It wasn't just the netizens who noticed this.

The students in the Shangang Primary School group all noticed this.

"This...what kind of look is this?"

"Did you see that? The look in Teacher Chu's eyes just now"

"I saw it, that look was terrifying, how did you feel?"

"Shit, I feel the same way. I have never seen such a look in my life."

"What's going on? Is there any student who can explain this to me?"

Tang Youlong said solemnly,"I didn't realize this when I was in contact with Teacher Chu before."

"This look is a bit strange. Even if I met the Lord of Dragon Country, I would not be so frightened."

"Teacher Chu's eyes give people an inexplicable feeling, a feeling of wanting to worship"

"The netizen just described it very aptly, just like an ancient minister meeting an emperor."

Qu Congzheng also had a solemn expression on his face.

"I didn't notice that Teacher Chu had such a look before."

"This is the first time I feel this."

Zhao Dahu wondered:"Classmates, could it be that there is something wrong with Teacher Chu's eyes?"

"It means that he has some disease or something, which caused his eyes to look like that."

At this time, Liang Xiaoru also spoke up.

Her expression was also extremely solemn.

"Teacher Chu's eyes were filled with indifference, extreme indifference, without the slightest emotion."

"This doesn't seem like Teacher Chu. When I interacted with him just now, I could feel that he was still the same Teacher Chu."

"As for the indifference and coldness in his eyes, firstly, it has to do with his profession, secondly, it has to do with his position, and thirdly, it has to do with his nature."

"The third point can almost be ruled out because we are all very familiar with Teacher Chu. Of course, we cannot rule out the changes in the past fifty years."

"However, from my contact with him just now, he is still the same Mr. Chu. That is, the first two points have always been a mystery."

"We have no idea about Teacher Chu's occupation or position."

The students all nodded when they heard Liang Xiaoru's analysis.

"Indeed, Mr. Chu disappeared for fifty years. No one knew where he had been during these fifty years, and no one knew what he was doing."

"Maybe it really has something to do with his profession."

Zhao Dahu frowned:"Profession? I still think it's Mr. Chu's eyes."

"Maybe we are all just imagining things, it's just a coincidence, there must be something wrong with Teacher Chu's eyes."

Some students also agree with this view.

"What Dahu said makes sense, maybe we are overthinking it"

"It was just a glance, and it was broadcast live, so such analysis is unreliable"

"I agree with what Dahu said. It is necessary to check Mr. Chu's eyes."

"If you really want to verify other students' opinions, it's very simple. Just keep observing. If Teacher Chu shows that kind of look again, then the coincidence will be smaller."

"By the way, @Donglai, I'll leave this to you. Please carefully observe Teacher Chu's eyes."

Donglai nodded:"Okay, leave this to me."

A careful student found a problem

"Did you notice that it was Teacher Chu's granddaughter who said something that caused Teacher Chu to look like that?"

The students recalled, and then they were shocked.

A key word appeared in their minds :


The students were shocked by the secret

"Are you saying that Teacher Chu has some secret? The key is that this secret is very important."

"Chu Ling's words tested Mr. Chu's psychological defenses, which made him suddenly look like that.

Many students nodded, expressing their agreement.

"This possibility is very high"

"What secrets does Teacher Chu have that would cause him to react like this?"

"I was also very surprised. Doesn't that mean that the reaction just now was real? Oh my God."

Many students began to have wild thoughts.

At this time, the class monitor also came out and interrupted the students' wild thoughts.

"Dear students, stop overthinking."

"No matter what Mr. Chu is like, he is our teacher. He will not harm us. I believe this."

"Also, the years that Mr. Chu disappeared are indeed a mystery. As for his occupation and position, they will be revealed one day."

"However, we cannot just sit there and wait for death, we need to take appropriate actions."

"Donglai, you just take the first step and observe Teacher Chu's eyes. I will send someone to study what just happened."

Donglai nodded:"Okay, monitor."


This way. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chu Ling was indeed frightened by Chu Yuan's eyes.

She sat aside without saying a word.

Chu Yuan did not speak either.

Just like that.

Half an hour later, the plane arrived.

The two got on the plane.

At this time, the outside world was still discussing Chu Yuan's eyes.

It also set off a huge wave on the Internet.

Many netizens speculated that Mr. Chu was an alien.

Otherwise, how could such a terrifying look appear.

Major video bloggers were editing that video, and then posting the edited video with eye-catching copy on the Internet.

What does the copy look like?

【Shocked, it turns out that Mr. Chu is actually an alien. No wonder he has super powers and teaches so many outstanding students.】

【It's terrible. Mr. Chu's eyes exposed his identity. He is an alien, and his three major thinking modes also come from another civilization.】

【A glance revealed a shocking secret about Mr. Chu. He came from another galaxy and brought mysterious knowledge. Three major thinking modes]

One outrageous copy was published after another.

It caused a great earthquake on the Internet.

Countless netizens were shocked and exclaimed

"I'm so surprised, it turns out that Mr. Chu is an alien, no wonder he is so powerful"

"Teacher Chu must have some superpowers to be able to teach people like Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Liang Xiaoru."[]

"Is he here to save the earth or to destroy it? We don't know, but we have to be on our guard.……"

There were all kinds of comments.

In short, Chu Yuan's popularity has soared again.

The number of people watching his live broadcast room has soared again, reaching 800,000. He is almost the number one in the number of online live broadcasts.

In addition to a certain internet celebrity Yang Ge, it is Chu Lao.

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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