"What? A provincial governor?"

""Shit, how is this possible!"

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

That was a provincial governor!

Any provincial governor is a powerful person in charge of tens of millions of people!

If it is true as the netizen just said,

Qu Liangcai may really live in such a luxurious house.

Because this is the supporting facilities for provincial governors.

This possibility is really great.

However, it has not been confirmed yet.

If it is true, it is really amazing.

A provincial governor who came from a remote small village, and a provincial governor who climbed up without any background.

It is a miracle, a myth

"Is he really a provincial governor?"

"The first Tang Youlong is the chief scientist of Huawei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a chip maker. The second one is actually a provincial governor of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"To be honest, I can't believe it. Is it really that scary? It's unbelievable that two such great people can come out of a small elementary school."

"In fact, I can't believe this is true. It's just a small, remote desert village. It's a blessing from God that Dean Tang came out of that place. If such a powerful official came out of that place, it would be too scary."

"I can't believe it. It's really hard to believe. Maybe we guessed wrong. This is too outrageous. If it were a novel, it could be written like this, but in reality, I really can't believe it would be true."

"If Qu Liangcai was not a provincial governor, what would he be?"

"Since we can't guess it, let's wait for him to announce the result himself!"

In fact, the matter is already very obvious.

But netizens are still unwilling to believe this fact.

The main reason is that it is too outrageous, just like writing a novel.

Over there.

Chu Yuan asked doubtfully:"Xiao Qu, are you an official?"

Xiao Qu nodded:"Yes, teacher"

"I used to be the top leader in Lincheng."

Chu Yuan was surprised. He was indeed an official.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were shocked. He was really an official?

How high of an official would he be?

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were looking forward to it.

They didn't even dare to breathe, looking forward to the announcement of the result.

They were afraid that the news would shock them to death on the spot.

There was no news in the entire live broadcast room.

Everyone was watching the live broadcast room.

Looking forward to Qu Liangcai's announcement of his identity.

Qu Liangcai continued to talk about his political achievements.

He became more and more excited, because these were the only things he could show to Teacher Chu.

Chu Yuan nodded frequently:"Okay, okay, okay."

"This plan is good, really good, and it serves the people well."

After hearing Qu Liangcai's introduction, how many people have been served, how it has become a leisure and entertainment venue for the entire city, and even how it has become a symbol of the entire city, and how it has improved the local environment, and so on.

Chu Yuan was very satisfied when he heard it.

Seeing that Teacher Chu recognized his achievements so much, Qu Liangcai couldn't help but get excited.

Then he introduced another achievement.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, someone happened to be from Lincheng.

One by one, they exclaimed

"Wow, Yuelong Lake is where we are."

"It was actually planned by Qu Liangcai? Longhu has done a good job this month and benefited the people."

"Every night, residents from the entire city gather here to take a walk and relax. It can be said that this is a project that benefits the people."

"The scenery inside is also very beautiful, and the management is also very good. There are cinemas, food, bicycles, etc. It is completely a small city, which has driven the economic development of the surrounding areas."

"Secretary Qu is indeed a good local official and is well regarded locally."

"It's just a pity that he was transferred away after serving here for too short a time."

The people of Lincheng spoke highly of Qu Liangcai.

They all said that he was a real parent official and a good secretary who did things for the people.

At this time,

Qu Congzheng was introducing his other achievements.

"Teacher, you see, this Jinling Zifeng Building was also planned by me."

"It took a lot of effort at the beginning."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Jinling Zifeng Building? The world-famous high-rise building, is it also planned by you?"

Qu Liangcai nodded:"Yes."

Now hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are completely out of control.

Jinling Zifeng Building, that is a world-famous high-rise building, the landmark building of Jinling, the sixth tallest building in Longguo, and the tenth tallest building in the world.

Standing on it, you can see the surrounding distant scenery, you can see Zijin Mountain in the east, the Yangtze River in the west, Yuhuatai in the south, and Mufu Mountain in the north.

"Really amazing! I never thought that Jinling Zifeng Building was planned by him. What level of official is he to have such ability?"

"Can he be an ordinary official if he can work in Jinling? He is a top student of Qinghua University, so he must be highly valued by the country."

"That's right, Qu Liangcai is not simple! This man's achievements are probably no less than Tang Youlong's"

"It really made me gasp. How did Grandpa Chu do it? He was able to teach two such outstanding students, and they came from a small village."

"Indeed, the most amazing person is probably Grandpa Chu. I am now more and more curious about what he taught his students that would make them grateful for their whole lives."

"That's right, I want to know too, and I'm looking forward to it more and more."

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are now more and more curious about Chu Yuan's identity.

They are also curious about what he taught those students that made them grateful to Grandpa Chu for the rest of their lives.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Xiao Qu, you did a great job."

"This is what you should do as a local official. If you are a good official, the people will remember you."

Qu Liangcai nodded excitedly:"Students will remember the teacher's teachings."

Then he continued to introduce

"Teacher Chu, you see, this is also what I introduced."


Chu Yuan was surprised:"Did you introduce Disneyland in the Magic City?"

Qu Liangcai nodded:"Yes, it really took me a lot of thought at the beginning"

"At first, they didn't want to set up in Shanghai. After my unremitting efforts, I went to the Disney headquarters several times, and they finally agreed."

Chu Yuan nodded:"I have heard of this, it is really good, it is very famous in Shanghai, and it has also created a lot of tax revenue for Shanghai."

This time, netizens were not calm.

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