Chapter 161 Are there other civilizations on Earth? Otherwise, how could such a situation occur?

Cui Longsheng was also shocked by Wu Renjie's words.

An ancient tomb actually needs to be broken by a nuclear bomb?

How can it be a joke?

Wu Renjie nodded:"Yes, except for nuclear bombs, nothing can break that line of defense."

Chu Yuan was shocked. He was particularly surprised by this news.

It's not that Chu Yuan was shocked by the material, but that someone had mastered such a hard material hundreds of years ago?

It's incredible. You know, such a hard material does exist.

But only a few of them know about it. It can be said that only a few people in the world know that there is such a material.

It was developed in recent decades.

It is the No. 1 material that Liang Xiaoru and the class monitor guessed.

A material that is still in the concept to the outside world.

Chu Yuan never thought that someone could produce such a hard material hundreds of years ago.

Chu Yuan was extremely surprised by this.


Wu Renjie stared at Chu Yuan.

Then, he said:"I believe that Teacher Chu has a way to break that line of defense."

When these words came out, Chu Yuan was stunned.

Everyone on the Internet was stunned.

This was too sudden and a bit surprising.

Could Elder Chu break a material that could only be broken by a nuclear bomb? Did

Wu Renjie trust Elder Chu so much?

"real or fake?"

"Can Mr. Chu really do this? Why do I not believe it?"

"I also expressed my doubts, because that is a material that can only be broken by a nuclear bomb!"

"Does he really trust Mr. Chu?"

Millions of netizens were puzzled.

Even the big guys in the Shangang Primary School group were surprised.

"This...this, this, what is going on?"

"Wu Renjie actually said that Teacher Chu could break that line of defense? Is that true?"

"How does he know that? I don’t quite believe it. Could he be testing Teacher Chu?"

"It's really possible!"

Chu Yuan was stared at like this by Wu Renjie, but his expression remained unchanged.

Millions of netizens in the live broadcast room also stared at Chu Yuan.

They wanted to see how he would answer.

Half a minute later.

Chu Yuan smiled lightly:"Renjie, you are really good at judging people."


The whole audience was in an uproar when these words came out.

"What? What did he say? (bdbb)"

"Elder Chu admitted it? He could actually break the defense line that could only be broken with a nuclear bomb?"

"Oh my god, how is this possible! This is so horrible!"

"I'm really curious about how Mr. Chu can do this."

"Yes, that's a nuclear bomb! Can Mr. Chu do it? Could he also use a nuclear bomb?"

"My God, this news is so shocking."

Chu Yuan's eyes were filled with deep light.

"You kid, I'm afraid you have been targeting me from the beginning."

Wu Renjie smiled undeniably.

Obviously, these little tricks could not escape the eyes of Mr. Chu.

He did exactly that. He wanted to use Mr. Chu's power to break the blockade.

Of course, as for the cultural relics in it, he didn't care. He just wanted to open the manhole cover and see what was inside.

These things, even if he got them, would eventually be donated to the country.

It is better to donate them to the country from the beginning, and you can also get a good reputation.

Netizens are curious about what method Mr. Chu will use to break the blockade.

But, wait, wait.

I just didn't hear Chu Yuan say how to break the line of defense.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"I think that material should be material number one." Wu

Renjie was shocked. He knew that Teacher Chu had such ability.

But he never expected that he even knew the name of that material.

Teacher Chu is really mysterious!

What is his background? What is his profession?

It is simply a terrifying existence.

Liang Xiaoru and the class monitor heard the news and stood up suddenly.

Shocked on their faces


"Material number one?"

"Oh my God, material number one has actually been developed?"

"How is this possible!"

That's material number one, a completely conceptual material.

Is there really someone who can research it?

If that's the case, then this person is too awesome! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even the country that gets this material will see a huge improvement in its aerospace, nuclear weapons, and military.

This material number one is so terrifying.

Suddenly, they thought of this ancient tomb that was hundreds of years old.

They instantly felt a chill on their backs.

"Oh shit, how is this possible!"

"Hundreds of years ago, someone developed material No. 1? Could it be another civilization?"

"Is this really possible? Otherwise, how could this happen?、"

"Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

They were all curious about who the owner of the mysterious ancient tomb was.

Who was he to be so terrifying? And was there such a powerful person in the world?

They were horrified.

"What Teacher Chu just meant was that he could break through material number one?"

"That's a material that only a nuclear bomb can break! My God!"[]

"How can he break it? I'm really curious."

Only those who really understand it know the awesomeness of Material No. 1.

Those who don't understand it are just shocked by the awesomeness of Mr. Chu.

He can break the defense line that can only be broken by a nuclear bomb.

Millions of people in the live broadcast room are curious about the identity of the mysterious man.

At the same time, they are also curious about Chu Yuan's identity.

What kind of person is he who can break the defense line that only a nuclear bomb can break.

Mr. Chu is too mysterious.

The key is that Wu Renjie actually knew that he could break it.

These two people are really not ordinary people.

They are both like monsters.

I only saw Wu Renjie nodded:"That's right"

"It is the conceptual material number one in the material world."

Chu Yuan asked again:"I really want to know the owner of the mysterious ancient tomb."

Wu Renjie shook his head:"Teacher Chu, I don't know this either."

"I didn't lie to you, I was telling the truth"

"Although I don't know, I think maybe you will know."

Chu Yuan frowned:"Why do you think so!"

Wu Renjie said:"If even you don't know, then no one in this world knows."

Chu Yuan was silent for a while.

It's not that he doesn't know, but he is not sure.

He has several guesses in his mind.

However, he can't confirm it.

Because there are some things he can't say.

It's not the time to say it yet.

Let's wait until he meets fifty classmates before revealing it!

At that time, maybe it will be the right time , right place and right people.

It's also the best time.

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