"Hey, little Momo."

Chu Yuan was surprised to find little Momo.

Little Momo whispered:"Grandpa Chu, please don't be offended by what I said to you just now. I am just a child, please forgive me."

Chu Yuan was stunned and a little confused:"What did you say?"

Little Momo whispered:"It's about the photo just now.……"

Chu Yuan understood and laughed.

"Hahahaha... No problem, no problem"

"They are just children. I am an old man. What can I blame?"

"Come, come, come this way."

Then he pulled little Momo over.

Little Momo still lowered her head, feeling embarrassed.

Liang Xiaoru on the side was surprised and asked:"Teacher, do you know Momo?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"Yes, I just met her at the door. She is a very interesting girl. I like her very much."

Liang Xiaoru saw this and smiled and said:"Yes, I like this little girl too. She is a very smart little girl"

"She is the daughter of a friend of mine. I watched her grow up. She calls me Aunt Liang."

"She is a very talented little girl."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, this girl is indeed very smart, and her brain is different from that of ordinary people."

Seeing this, Xiao Momo's mother was shocked.

Her 820 daughter was so familiar with Mr. Chu?

Mr. Chu liked his daughter so much, this was a great thing!

Thinking of this, Xiao Momo's mother was very excited.

"" Opportunity, a great opportunity."

Xiao Momo's mother's eyes lit up.

The big guys around also had their eyes flashing.

Remember this scene in your heart.

Perhaps, this is also an opportunity to get to know Mr. Chu.

Liang Xiaoru smiled and said,"Teacher Chu, you like this girl so much, why don't you take her with you!" As soon as these words came out.

Xiao Momo's mother's eyes almost popped out.

A huge wave of emotion was stirred up in her heart.

"Xiaoru actually helped me so much?"

"I will never forget this kindness."

"If Momo really follows Mr. Chu, my Li family will surely prosper."

Momo's mother was extremely nervous.

She stared at Chu Yuan.

She hoped that Chu Yuan would agree.

Not only her, but all the wealthy tycoons present were very curious.

Would Mr. Chu really accept this little girl?

If he really accepted this little girl, his family would probably take off.

The scene fell into silence.

You could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was waiting for Chu Yuan's reply.

Before Chu Yuan answered, Momo spoke.

"No, I still have to study!"

As soon as these words came out, little Momo's mother was furious.

She looked so disappointed in her child that she wanted to slap her to death.

She rushed forward, pinched little Momo's waist hard, and glared at her fiercely.

Frightened, little Momo lowered her head quickly.

Little Momo's mother rushed to rescue her and said,"Mr. Chu, I am Momo's mother."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Oh, hello, it turns out to be Momo's mother."

Momo's mother explained

"My Momo is not very sensible. Actually, she has nothing to do. She just plays all day."

"There is no such thing as learning. I think being by your side is the best way to learn."

"She is young and does not understand things. As a parent, I can help her make the decision on this matter."

Little Momo lowered her head and said nothing.

Chu Yuan shook his head:"I like Little Momo very much, but Little Momo seems to have her own ideas, so forget it."

Little Momo's mother quickly said:"No, no, no, she is confused and does not understand things. I can make the decision for her on this matter."

Chu Yuan shook his head and said:"It is better to let her do what she wants for this kind of thing and not force it. Besides, I have a granddaughter to take care of me, and Little Momo still needs to focus on studying."

"Besides, it's not like there won't be chances to meet again in the future, there will be plenty of chances."After

Chu Yuan said that, Xiao Momo's mother was speechless. She felt so bad inside, as if she had lost tens of billions. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She was even more disappointed.

Such a good opportunity was missed.

It was so painful!

She even wanted to beat Xiao Momo to death.

Missed such a great opportunity.

The big guys around also felt sorry for Xiao Momo.

Such a good opportunity was missed, I'm afraid she will never meet it again!

They all shook their heads and felt sorry for it.

"What a shame!"

"The little girl is still too young, alas."

Liang Xiaoru saw that Chu Yuan did not accept Xiao Momo.

She didn't know his intention.

Since Teacher Chu did not agree, forget it.

She didn't force it.

She originally wanted to give Xiao Momo a chance to contact Teacher Chu.

If she could really stay by Teacher Chu's side.

It would be a great opportunity, which would be of great benefit to Xiao Momo's life.

It seems that she missed this opportunity.

Xiao Momo stood behind her mother, just like a child who had made a mistake.

Chu Yuan saw all this.[]

He smiled and said,"Momo, when I have met fifty uncles and aunts, I will take you to play together."

"Would you be willing to go with Grandpa Chu when the time comes?"

Little Momo's mother was shocked and almost jumped up with excitement.

Oh my god, it's such a roller coaster! My little heart can't take it.

She turned back suddenly and looked at Little Momo, her eyes almost popped out.

It was a signal for Momo to agree.

Sure enough, Little Momo nodded:"I am willing, Grandpa Chu."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"That's good"

"Then we'll see you there."

Xiao Momo nodded and said,"Okay, Grandpa Chu."

Seeing this, Xiao Momo's mother was so excited that she almost fainted.

Her heart was like a thousand horses galloping.


"He actually agreed? Oh my god."

""That's great, it's really great, this great opportunity has finally been seized by my Li family."

Little Momo's mother was so excited that she couldn't control her emotions.

Her whole body was shaking.

The dignitaries around her cast envious glances at her.

"This little girl is really lucky."

"Sometimes luck is also a part of a person's success. As the ancients said, 30% depends on luck and 70% depends on hard work. It is true."

"Whose girl is this? It seems to be Principal Li’s daughter. Principal Li has a good daughter!"

"If he knew what happened today, he would probably jump up with excitement."

"What a lucky guy!: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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