With the exposure of two students.

One is the dean of the Academy of Engineering, and the other is a frontier official of the East Province.

The achievements of the two students are extremely extraordinary, almost standing on the pyramid of Dragon Country.

This can not help but shock and shock hundreds of thousands of netizens.

The key is that these are only two of Chu Yuan’s fifty students.

There are still forty-eight behind. What kind of people will they be?

What kind of achievements will they make!

This is what hundreds of thousands of netizens are looking forward to.

At the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room are becoming more and more curious about Chu Yuan’s identity.

A person has only taught in a remote elementary school for five years, and he has created a miracle that all the students he taught have been admitted to university.

Among them, there are two such great figures.

How can this teacher be an ordinary person?

Netizens will not believe it even if they are beaten to death.

Especially what Dean Tang said before, what kind of thinking, I guess this is the knowledge that Chu Yuan taught him.

It is this knowledge.

Let him continue to cheat in his later life, and have such amazing achievements.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens have speculated on Chu Yuan’s origins

"What exactly does Grandpa Chu do?"

"I had previously speculated that he was a senior cadre who worked from nine to five. Now that I have met Qu Liangcai, this speculation can almost be rejected."

"Because if he was a senior official, how could he not know Qu Congzheng!"

"Since he is not a senior official, what does he do?"

"From Grandpa Chu's temperament, tone, and demeanor, we can tell that he is extraordinary, but it is hard to imagine what kind of job he might be in."

"I racked my brains and thought of hundreds of occupations, but I couldn't think of one. Could he be an alien?"

"Forget it, you are an alien, why don't you say you are a fairy?"

"Just keep watching, one day it will be revealed."

Back in the compound,

Chu Yuan looked at Qu Liangcai and said,"Qu Congzheng, a good name, more suitable for you than the previous name."

His tone was solemn and full of seriousness.

Qu Liangcai said,"The moment I decided to go into politics, I changed my name. The previous name accompanied me in the first half of my life, and this name will accompany me in the second half of my life."

Chu Yuan nodded,"I have ambition."

"I saw a sense of righteousness in you back then, but I never thought that fifty years later, you would reach this level."

"Xiao Qu, you are the teacher's pride."

Qu Liangcai said solemnly:"Teacher Chu, my achievements have a lot to do with you."

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Chu Yuan shook his head:"No, I was just a teacher back then and taught you some knowledge, but how to apply the knowledge specifically still depends on you."

"So, your success today has little to do with me. Everything is the result of your hard work."

Qu Liangcai hesitated to speak, his eyes still firm.

He always believed that his achievements were related to the teachings of Teacher Chu.

The three great thinking modes can be said to be the key to enlightenment. It is the greatest way of thinking in the whole world and the whole human race.

He looked around the whole world and found that no plan, method, or thinking mode could compete with the three thinking modes.

If there were no three thinking modes, he could be sure that he would never have achieved his achievements.

Since Teacher Chu taught him the three thinking modes, he used this advanced thinking mode to make his way through, overcome all difficulties, and solve all difficulties.

This way of thinking can be said to be simply against the sky.

This is what he observed after observing the world for a lifetime.

The best example is that almost all of the fifty classmates in their school were admitted to universities. They are all famous universities, and now they are top figures in various fields. People like him and Tang Youlong can only be regarded as middle-class.

There are even more awesome existences.

Qu Liangcai looked at Chu Yuan solemnly.

"Teacher Chu, in short, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

His eyes were firm, and that was sincerity from the heart.

Chu Yuan nodded, very pleased.

Being able to teach such an excellent student, his efforts in the past were worth it. This scene also made the netizens in the live broadcast room silent. They were moved by this kind of friendship between teachers and students.

"I can see true gratitude in Secretary Qu's eyes"

"Yes, he is grateful to Grandpa Chu from the bottom of his heart, I can feel it"

"It is incredible that a provincial governor is so grateful to a primary school teacher from 50 years ago."

"It is indeed incredible, which just shows how powerful Grandpa Chu is. He is really unfathomable!"

Chu Ling was also moved by Qu Congzheng's sincerity.

What a grateful secretary.

Fifty years have passed, and he is still like this to Grandpa.

This kind of gratitude is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Chu Yuan looked at the man with white hair in front of him.

Fifty years have passed in a flash, and he is eighty years old.

He can also see the sincerity in Qu Congzheng's eyes, which is gratitude from the heart.

Chu Yuan can be sure of this.

He smiled slightly:"Little Qu, do you remember the sentence you said the most back then?"

Qu Congzheng was stunned

"What are you talking about?"

Chu Yuan said with a smile:"The real thing will never be fake, and the fake thing will never be real"

"I forgot it so quickly."

Qu Congzheng suddenly realized.

Then he laughed:"Hahaha, I remember, I remember, every time you explained math problems, you always asked us, are you sure about this answer?"

"I am always the first to speak up. 'The real thing can never be fake, and the fake thing can never be real’"

"I didn’t expect the teacher to still remember it."

Chu Yuan:"I had a deep impression of you back then."

"You are full of righteousness. I knew you were suitable for politics. I never thought you would really go into politics."

Qu Congzheng said with a smile:"It seems that fate has arranged everything!"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Indeed, it is God's will."

Qu Congzheng:"Okay, teacher, how about we have a drink today?"

"By the way, how is your health?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"It's okay to have a drink."

"Hahaha, OK."

He immediately gave the order.

"Prepare some wine for me. Today, I must have a good talk with Teacher Chu."

Okay," Chu Yuan said.

Then he thought of the live broadcast and looked at the netizens.

"Sorry, netizens, we will take a two-hour break at noon"

"The show starts at 2 p.m. sharp."

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