Although netizens were very reluctant to shut down the live broadcast, they all wanted to see the conversation between the governor and Grandpa Chu.

However, they had no choice but to watch Chu Yuan shut down the live broadcast room.

Many netizens shook their heads and sighed.

"It's a pity that I didn't get to see Mr. Chu's chat with Secretary Qu."

"Their conversation would have been fascinating, what a pity!"

"There is no way, that is someone else's private matter, naturally I won't let netizens see it"

"Yes, Mr. Chu’s live broadcast room is not a show. People chatting is a private matter, but the true feelings are revealed, how can we let others watch?"

"It's a pity. If I really want to know Mr. Chu's identity at the wine table, it seems that I am wishful thinking."

They were drinking and chatting, but the outside world was in turmoil.

The reason was the announcement of Chu Yuan's second student.

It caused a huge uproar on the Internet.

The chat between Chu Yuan and Qu Congzheng was edited into a video by netizens, accompanied by text, and then posted on the Internet. It instantly became popular all over the Internet.

Almost every video has over a million likes, over a million reposts, and hundreds of thousands of comments. For every ten videos that netizens watch, one or two of them are about Qu Congzheng and Chu Yuan.

Their videos dominate the hot search list.

They directly squeezed out Tang Youlong's popularity.

On Weibo, Zhihu, Video Number, Douyin and other video websites.

Chu Yuan and Qu Congzheng's videos all made it to the hot search list.

They are all among the best.

It caused a heated discussion on the entire network

"Holy shit, holy shit, oh my god"

"The governor of the Eastern Province actually came from a small village? My God!"

"The key point is that he is actually a top student. He graduated from Qinghua University with a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. He is a real top student."

"He and Dean Tang Youlong were classmates in elementary school. It's incredible that such a small elementary school could produce two such great people."

"What's even more terrifying is that they have the same teacher, a primary school teacher in a remote village, and they all treat that teacher with great respect."

"What kind of virtue and status did that teacher have to be respected by two great men?"

"What knowledge did that teacher teach the two great talents that made them remember and be grateful for the rest of their lives?"

One question after another made countless netizens curious.

The comments below were all shocking, awesome, amazing, etc.!

Many netizens also began to look up Chu Yuan's identity.

The final result was that nothing was found.

No one knew Chu Yuan's identity.

This is very confusing.

How could a Dragon countryman not know his origins?

The key is that Chu Yuan is now popular all over the Internet and is known by countless Dragon country netizens.

With such a huge number of netizens searching, his identity was not found.

This kind of thing is incredible.

With Chu Yuan's explosion of popularity.

There were also explosions of popularity of Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng and others.

The fifty students of that school were alarmed.

They were all excited.

"Teacher Chu, you finally showed up"

"Teacher Chu, after fifty years, I am finally going to see you"

"Teacher Chu, do you still remember me? Xiaolu, I sat in the first row back then. I miss you so much!"

"Live broadcast of opening a student blind box? It's interesting. Since Teacher Chu is willing to play, let's play with him and make him happy."

"By the way, you can say hello to other students, tell them not to act rashly, and let Teacher Chu come one by one."

"That's right, this is interesting. After all, he is eighty years old, and making him happy is more important than anything else."

Just like that, the fifty classmates of Shangang Primary School contacted each other.

They even created a group named Shangang Primary School.

There were fifty people in it, all of whom were Chu Yuan's students.

Not more, not less.

If Chu Yuan was in this group, he would be very surprised. There was no need to look for them, they were all here.

The identities of these fifty people were not simple.

It can be said that if the fifty of them united together and shook their feet casually, the whole world would tremble. It was so terrifying.

Because these fifty people were spread all over the world, and they were elites in all walks of life.

That is to say, people like Qu Congzheng and Tang Youlong could only be regarded as middle and lower ranks compared to these fifty people. Their identities and status were far inferior to the most powerful ones.

They were chatting in the group.

"Teacher Chu Yuan is back? Oh my god, it’s been fifty years. I miss him so much!"

"It's incredible that Teacher Chu Yuan actually appeared after fifty years. I really want to see him again."

"It is said that Youlong and Liangcai have already met Teacher Chu Yuan. I am so envious. I also want to meet the teacher right away."

"Hahahaha…the fifty of us finally got together. It was so easy! It’s been fifty years."

"Indeed, we haven't been together for fifty years. I almost forgot what we looked like. I didn't expect that when Teacher Chu showed up, we would be together again."

"It seems that Teacher Chu is really the button of all of us classmates. As long as he is there, we can be tied together tightly."

"Hahaha... All kinds of classmates, long time no see, let's exchange resources and cooperate if there is a chance"

"No problem. I found that when doing business, acquaintances are more reliable, especially childhood friends like us, who are the most reliable."

"Lao Wang, it seems that you have been cheated. Tell me how much money was cheated out of you?"

"More than 50 billion, damn, I want to vomit blood, I really want to kill him"

"Lao Wang, tell me your name and I will get it back for you."

"Old Chen, you know what, I almost forgot about you. If your iron army had come forward, I might have come back."


Fifty big guys were chatting in the group.

As they chatted, the topic got off track.

They were talking about business.

At this time, a group member spoke up. It was the group owner of this group.


No one in the group spoke for a moment.

Everyone was quiet.

"I mean, what's going on with you guys? Are you just chatting here?"

"What is the most important thing right now? Forgot? You actually discussed business in the group, you thought of that."

There was anger in the tone.

No one in the group dared to refute.

But a classmate came out to smooth things over.

"Monitor, look at what you said, we all know that we are meeting Teacher Chu! Isn't Teacher Chu busy? We have to meet one by one, we can only talk about other things, after all, we are old classmates, it is normal to reminisce about the past"

"If the monitor has anything you need, just tell us. We will go through fire and water for you."

A bunch of people followed and liked the post.

In perfect order.

The person who just spoke was the monitor of the highest grade in Shangang Primary School. He was very prestigious among his classmates.

He was also the best student.

No one dared to mess with him.

Because he was the president of a country.

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