Chapter 75: After meeting with fifty classmates, I will definitely give Liang Xiaoru an answer. In the Shangang Primary School group, the classmates were shocked by the news. Although they already had the answer in their hearts, when they actually got the result, they were inevitably shocked.

"It is true."

"It turns out that Xiaoru has not married all these years in order to wait for Teacher Chu"

"Fifty years, a full fifty years, half a century, I never thought Xiaoru would be such a romantic person."

"I had never noticed this before. Xiaoru would be a romantic person. She seems to be quite cheerful. How could she be a romantic person?"

"At first I thought she didn't get married because she was busy with work. After all, she is a strong woman and it's normal for her to not need a man. I didn't expect it was because of this reason."

"Xiaoru has worked hard and waited for half a century. Finally, she waited for this day. No wonder Xiaoru is so happy today. The 60th birthday party is held on this day. It turns out that it is all for Teacher Chu."

"Xiaoru, you really put in a lot of effort."

"I don't know how Teacher Chu will react."

The fifty students in the group all looked at Chu Yuan.

They wanted to see how he would handle this matter.

They only saw

Chu Yuan stunned for a moment, then reacted.

"What did you say?"

"Xiao Momo, you are not kidding!"

Chu Yuan wanted to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

Xiao Momo said solemnly:"Grandpa Chu, I will not joke about such a big thing."

"I know there are hundreds of thousands of people watching in the live broadcast room, and I also know that Aunt Liang might be there too."

"But I still want to say this because I want to do something for Aunt Liang."

"Aunt Liang can't say it, so let me say it. No matter what the result is, I will bear all the responsibilities."


The atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room froze.

Even Chu Yuan was shocked by Xiao Momo's momentum. Is this still the cute little girl I knew before?

Why does it feel like a domineering female president?

Xiao Momo looked serious, and it really didn't seem like she was joking.

"I really can't believe that Xiao Momo has such a powerful aura."

"Her changes really surprised me. Is this still the little girl we knew before?"

"I was so surprised. When I saw her, I felt like I was seeing my boss. I was completely overwhelmed by her aura."

"Indeed, this girl is not as simple as she seems."

"No wonder Liang Xiaoru introduced Xiao Momo to Mr. Chu. Have you noticed that this girl looks too much like Liang Xiaoru?"

"Oh my god, it's true, they really look alike, just like they were cast from the same mold. No wonder Liang Xiaoru likes this girl so much, it turns out this is the reason"

"Yes, Liang Xiaoru may have seen her own shadow in her, which is why she took good care of Xiao Momo."

"Don't mention it, this girl is still very sensible and loyal. The last sentence is very memorable."

"Aunt Liang can't say it, so let me say it. No matter what the result is, I will bear all the responsibilities."

"Domineering, powerful, awesome! Unfortunately, I have no culture, so I can only use these three words to express it."

Liang Xiaoru, who was hiding in a corner, was also stunned.

She was very flustered when Xiao Momo suddenly told Chu Yuan these things.

"How come little Momo is becoming more and more courageous?"

At first, she was a little angry, but thinking about Xiao Momo's last words.

She was relieved and even slightly moved.

As Xiao Momo said, Aunt Liang can't say it, so let me say it. No matter what the result is, I will bear all the responsibilities.

It is true. There are some things Liang Xiaoru really can't say.

For example, in this matter, to be honest, Liang Xiaoru knew very well that she would never say it. She couldn't say it either. After all, she and Chu Yuan were both half-buried in the loess.

What's the point of saying such things.

In particular, Teacher Chu already has a granddaughter, and it's possible that she already has a complete and happy family.

If I get involved, wouldn't I become the third party?

What's the point? Not only will I be laughed at by my friends, but I won't be able to pass the image test and the leader's test.

Therefore, Liang Xiaoru would never express that emotion.

Maybe in the future, but definitely not at the moment.

Even if it is, it will be more obscure.

Unexpectedly, today, Xiao Momo understood and actually planned to help me.

Ask her doubts and say what she can't say.

This is the cleverness of Xiao Momo, and it is also This is why Liang Xiaoru likes this girl so much.

This girl's brain is so flexible. She is just like me back then. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

On the other side.

Chu Yuan was stared at by Xiao Momo.

His heart was very complicated, and he remained silent.

To be honest, this news surprised him a little.

He never thought that his student would like him.

And he has liked her for fifty years, and he has wasted her life.

What a sin, what a sin, Amitabha.

This is a result that Chu Yuan never expected.

I want Recalling the past, Liang Xiaoru was so young at that time.

How could she have such thoughts? Girls mature so early?


No wonder the photo was stolen by Liang Xiaoru.

Obviously, Liang Xiaoru had feelings for Chu Yuan at that time.

The key is that Xiaoru was only ten years old at that time!

My God, it's a bit outrageous!

Chu Yuan expressed helplessness and shook his head slightly.

There was silence for a few minutes.

Xiao Momo did not disturb him and asked him to think carefully.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room, as well as those wealthy bosses, and the Shangang Primary School group.

Are all waiting for Chu Yuan's answer.[]

I really want to see how Chu Yuan will handle this matter.

Then, Chu Yuan smiled gently.

Looking at Xiao Momo, he finally spoke.

"No wonder Xiaoru likes you so much, you are very courageous"

"Not only is she dignified and cute, but she is also smart and courageous. To be honest, an old man likes you, too."

"As for what you just said, I remember it."

"Go back and tell Xiaoru that I will give her an answer in person after I meet with fifty classmates."

Xiao Momo smiled:"Really?"

Chu Yuan pinched her cute little face

"Of course, old man, I can't go back on my words."

"I'm going to take you out to play at that time. If I don't give you an answer, you can chatter in my ear and annoy me. Is this okay?"

Xiao Momo smiled mischievously:"Okay, then we'll wait for that day to come."

"no problem"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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