Chapter 73 Did Mr. Chu participate in that mysterious plan? That would be too scary!

Liang Xiaoru's 60th birthday was over soon.

It was said to be Liang Xiaoru's 60th birthday, but in fact it became a fan meeting for Chu Yuan.

One-third of the bigwigs in the entire Longguo knew this mysterious figure, Mr. Chu.

Chu Yuan's reputation once again resounded throughout the entire Longguo Internet.

The hot search lists of major platforms are all about Chu Yuan.

Basically, all of them occupy the top spot.

In real life, countless people began to talk about Chu Yuan.

Whether they are students, white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, gold-collar workers, senior managers, civil servants, and even uncles and aunts in rural areas, they are all discussing a mysterious figure who appeared in Longguo.

An eighty-year-old man, Chu Yuan-.

Many civil servants were attracted by Chu Yuan's affairs and began to investigate Chu Yuan.

In the end, they found that no information about him was found.

This makes people who are civil servants feel puzzled.

"There is no news at all, this is unreasonable!"

It can be said that as long as he is a Dragon countryman, it is impossible not to find relevant information.

He must have a place of birth, a registered place, a hometown, relatives and friends, etc.

The key is that there is no news about all of this.

How can this not make people puzzled?

"Did he really jump out from between the rocks?"

"There is another possibility, that is, as netizens have speculated before, he is an alien?"

"Oh my god, are you kidding me? Are there really aliens in this world?"

"I don't know either, but this is the only way to explain why I can't find any information about him."

"This... makes sense."

Some high-ranking officials also guessed something.

But they were not sure. Their faces were filled with shock.

"Could he be involved in that plan?"

"If it is really related to that plan, then this old man Chu is really too scary."

On the other side,

Chu Yuan returned to Liang Xiaoru's home as a guest.

They talked in detail and said goodbye.

"Teacher Chu, when can we meet again?"

"Wait until I meet all my classmates! Then we can have a large class reunion."

Liang Xiaoru said excitedly:"Okay, I'll wait for that day to come."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Okay, then I'll go."

"I still have to finish this live broadcast, otherwise I won’t be able to explain to the netizens.

Liang Xiaoru expressed her understanding:"I know, then Teacher Chu, take care."

Chu Yuan waved to Liang Xiaoru and left with Chu Ling.

Just a few minutes after Chu Yuan and others left, they saw a person, and that person was Xiao Momo

""Little Momo, why are you here?"

Chu Yuan was surprised.

Little Momo smiled and said,"I'm here to see Grandpa Chu off."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Okay, then walk with me for a while!"

Little Momo helped Chu Yuan forward.

She whispered,"Grandpa Chu, Aunt Liang won't blame me for that

, right?" Chu Yuan's mouth curled up slightly,"Little girl, you're not here to see me off, you're here to find out what's going on!"

Little Momo pouted and explained,"No way, I'm here to see Grandpa Chu off, and finding out what's going on is just a side thing."

Chu Yuan was amused by Little Momo's remarks.

"You are so eccentric."

"Don't worry, Xiaoru won't blame you."

"Didn't you see that she introduced you to me? She even wanted me to take care of you. It shows that Xiaoru values you very much."

"Xiaoru has high expectations for you!"

Xiao Momo was stunned.

"Ah, this, is there?"

Chu Yuan:"Of course, otherwise why would I introduce you and not others."

Xiao Momo thought for a while:"It seems so"

"But think about it, Aunt Liang is really good to me, since I was a child."

Chu Yuan nodded:"I can see that."

Xiao Momo thought about it, and suddenly said:"Grandpa Chu knows why Aunt Liang has never married?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chu Yuan was stunned and asked in surprise:"Xiao Ru has never been married in her life?"

Xiao Momo nodded:"Yes, you don't know?"

"I really didn't ask, is she really single all her life?"

Xiao Momo nodded:"Yes"

"In fact, she is so outstanding that those who pursue her can go from one end of the earth to the other."

"But she didn't like any of them. There were many really good men who pursued Aunt Liang, but after getting along for a while, they found that they were not suitable and broke up."

Chu Yuan asked:"How do you know this?"

"My mother told me!"

"I was wondering, how can a little girl like you know so much about this."

Little Momo pouted:"I'm grown up, okay? I'm an adult now."

"I should also understand these things. I have learned the anti-scam techniques that netizens taught me before.

Chu Yuan:"So amazing!"

"Of course"

"Tell me, why hasn't your Aunt Liang married yet?"

Little Momo looked at Chu Yuan

"It's all because of Grandpa Chu."

This time Chu Yuan was really stunned

"What does it have to do with me?"

Not only Chu Yuan was stunned, but also Chu Ling behind him was stunned.[]

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

They were all curious about what was going on!

"What's going on? Anyone know?"

"What does whether Liang Xiaoru gets married or not have to do with Mr. Chu?"

"I am also very curious. This matter should not be related!"

"Logically speaking, it does not make sense. So what does Xiao Momo mean by this?"

"I can't understand it."

There are also some smart netizens in the live broadcast room.

They seem to have thought of something and exclaimed

"I'm awesome!"


The following netizens urged:"What could it be? Tell me now!""

"Tell me quickly, it's so urgent, tell me!"

The netizen was shocked.

"Everyone, do you think Liang Xiaoru is in love with Mr. Chu, and that’s why she doesn’t want to get married?

As soon as these words came out, the entire live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"I surpass, I surpass, I surpass!"

"How is this possible! This can't be possible!"

"Isn't that a teacher-student relationship? Oh my god, it's unbelievable"

"Really, this is the only possibility that can explain why Liang Xiaoru doesn't get married."

"Yes, this possibility is very high."

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens stared at Xiao Momo intently, waiting for her to reveal the truth.

Even Chu Ling, who was standing by, was shocked. She looked at her grandfather with wide eyes. Was her grandfather really that charming?

It was a bit unbelievable. Knife.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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