
"Are Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng and Zhao Dahu all beneficiaries of the three major thinking patterns?"

"No, to be precise, there is also President Liang. They are actually classmates?"

The group of dignitaries were really shocked. They didn't know about this before.

Now that they learned about this for the first time, it would be strange if they were not surprised.

They opened their mouths in shock, almost enough to fit an egg.

"The three major thinking modes are so powerful?"

They all looked at Liang Xiaoru and Chu Yuan on the stage.

Chu Yuan didn't say much when he heard Liang Xiaoru's words.

He just felt relieved.

It seems that his unintentional actions back then did change a lot of people.

To be honest, Chu Yuan was also quite proud.

He patted Liang Xiaoru on the shoulder. He said with relief:"Xiaoru, since you said so, I will accept this favor."

"To be honest, as a teacher, I feel very pleased to see that you are so outstanding."

"I am also glad for Youlong, Liangcai, Dahu and others."

Liang Xiaoru's eyes were blurred with tears.

She said in a hoarse voice:"If it weren't for you, Teacher Chu, our group of students would probably still be farming in a remote small village and would never be able to get out of it in their lifetime."

"We are where we are today entirely due to the foundation that Teacher Chu laid for us when we were young."

"In fact, we also investigated some of our classmates back then. Those who were better than us when we were young are still staying in the small village back then."

"Whenever we think back on our lives late at night, we sigh that we are so lucky. It is really not easy to get to where we are today from a remote small village."

"In fact, it is not easy for everyone, but we are different. We have the advanced thinking taught by Teacher Chu in the past, so we can reach this step."

"Otherwise, we might achieve something, but not to this extent. ̄"

Chu Yuan nodded with a smile

"You have lived up to my teachings, you are all great."

Liang Xiaoru was so moved that she burst into tears.

Little Leo in the audience saw this scene and looked regretful.

He sighed in his heart:"It would have been great if I could have become Mr. Chu's adopted son just now. Alas, it's a pity"

"I really can't grasp this opportunity? I'm not willing to give up."

"This is my only chance to move up a level, I don't want to let it go."

Little Li's eyes were determined.

He was ready to take the next step. He must get close to Mr. Chu and establish a relationship with him.

It's not just him.

Huang Zhengzheng also has the same idea.

"The teacher is right."

"Mr. Chu is indeed a strange man."

"Did he remind me at that time that if I met Mr. Chu, I would fulfill his request at any cost? Now that I think about it, it is true."

"As long as I can get in touch with him, my future will be limitless."

Wang Congcong's eyes flashed

"Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, Zhao Dahu, and Liang Xiaoru are all his students. This power is too terrifying!"

"No, there are still dozens of students who have not shown up. I don’t know how big their energy is, but just these few are terrifying."

"No wonder my dad asked me to do everything I could to get close to him. He is indeed worth all the investment."

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma and others all thought so.

They were thinking of all ways to get close to Mr. Chu.

Liang Xiaoru quickly wiped away her tears.

"Come, Mr. Chu, take a seat."

"Today, it is my lifelong honor that you can attend my birthday party."

Chu Yuan was helped to sit down by Liang Xiaoru.

Then he raised a cup of tea and bowed respectfully.

"Teacher, please have some tea."

Chu Yuan took the tea from Liang Xiaoru without hesitation. He took a sip and put it back on the table.

Liang Xiaoru looked at the people in the audience and said loudly,"Everyone, today is my birthday party. Thank you for coming."

""Everyone, enjoy your meal, let's start the feast!"

Everyone started to eat.

Immediately, someone came to toast. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The leaders were naturally the heads of the major monopoly enterprises.

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I am the head of the Cigarette Group Didu, I would like to toast you and wish you good health."

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I am the chairman of the Electricity Group. I would like to offer you a toast and wish you good health and a long life."

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I am the chairman of the Dayou Group. I would like to offer you a toast and wish you good fortune and a long life."

"……I am the president of Beida University... the president of the University of Science and Technology... the president of Shanghai University... I am the president of Shenzhen University... I toast to Mr. Chu and wish him good health and all the best."


Then came the big bosses of private enterprises.

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, Little Li, Mr. Wang and others all came to toast Chu Yuan.

They lined up in a long line, without any impatient expression.

They seemed very excited.

This scene shocked the entire live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room exploded directly.

"I surpass, I surpass, I surpass!"

"This scene is so spectacular! My God!"

"There are so many big guys, almost one-third of the big guys in the entire Dragon Country are all here"

"They all toasted Old Chu. Who could enjoy such an honor? Perhaps only the seven people at the top could enjoy it!"

"Yes, this is too horrible. This is the most spectacular scene I have ever seen in my life. I will never forget it. It shakes my soul."

"I don't know how to do that. Compared to any star, everyone here has more power than those in the entertainment industry. It's terrifying.)"

"Mr. Chu is truly a god. I admire him with all my heart."[]

"If I can have such a day, even for just one day, I would be willing to die."

After the group of people toasted Old Chu, they turned to toast Liang Xiaoru.

Even so, Liang Xiaoru was not angry.

Instead, she seemed very happy, with a smile on her face.

If anyone dared to toast her first, she would probably be really angry.

Obviously, these big guys are smart and know how to deal with this matter.

Being able to make Liang Xiaoru not angry,

Chu Yuan was also very happy.

So many people toasted him.

This is respect for himself, who wouldn't be happy!

He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Of course, he didn't really drink it, but just expressed it a little.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

She was full of thanks.

Just then, Xiao

Momo came over with her head down.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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