The next day.

Chu Yuan finally arrived in Shenzhen and was on his way to Tang Youlong's company.

At this time, Tang Youlong, dressed in a formal suit, stood at the door with excitement to welcome Chu Yuan.

Behind him followed a large group of neatly arranged Huawei researchers.

There were hundreds of people.

All were wearing white work clothes, wearing glasses, and their eyes were bright.

Tang Youlong took them together and waited for Chu Yuan to come. He welcomed his most respected mentor with such a grand scene.

He didn't know how happy and excited he was for this day.

He could finally see his mentor whom he hadn't wanted to see for fifty years.

Those researchers were also confused.

What happened today?

How could Dean Chu make such a big fuss? It's a bit unusual!

Dean Chu is usually very low-key.

Is it to welcome a heavyweight leader?

Or is President Ren coming?

Even if President Ren is coming, Dean Chu won't be like this.

After all, everyone knows that President Ren doesn't like such scenes.

Besides, Dean Chu won't do that.

This is it.���Many scientific researchers came.

Such a spectacular scene attracted the attention of the industrial park.

They stood in front of the glass of the office to see who was coming.

It was worth so many people standing and waiting in the R&D center of Huawei Company.

Who could be worthy of such a scene?

The news here soon reached Mr. Ren's ears.

Mr. Ren was curious:"Oh, there is such a thing?"

"Keep an eye on it and report to me immediately if there is any news."

The staff below nodded:"Yes."

Mr. Ren sat in his chair, puzzled.

"Who on earth deserves such a dragon?"

"How come there is no news from me? It's so strange."


Chu Yuan and Chu Ling are in a taxi

"Old man, No. 175 is in front."

"I know there is a very famous company there, called Huawei Company"

"It is said that Huawei's research center is there, where a large number of top scientific researchers from Dragon Country gather."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"Huawei Company is indeed not simple!"

The driver said proudly:"That's natural, to fight against the entire United States on its own, which company in the world can do it? Only Huawei, the great Chinese"

"Huawei is a truly remarkable company. Now that it has broken through the U.S. chip blockade, our country also has chips. We are finally no longer subject to the control of others. This is a great victory."

"Huawei is truly the pride of the national enterprise, and President Ren is even more of a national hero."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Indeed."

The driver asked:"Old man, what are you doing there?""

Chu Yuan:"To meet someone who works in that industrial park."

That industrial park is very large, and there are many companies. The driver did not expect it to be Huawei Company.

So he did not pay much attention to it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are always paying attention to everything here.

"Is this Shenzhen? It is indeed a first-tier city, so prosperous."

"Look, the Donglin Industrial Park is right in front of us. It’s so grand and majestic!"

"This is the first time I have seen Huawei's R&D center in a live broadcast room. I am looking forward to it."

"I'm looking forward to it too. Maybe I can go in and take a look."

"I don't know what position Tang Youlong holds. Does he have the authority to let Grandpa Chu in to watch?"

"Hehehe, you think too much. He is probably just an ordinary researcher. You want to go inside to take a look. You are dreaming."


The taxi arrived at the gate.

""Old man, we're here."

Chu Yuan said,"Thank you."

Chu Ling helped Chu Yuan get out of the car and looked up.

It was indeed a very impressive technology entrepreneurship park, full of modern


As soon as Chu Yuan got out of the car, the gate of the industrial park opened automatically.

It slowly rose up, and Chu Yuan, Chu Ling, and the driver looked over.

Then they saw a team of people wearing white scientific research clothes standing there.

Hundreds of people looked over here.

The driver was stunned, and Chu Ling was also shocked.

Chu Yuan was a person who had experienced many storms and waves, so he was relatively calm.

But his heart was still shaken.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were even more stunned.

They opened their mouths wide and showed an extremely shocked look.

Hundreds of Huawei researchers stared at Chu Yuan and the other two curiously.

"Who are they?"

"It looks ordinary, why did Dean Chu take it so seriously?"

"But the old man looked a little unusual.

The driver was shocked.

"Damn, Huawei, these are all R&D personnel from Huawei"

"This, this, this...what is going on?"

Then he looked at Chu Yuan fiercely.

""Fuck, who is he? So awesome?"

Three seconds later, the live broadcast room went crazy.


"What's going on? Am I dazzled? Or is there something wrong with the video?"

"Are those Huawei's R&D personnel? Hundreds of them. Oh my god, all the Shenzhen Huawei R&D personnel must be here!"

"They, what are they doing? They seem to be welcoming someone, could it be Grandpa Chu? Oh my god, I am so shocked."

"What is the identity of Tang Youlong, the student of Grandpa Chu?"

Instantly, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared.

Many netizens came in, and the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded one thousand, and is still rising sharply.

The netizens who just came in were confused.

"What's happening here?"

"It seems to be from Huawei Company. They have it written on their chest."

"These should be Huawei's R&D staff! There should be at least several hundred of them!"

"What is this for? It looks like they are welcoming an important person. Who could it be?"

Chu Yuan looked at the man in the lead.

He looked to be in his sixties, wearing a pair of glasses, with gray hair on his temples, and excitement in his eyes.

He was Tang Youlong.

"Teacher Chu."

He said excitedly.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Youlong, long time no see."

Tang Youlong came over immediately and held Chu Yuan's hand tightly.

Tears flashed in his eyes.

"Teacher Chu, it has been fifty years, a full fifty years, half a century has passed."

"I finally see you."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Yes, it's been half a century."

"When you left, you were only a teenager. I never thought that when we met again, we would both be old men.

Tang Youlong burst into tears.

"Yes, it's so rare."

Instantly, the live broadcast room exploded again

(ps: Anyone read this? Ask for some data, thanks everyone. )

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