"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!"

"It turns out that he was the one who introduced Disneyland to Shanghai?"

"Doesn't that mean he also worked in Shanghai? If he could work in Shanghai, what position would he hold? Damn, I can't even imagine it."

"This person is incredible. He must be a high-ranking official. He is a high-ranking official. He holds posts in various places and introduces and plans projects in various places."

"I think he must be an official above the department level. How can he introduce planning projects everywhere?"

"That's right, I think so too."

Chu Yuan was getting more and more curious about what position Xiao Qu held.

How could he have such great power?

Chu Ling, who was standing by, had already been stunned.

She looked at Qu Liangcai with a dull face, thinking that this uncle was really amazing.

Not only was he handsome, he also had such a high IQ, and the key was that he could do so many big things.

He was simply his idol.

At this moment,

Qu Liangcai pointed to the last photo.

It completely ignited hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room.

"I also planned the Oriental Pearl Tower."

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.


"Is it true that he planned the Oriental Pearl Tower?"

"The Oriental Pearl Tower seems to have been built in the 1990s. Could he have planned the Oriental Pearl Tower in the 1990s?"

"What level of leader would he be? A terrifying existence"

"Why do I feel my scalp tingling? If the Oriental Pearl Tower was really planned by him, then he must be at least a senior official."

"He can be the top leader in the East Province and may be one of the seven in the future."

"One of the Seven? But there doesn't seem to be such a name as One of the Seven. Qu Liangcai, I have never heard of it."

"That’s right, I just checked it out, and there is indeed no such name as Qu Liangcai, but maybe there will be one in the near future."

Suddenly, a netizen said,"You are bragging!"

"It's so awesome, there's no news at all."

Other netizens immediately stood up

"Anyway, the Yuelong Lake in front was indeed planned by a leader, but I don’t know his name, because I am just a small person."

"Yes, ordinary people like us don't know who introduced such a big project, who planned it, we just know it's well built and awesome."

"I don’t know either. Who built, invested, or planned the Zifeng Tower in Jinling? We are not government officials, right?"

"That's right, then is what Qu Liangcai said true or false?"

Many netizens are not sure.

Some say it is true, some say it is false.

There is no unified opinion.

Chu Yuan looked at Qu Liangcai, and finally couldn't help asking:"Xiao Qu, what is your position? You can plan such a major project."

Qu Liangcai smiled and said:"My student is now the top leader of East Province."


The live broadcast room was in chaos with a bang.

"The top leader of the Eastern Province? How is that possible!"

"I went to check, no, the top leader of the Eastern Province is called Qu Congzheng! How could it be him?"

"Is he bragging? Damn, are people so bold nowadays? It's outrageous"

"Wait, something is wrong, something is wrong, you see, I checked the photo of the top leader of Eastern Province, and he looks exactly like Qu Liangcai"

"What? They are exactly the same. How is this possible? Are they twin brothers?"

"No, definitely not twin brothers, but the same person"

"What? Same person? How come the name is different?"

"I guess he must have changed his name."

"Damn, this is really possible!"

On the other side,

Chu Yuan was surprised

"You are the top leader of East Province?"

Qu Liangcai nodded:"Yes, I have been working in various places in the past few years. It was only a few years ago that I finally came back to East Province to govern. All the time added up, I have been in East Province for nearly 20 years."

"Twenty years?"

Chu Yuan was surprised.

Dong Province is a big province in Longguo, and its GDP ranks among the top three.

It can be said that anyone who has been in charge of Dong Province will generally go one step further and enter the real decision-making level of Longguo.

It is even possible that they have already held certain positions in the decision-making level.

Chu Ling, who was standing by, looked at the live broadcast room.

She asked her doubts.

"Uncle Qu, I just checked and the top leader of Dong Province seems to be Qu Congzheng.

Qu Liangcai nodded:"Yes, that person is me."

"When I decided to go into politics, I changed my name. Now it has been decades."

Chu Ling nodded:"So that's it."

Netizens also suddenly realized

"He actually changed his name"

"Qu Liangcai means to submit to the government, and to submit to the government means to submit to Liangcai. A high-ranking official, a high-ranking official, is so terrifying."

"Tang Youlong, Qu Liangcai, my God, what kind of students did Grandpa Chu teach? One is the dean of the Academy of Engineering, one is a frontier official, and one may even be one of the seven."

"It is really hard to imagine that such two great people could come out of a small village."

"Grandpa Chu is truly a god!"

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