"Damn, this little Leo is so sneaky"

"Damn, that's too much. I really want to hit him."

"He always gets ahead of me in everything. I can't stand it."

"I can't stand it anymore. If this continues, we won't have any chance."

"Do you want to unite and have a fight with Qiandu? I have been unhappy with Leo for a long time."

"I think it's okay. The more I look at this person, the more I dislike him. He is so shameless that it's outrageous."

"That's settled then. We'll have a meeting together then."


Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, Mr. Wang, and some big bosses of state-owned enterprises.

They were all very angry and determined to do a thousand degrees.

That's it.

They watched Xiao Li's car leave.

But Huang Zhengzheng's eyes flashed, and I don't know what he was thinking.

""330" seemed to be thinking, muttering in his heart:"Should I ask my master about this matter?"

His master is naturally Duan Yongyong, a giant invisible rich man.

No one knows how much assets he has, it can only be said that he is a giant.

He has lived in the United States for many years, and even in the United States he is a big crocodile.

Huang Zhengzheng was also cultivated by him.

Without Duan Yongyong, there would be no Huang Zhengzheng.

In the car.

The interior of Cullinan is extremely luxurious.

All netizens were shocked

"I was so excited, I felt like I was sitting in Cullinan!"

"I didn’t expect the space inside Cullinan to be so big, so spacious!"

"It's really nice inside, I wish I had one."

Chu Yuan sat inside, but he wasn't too surprised.

As the driver, Xiao Lizi kept looking for topics to talk about.

"Mr. Chu, how is your health?"

"Mr. Chu, where do you live?"

"Oh, this must be your granddaughter. Is she working or studying?"

"She's really pretty and has a great temperament.……"

He talked a lot.

His main purpose was to find out about Chu Yuan's situation.

He wanted to find a way to get close to Chu Yuan, and if he could help him, that would be the biggest gain today.

But Chu Yuan kept his mouth shut and didn't reveal any information.

This made Leo very embarrassed and looked ugly.

He thought to himself: How could there be such a hard bone to chew? Chu Yuan is too difficult to deal with!

But Leo will prepare himself mentally.

The more difficult it is, the greater the gain.

Thinking of the gain, he flattered

Chu Yuan even more. This made Chu Yuan very uncomfortable.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

One by one, they subverted their world views.

"Is this still our Internet entrepreneurship godfather Leo?"

"My god, this flattery technique is really good!"

"He is indeed awesome, and I am good at flattering people, but compared to him, I am nothing. Leo really deserves attention!"

"In my mind, he was always a gentle scholar. Now it seems that I was wrong, totally wrong. He was not a scholar at all, but a flatterer."

"Today completely overturned my view of Leo, and made me get to know him again and see another side of him. It turns out that he is this kind of person."

"I was shocked. Little Leo turned out to be such a person. I don't know why, but I suddenly looked down on people like him."

"Me too. He used to be my idol. Now it seems that I was too naive and I misjudged him. From now on, he will no longer be my idol."


Netizens expressed their disappointment with Leo.

Soon, they arrived at the airport.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling got out of the car.

Chu Yuan said,"Thank you, Mr. Li, for this time."

Leo shook his hand,"Mr. Chu, you don't have to be so polite."

Chu Yuan smiled, turned around and walked into the airport.

Leo wanted to say something, but found that Chu Yuan didn't even turn his head and walked in directly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Leo sighed outside,"Alas, this Mr. Chu is really a tough nut to crack!""

"This won't work, so I can only think of other ways!"

Then he suddenly thought of Xiao Momo, and his eyes lit up.

"That little girl, yes, that's right, it's her"

"Maybe I can find a breakthrough in her."

Thinking of this, Xiao Lizi was extremely excited and rushed back to the waiting room.

Chu Ling looked at Chu Yuan with a puzzled look on her face.

"Grandpa, why does Mr. Li look different from his online image?"

"He is not like this on the Internet."

Chu Yuan smiled and shook his head:"Everyone has two sides. What you see is just what others want you to see."

"What you can't see is what people don't want you to see."

"Just keep a normal attitude!"

Chu Ling nodded, slightly realizing

"So that's how it is, I understand."

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Chu Yuan with a smile.

"Grandpa, let me ask you something."

Chu Yuan saw Chu Ling's smile, which seemed to have some ill intentions.

""Go ahead!"

Chu Ling said with a smile:"When you were young, you were so handsome, so did many people pursue you?"[]

Chu Yuan was stunned. It turned out that he had bad intentions.

Asking himself such a question.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also very curious.

They were looking forward to Chu Yuan's answer.

Chapter 79 That terrible look was like an ancient minister meeting an emperor who was high above him.

But Chu Yuan was cunning and did not answer Chu Ling.

Chu Ling started to act like a spoiled child.

She grabbed Chu Yuan's arm and shook it.

"Grandpa, just tell me!"

"You never told me about the past."

"Ever since you came back, you haven't said a word about what happened before, Grandpa, why is that?"

"Or do you have some secrets?"

When Chu Ling mentioned the word secret, Chu Yuan's expression changed again. 4.1

Just a glance at Chu Ling, and Chu Ling was so scared that she trembled all over.

She didn't dare to ask again.

That look was gone, and then she returned to calm.

Chu Yuan didn't say a word.

When hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room saw Chu Yuan's look, they were all shocked and shocked.

"Oh my god, that look is so scary!"

"Did you notice that the look in Mr. Chu’s eyes just now was really scary!"

"Oh my god, I also found it, and I was so scared that I trembled all over, just like I encountered a poisonous snake."

"No, to be precise, it was like meeting a being that was high above and looking down upon all living things, just like an ancient minister meeting an emperor."

"I have the same feeling. My back is cold now."


Oh my god , what exactly does Chu Lao do for a living?: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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