
Chu Yuan got Han Donglai's phone number and dialed:"Beep, beep, beep"……"

The call was immediately connected.

"Hello, Teacher Chu?"

"Donglai? I am Chu Yuan"

"Teacher Chu, long time no see"

"It's been a long time since we last met. I'm sure you already know why I came."

Han Donglai nodded:"I know. I heard from Dahu that Mr. Chu, you don't have to worry about anything. I can still live broadcast here without being affected."

Chu Yuan smiled:"That's good. Then tell me the address and I'll find you right away.""

"OK, Lijia Village, Dayu Town, Beidao District, Jiangshi City. Let me know when you arrive and I'll have someone pick you up. I'm out of town right now and on my way back."


After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Chu Yuan was a little puzzled at first. Lijia Village, Dayu Town, Beidao District, Jiang City?

This seems to be a small village.

What is Donglai doing there?

Chu Yuan was puzzled.

Chu Ling, who was standing aside, had just been taught a lesson by Chu Yuan and did not dare to say much.

She remained silent and did not dare to judge people by appearance.

However, she still did not have much hope for this

Uncle Han. He might just be a small farmer.

This is not to despise the farmer. What Chu Ling wants to express is that this Uncle Han is far inferior to the four uncles, aunts and uncles in front.

They are not at the same level at all. It is not just Chu Ling who thinks so.

Many netizens in the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the entire live broadcast room have this idea.

Especially the group of netizens who just thought that Old Chu was not that amazing.

Hearing this address, he laughed out loud.

It seems like he won a big battle.

"See, I was right!"

"I was wondering how Mr. Chu could be so powerful, and the students he taught were all big shots, that's outrageous"

"That kind of thing only exists in novels, it is impossible to exist in reality, because people like that will not live long."

"It is a probability event for a teacher to teach students to become successful. It is already very impressive if one out of hundreds of students succeeds."

"Even if an ordinary teacher teaches for a lifetime, he can produce a few great talents. It is not the teacher who is great, but the students who are great."

"For someone like Mr. Chu, it is almost impossible for all 50 of them to become talented, or even great talents. That is a complete myth."

"Look, this Han Donglai, the place he just mentioned is a small village, what do you think he can become? I'm afraid he can just be a small farmer."

"Just now, when I saw his photo, I was able to make a pretty accurate analysis. Now, it is indeed true."

"So, everyone should not deify Mr. Chu. He is indeed quite capable, but he should not be deified. We still need to look at it rationally."

This netizen's words are well-reasoned and have a basis in reason.

This has shaken many netizens' minds.

"Is it really as he said?"

"Are we really deifying Mr. Chu?"

"To be honest, I am a little confused now and can't tell the truth from the false"

"I can’t tell the difference either, never mind, just keep reading and you’ll know."

Some netizens were also persuaded by the above netizens

"Hahahaha... Brother, you are right. I agree with your point of view."

"I said this before, but no one believed me. Now I am finally going to verify my point."

"Some people are so stubborn that even nine bulls can't pull them back. I feel helpless."

"After seeing this student, I think everyone will believe what I said."

Those netizens who supported Chu Yuan began to respond

"Don't be too happy too soon, let's wait and see"

"The results haven't come out yet. If you are too happy too early, you may fail."

"That's right, people who sing the opposite tune are so annoying. They can't stand others doing well."


In the Shangang Primary School group, the fifty students were all amused by the comments of netizens.

"Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter"

"That netizen is really funny. Is he the rescuer invited by Doubi? So funny"

"He actually thought that Donglai was just a small farmer, and looked down on Donglai like this. My God, he was the first person I had seen who dared to look down on Donglai like this."

"Indeed, if he dared to look down on Dong Lai in front of me, I would make him kneel on the ground and sing"Conquer" until his throat hurts."

"Donglai is really miserable, I feel so sorry for him." (To read the exciting novels, go to Fly Novel Network!)

Many classmates @Donglai. Donglai

:"I'm used to it. I've experienced too many rumors like this in my life."

"To be honest, I don’t care about those things at all now."

"When we do our job well and do it impeccably, these voices will disappear."

"Even, in the end, those who look down on you will be more respectful to you."

Then, there was a chorus of approval in the group.

Like emojis appeared one after another.


Chu Yuan didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room.

He looked at the address.

It's quite far, one is in the north and the other is in the south.

It seems that he needs to take a plane to go there.

"Let's go to the airport."

Chu Ling nodded:"Okay, Grandpa."

The two went straight to the airport. As soon as they left, a top luxury car, Cullinan, appeared in front of them.

It caused a burst of exclamations in the live broadcast room.[]

"Wow, Cullinan, who is this guy?"

"Damn, it’s worth at least tens of millions, so awesome!"

"Who is sitting inside? I'm so curious! Who's coming?

The car window rolled down and a head appeared.

It was Leo.

Netizens exclaimed

"Wow, it's Leo."

"What was he doing here? To see Mr. Chu off?"

"This little Leo is really good at dealing with things. No wonder he was able to found Qiandu. He is awesome!"

At this time,

Leo said with a smile,"Mr. Chu, I will take you there."

Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Leo would be so shameless.

His face is really thick, thicker than the floor tiles.

He shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you then."

Since they have come to my house, I can't refuse them.

That would be too impersonal, and Chu Yuan couldn't do that.

Little Li got out of the car and opened the door for Chu Yuan, just like a driver.


"Be careful."

Old Chu and Chu Ling got in the car and closed the door.

The car started.

At this time, there were several luxury cars behind watching Xiao Li's car go away.

They were all gritting their teeth in anger.

These people were naturally Da Ma Ge, Xiao Ma Ge, Huang Zhengzheng, Mr. Wang and others.

There were also some big bosses of state-owned enterprises not far away. They originally wanted to flatter Old Chu.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Li got there first. How could they not be angry?

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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