look and was very satisfied.

But he felt that something was not enough.

He said again:"Smile, everyone smile."

All the handsome men and beautiful women smiled brightly, full of youth.

The middle-aged bald man saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, that's it, keep it up"

"Remember, laugh happily, laugh from the heart, laugh with joy, not fake laugh."

All those handsome guys and pretty girls were full of energy, laughing charmingly and brightly.

The middle-aged bald man nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Very good, that's it."

Then he looked up again, trying to find the figure in his mind.

That god-like man was his lifelong idol and the object of his most admired life.

He picked up his phone and wanted to make another call, but he didn't dare to continue. He was afraid of making his idol unhappy.

He hesitated and waited anxiously.

He was afraid of missing such a good opportunity to see his idol.

Almost all the villagers in Taohua Village stood out to watch the excitement.

Men, women, old and young, women and children, almost all came out and stood on both sides of the road.

They looked at the luxury cars with shining eyes, full of surprise and yearning.

"Luxury cars, my god, so many"

"Any one of them is worth millions, and some are even worth tens of millions."

"All the luxury cars here are worth at least 100 million yuan. That is 100 million yuan, we can never earn that much in our lifetime, not even in ten lifetimes."

"My god, they are so rich. What are these luxury cars doing here? Who are they waiting for?"

"The key point is, who in our village deserves so many luxury cars to entertain us? It seems that there is no such person in our village!"

"Look, those drivers are all so handsome, and those beauties are so beautiful!"

"Yes, how come he looks more handsome and prettier than celebrities? It's outrageous."

"It was really outrageous. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was dreaming.

Even the village chief came running over.

The village chief was shocked.

""What the hell is going on? Can anyone explain this to me? How come there are so many luxury cars in our village?"

The other villagers were all confused and shook their heads.

"I do not know"

"We don’t know anything."

The village chief felt that this matter was not simple.

"No, this is a big deal, we must tell the mayor."

The mayor was called again soon.

When the mayor saw this scene, he was also shocked.、

"What? A dozen luxury cars, Porsches, Bentleys, Ferraris?"

"Lao Zhang, you are not lying to me, are you? Didn't you say before that there are no capable people in your village?"

"At that time, I asked you to contact capable people in the village to invest in the village, but you said there was no one. How can you explain it now?"

The village chief looked helpless.

He shook his head and said,"Mayor, I really didn't know about this. How dare I joke about such a big thing? I really didn't know."

"If there really is a capable person in our village, how can it be hidden? The villagers would have spread the news a long time ago."

The mayor thought that what he said made sense. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

If such a big person really appeared in Taohua Village, it would not only be spread in Taohua Village. I

'm afraid the news would spread throughout the town.

It seems that this person is very well hidden.

It seems that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Such a big shot has appeared in our town? No, as the mayor, I must go and meet him."

The mayor ran over happily and greeted the middle-aged man in the lead.

Asking for flowers

"Hello, I'm the mayor of the town.……"

He talked a lot.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to pay attention to him.

He just nodded in response.


Just as everyone was looking forward to the mysterious man, several figures came out of the small house. They were Wu Renjie and others.[]

But this time, Wu Renjie was wearing something conspicuous.

The villagers of Taohua Village were a little confused.

But they didn't pay too much attention to him.

Because everyone knew that he was a lunatic, a psychopath.

Right now, what they were most concerned about was what kind of big shot appeared in their Taohua Village.

Then, they all looked at the old man Chu Yuan next to Wu Renjie.

The villagers exclaimed one by one

"It's him. It must be him."

"Damn, this is a big shot. These luxury cars must be welcoming him."

"But, is he from our village? Why don't I seem to know that old man?"

"I don't know him either. Who on earth is he to deserve so many luxury cars to welcome him?"

"Does anyone know him? He must be at least 80 years old! Does anyone know him?"

The old people all shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know him.

"Wow, with so many luxury cars, he must be a billionaire, right? Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant?"

"Awesome, wait a minute……"

Soon, some netizens discovered a problem.

"Why did he come out with Crazy Wu? What’s going on?"

"Yes, it's puzzling, why would he go to Wu Fengzi's house, it's strange"

"I was also confused.

The villagers of Taohua Village were all confused.

At this time, the middle-aged bald man's eyes lit up when he saw Wu Renjie.

He was so excited that he trembled all over.

"Master Wu, it's really Master Wu"

"Oh my god, I finally met Master Wu."

The middle-aged bald man almost jumped up with excitement.

The person in front of him was his most admired idol! He was the master he respected most in his life.

He was once a myth, a myth worshipped by countless people.

The middle-aged man even hung a photo of Master Wu at home. Whether before or after going to bed , he would worship Master Wu in order to obtain his protection.

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