"Hey, this young man seems a little short"

"Indeed, she looks average, no, to be precise, she is ugly, and she is also quite short, so she is difficult to deal with!"

"Hahaha... I don't know why, but I have a hunch that this guy is not doing very well. What do you think?"

"Don't mention it, this kid is really inconspicuous, he is a head shorter than other classmates, I'm afraid he won't be that big when he grows up, it will be difficult for him to find a wife"

"That's right, many young men around me haven't married yet, and girls don't like them. There's nothing they can do, because they say they're afraid of affecting their genes."

"Look again, he is standing in the corner, and it is obvious that he is not taken seriously in the class. One word can best describe him: mediocre."

"He looks honest and decent. Plus, he is short, ugly, and honest. He is doomed. He has all three terminal illnesses."

"I think this kid will be very troublesome when he grows up. I'm afraid he will be the worst student in the class."

"I think so too. I had a teacher who said that he was rejected by many universities because of his small stature. In the end, his father knelt down and begged the principal to let him enter the school."

"It is true. Such people have a miserable fate and it is very difficult. It is really impossible for ordinary people to make it."

"I think this student is difficult to deal with."

970 netizens analyzed this student based on his appearance.

The analysis was very reasonable. Many netizens thought that this student might have a bad time.

After all, it is really difficult for someone like this to get along.���

Chu Yuan walked over and turned over the back of the photo.

There was a name written on it.

"Han Donglai?"

"It turned out to be this kid."

Chu Yuan smiled. He was very impressed with this kid. He spent a lot of time training him.

This kid has autism since he was a child. He doesn't like to talk and is not good at socializing.

He just hides in the corner and is unknown in the class.

When Chu Yuan saw this classmate at that time, he thought that if he continued to develop like this, it would be really troublesome.

He taught him a lot. He also tutored him privately, talked to him, and enlightened him.

See if he can cultivate his character, at least to be more outgoing.

Otherwise, it will be really troublesome when he enters the society in the future.

After Chu Yuan's patient guidance and training,

Han Donglai's character did change.

Gradually, his classmates accepted him and were willing to play with him.

His character also became much more cheerful.

Until Chu Yuan sent him to junior high school, he never saw him again.

"Han Donglai? This name is quite domineering."

"It is indeed very domineering and easy to remember. Zi Qi Dong Lai, Han Xian Chu, the name of a great general, takes part of each and it becomes Han Dong Lai"

"Such a domineering name is useless."

"Hahaha... it is true."

In the class group of Shangang,

Han Donglai learned that he was chosen by Teacher Chu.

He was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Me? It's finally my turn?"

"Teacher Chu, we are finally meeting."

"Teacher Chu, it has been fifty years, and I have never repaid your kindness."

"I must express my gratitude to you in person."

Then the students in the Shangang Primary School group saw the comments of netizens in the live broadcast room about Han Donglai.

They were all amused.

"Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter"

"Damn, these netizens are all talented. They made me laugh to death."

"They say Donglai’s name is wasted, hahaha... @Donglai, what do you think about this?"

"Hahahaha... ignorant netizens, each and every one of them is just a silly fool"

"Most of today's netizens are young people, they have freedom of speech and can say anything."

"Haha, it's really interesting, mainly because they said that Donglai's name (bddi) was wasted, I really couldn't hold it anymore, it was too funny."

Tang Youlong:"There are hundreds of thousands of netizens, there are all kinds of people, good and bad, don't worry about it."

Qu Congzheng:"Yes, there are people cursing in the live broadcast room, they can say anything, the netizens nowadays really need to be controlled."

Zhao Dahu:"However, their words don't cause much harm, @Donglai, right!"

"If they knew Dong Lai's identity, they would probably be so shocked that they wouldn't be able to say such words for a year."

"Underestimate Han Donglai, hahahaha... He was just slapping himself in the face like crazy, and it was the kind of slapping."


Han Donglai replied. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It doesn't matter, I've been through too much of this"

"I've gotten used to it. These netizens are all little kids. How can I get angry with a bunch of little kids?"

"I'm in high spirits now and I don't want to get angry with them. I'm finally going to meet Teacher Chu."

"Dear students, I will meet the beloved teacher Chu first. Are you envious?"


A group of envious expressions followed.

"Jill's envious face"

"Hold the thigh"

"Let's get some good luck."

Rows of expressions appeared.

Han Donglai:"Let's go, I won't talk nonsense with you guys anymore, I'm going to see Teacher Chu."

The classmates sent farewell emojis one after another.

Chu Ling also looked a little disappointed when she saw this name.

She asked Chu Yuan:"Grandpa, this person seems a little……"

Chu Yuan said:"Remember not to judge a person by his appearance. Donglai is indeed at a disadvantage in terms of appearance, height and"

"However, he has great perseverance. If he can perform well, he won't be in such a bad situation."

"Don’t be fooled by its small size, it is the essence of concentration!"

"Back then, he seemed to be incomprehensible, not good at speaking, and looked dull. If he were to be enlightened, he would be extraordinary."

Chu Yuan commented on Han Donglai.

Han Donglai, who was watching Chu Yuan's live broadcast, was filled with emotion.[]

"Open up? Teacher Chu, if it weren't for you, how could I have opened up?"

"If I hadn't met you in my life, I would have been a complete waste."

"A worm lying on the ground"

"You are my lifelong benefactor."

Han Donglai thought of some things in the past.

Tears flowed down his eyes.

Thinking of Chu Yuan's guidance to him in the past, it really took a lot of thought. This kindness will never be forgotten.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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