Chapter 76 Will the next student be a big shot or a rag picker?

Chu Yuan said goodbye to Xiao Momo.

Liang Xiaoru looked at Chu Yuan who was leaving.

It took a long time for her to come back to her senses. No one knew how she felt now.

Was it complicated or tangled, or panicked?

In short, she was also looking forward to that day.

As for what the result would be, she didn't know.......

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were all booing. They didn't expect such a result..

Originally thought Chu Yuan would give the result immediately, but unexpectedly it was a delaying tactic. It would probably take several months for Chu Yuan to meet with fifty students.

These few months might be the time for Mr. Chu to think.

Mr. Chu is worthy of being Mr. Chu. He is shrewd and calculating. In one word, he is smart..

"Then wait till the end!"

"I really want to see how Mr. Chu will respond to Liang Xiaoru"

"I am also looking forward to it."

Netizens are very patient. It's just a few months?

A few years, I'm afraid they are willing to wait. This is the crowd of Dragon Country. They are very attentive to gossip and are very patient.

In the Shangang Primary School group, the group of students looked at Chu Yuan's reply and smiled knowingly.

"Teacher Chu is worthy of being Teacher Chu. He is very good at handling problems."

"Yes, for problems that cannot be solved perfectly, just procrastinate and give yourself enough time to think. This is what Teacher Chu taught us back then."

"'re right, it seems that Teacher Chu is reviewing our lessons for us, and it seems that the students are all learning very well!"

"Yes, we have all learned well. I wonder if Teacher Chu would be very happy if he knew that we have perfectly inherited his legacy."

"Hahaha…Teacher Chu is much better than us. If we can learn even a little bit from him, we can reach a higher level."

The students below all agreed.

"I agree with this, it's true."

"It is true. Teacher Chu is unfathomable. How can we guess what he is like?"


"Now I really want to know who will be the next student Teacher Chu draws?"

"Yes, after meeting Liang Xiaoru, it’s time to pick the next classmate. Will I be the next one?"

"Hahahaha… I guess it’s me, this feeling comes very strongly"

"What nonsense, Lao Hong, you must be ranked behind me. Over the years, I have always been ahead of you. Now when I meet Teacher Chu, you also want to be ranked ahead of me?"

"Lao Zhou, you've suppressed me for so many years. This time I'm going to make up for it. The next person Mr. Chu will meet will definitely be me."

"Bullshit, it was me, it must be me."

The two students were arguing fiercely.

Finally, the class monitor stood up.

"Stop arguing, shut up."

"What's the fuss about? Do you think you can control the air gun in Teacher Chu's hand to shoot you?"

"Keep reading! It doesn’t matter who is next. What matters is that we can all meet Teacher Chu."

"The only difference is one is earlier and one is later"


At this time, netizens in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to Chu Yuan's next student.

They were discussing in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, guess who will be the next student that Mr. Chu will meet?"

"Next student, I’m so excited, I’m finally going to meet the next student, I’m so looking forward to it!"

"If you really ask me to guess, to be honest, I don't dare to guess."

"Why? Why not guess? Just guess, guess boldly."

"Damn, the first one is the chief scientist of Huawei Chip and the president of the Academy of Engineering, the second one is the provincial governor of Longguo, the third one is the admiral of Longguo Navy, the fourth one is the president of Qinghua University, the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, and the director of Cigarette Group. They are all so terrifying. You want me to guess the fifth one. Do you think I dare to guess?"

"Ah, this seems to be true. Why do they feel more terrifying than the other? All of Mr. Chu’s students are really awesome!"

"Talented people? Talented people are not worthy of them. They should be called big men. All of Mr. Chu’s students are big men. It’s so scary."

"To be honest, the four people who have appeared so far are the limit of my knowledge. I really dare not make blind guesses about the ones above, otherwise something bad will happen."

"Damn, brother, don't think so outrageously, how can you reach that level? That level is all fate, not strength."

"This... Although what you said makes sense, but, that is Mr. Chu's student, what miracle can't happen?"

"Ah, this, I can't refute what you said for a moment."

The netizens in the live broadcast room didn't dare to guess the identity of the next student.

This is a strange thing.

However, there are some netizens who don't believe in evil.

They just don't believe that Chu Yuan is so powerful and that all the students he teaches are like dragons. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They stood up to question

"Everyone, don't be scared by Mr. Chu's first few students."

"This was just an accidental incident. If all fifty students were like those four just now, wouldn't that be outrageous?"

"Think about it carefully, if someone can teach so many awesome students, do you think the people above will think so? This person will be an extremely dangerous person."

"How can such a person be so free and live broadcast? How can he live so peacefully? It is almost impossible! I think everyone understands this."

After this netizen's analysis, many netizens agreed.

"You are right. I agree with this netizen's point of view."

"It is impossible for Mr. Chu to have taught so many powerful bosses, otherwise, he would not be here, but in a prison or under surveillance, because such people are too dangerous."

"Therefore, I think the four big guys who appeared before were just accidental and cannot represent all. The next students may be ordinary."

"Yes, that's right. I have the same feeling. Maybe there are also rag pickers, cleaners, sanitation workers, etc. Any profession is possible."

"Hahahaha...Brother (Li Qian Zhao), I have wanted to say this for a long time. Yes, I agree with your point of view."

"Let's wait and see!"


This way.

Chu Yuan led���Chu Ling came to the hotel.

After a hard day, Chu Yuan drank a little wine.

He was a little drunk, so he took a nap.

When he woke up, Chu Yuan started the live broadcast and greeted the netizens.[]

He said with a smile:"I'm sorry, netizens, I kept you waiting for so long."

"Do you want to know who the next student council will be?"

The live broadcast room was filled with big"want to"s.

Chu Yuan was happy.

"Now, let us unveil my next student."

"Let's take a look at where my student is and how he is doing now."

He picked up the air gun and pointed it at the photo on the wall.

He pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" hit a young boy.: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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