Xiao Momo stared at Chu Yuan.

No one knew what she was thinking, and Chu Yuan was a little confused.

"Xiao Momo, why don’t you say something!"

""What does it have to do with me if Xiaoru doesn't get married?"

Xiao Momo stared at Chu Yuan.

She just wanted to see what kind of man was so charming.

He could make Aunt Liang stay single for life and never forget him.

Although Chu Yuan was very handsome when he was young.

Xiao Momo admitted this.

But it's not like Aunt Liang couldn't forget it after decades!

Then she remembered what Aunt Liang said at the birthday party before.

Maybe Grandpa Chu really helped Aunt Liang too much.

Let her be grateful for her whole life and have that kind of inexplicable feelings.

In the end, she delayed herself.

"Grandpa Chu must have some"May 17" special qualities"

"Otherwise, I don't believe he can make Aunt Liang so infatuated with him."

Then I remembered the three major thinking patterns Aunt Liang mentioned, the principles of being a human being, the way to deal with people and things.

There are also some ways to deal with difficulties.

I have a little understanding.

"Is it because of this?"

"What other advantages can there be besides this?"

Xiao Momo really couldn't think of one.

In the Shangang Primary School group.

Many classmates watched the scene in the video.

A classmate said:"This...did everyone notice it back then?"

Tang Youlong:"Anyway, I didn't notice it."

Qu Congzheng:"This, I didn't notice it back then, or I was too dull back then."

Zhao Dahu:"Ah, this, I was always playful back then, I didn't notice it at all, and I didn't pay attention to this."

Other classmates:"We were so young back then, it might not be that easy to notice it"

"Yes, we were only in our teens at that time, how could we understand these things?"

"So is this true or false?"

"If you want to know whether it is true or not, you should probably ask the person involved!"

A classmate @Liang Xiaoru

"Xiaoru, please come out and explain."

"Yes, it's been hidden so deeply, and now it's about to be exposed, so I'll just come out and talk about it."

"We are all buried in the earth up to our waists, there is nothing to be ashamed of about this kind of thing, just talk about it!"

"Yes, just talk about it. There is nothing you can't say. We are all old classmates."

Liang Xiaoru didn't reply.

The classmates speculated.

"Actually, this is indeed a possibility."

"How could a woman as outstanding as Xiaoru not find a boyfriend? The main reason is that she has always had someone hidden in her heart and has no room for anyone else."

"You are right. As for who Xiaoru is hiding in her heart, I don't know, but it is most likely Teacher Chu."

"That's right, with a teacher like Chu being so outstanding and handsome when he was young, which girl can resist him? Plus, with the influence of Teacher Chu on Xiaoru, it's normal for her to like Teacher Chu."

"To be honest, if I were a girl, I would probably like Teacher Chu."

"Old Yuan, I give you a thumbs up, always telling the truth."

At this time,

Liang Xiaoru, who was in a corner, was looking at the message in the group. She fell into silence.

She didn't know whether her waiting for all these years was worth it.

She really liked Teacher Chu.

Over the years, she has been looking for Chu Yuan.

However, she couldn't find him no matter what.

In the end, she had to give up. When she thought she would never find Teacher Chu in this life,

Teacher Chu actually appeared.

That night, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Her mind was full of Teacher Chu's appearance when he was young.

Recalling the past one after another, she was even a little afraid to meet Chu Yuan.

Because now fifty years have passed.

She is already a sixty-year-old woman, she is very nervous.

She is very afraid that Teacher Chu will dislike her, and she can't stand even the slightest disgust. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So, she tried her best to make herself younger. She hoped that the beautiful dream in her heart would not be shattered.

After all, she is really old. If it was thirty years ago, she would have absolute confidence to face Chu Yuan.

Now, she really doesn't have the confidence she had back then.

Time really doesn't spare anyone

"Is it worth waiting for all these years?"

Liang Xiaoru reflected on herself seriously.

The result she got was a bit vague.

Because she knew that these things were actually caused by her inner demons.....

She used Chu Yuan as her mate selection standard.

She had given up on Chu Yuan in the past. She also tried to find her true love.

However, in the end, she found that she could not find anyone exactly like Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan's figure had become a demon in her heart.

She could not get rid of it no matter what.

In the vast sea of people, there were countless excellent men, but she could not find the shadow of Chu Yuan in them.

She completely used Chu Yuan as a model to find a boyfriend.

In this case, how could she find one?

Liang Xiaoru sighed lightly:"Things that we couldn't figure out before often need to happen before we can figure them out."

Teacher Chu is old, and she is old too.[]

She also knew how things would develop in the future. Even if Liang Xiaoru was very capable

, it would be difficult for her to handle such a thing.

"Let's take it one step at a time!"

This is the only way for now.

On the other side,

Xiao Momo looked at Chu Yuan for a long time.

Chu Yuan frowned. Why did this little girl in front of him feel a little sophisticated?

She didn't look like an 18-year-old girl.

Instead, she looked like a mature woman with a lot of scheming.

Xiao Momo looked at Chu Yuan for a while.

Finally, she spoke:"Actually, Aunt Liang never married because she was waiting for you, Grandpa Chu."

When these words came out, Chu Yuan was stunned.

Chu Ling was also stunned, and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

They opened their eyes wide and showed incredible expressions.

"It's true, Liang Xiaoru actually likes Mr. Chu"

"My god, teacher-student love? The student fell in love with the teacher. I didn’t expect that I also encountered it in the live broadcast room."

"My God, Liang Xiaoru has loved Mr. Chu for fifty years. What does fifty years mean? Half a century."

"What kind of love is this? It is so loyal. I feel incredible about it. It is so touching."

"With Liang Xiaoru's conditions, she could find any man she wanted, but she waited for fifty years for Mr. Chu. It's really shocking."

"It is indeed shocking that the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, the president of Qinghua University, and the director of the cigarette group is also a romantic person."

"Today's live broadcast, this news is the most shocking and heart-shaking"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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