"I'm so scared?"

"I do know that the Cigarette Group is a monopoly enterprise. I dare to ask, who in the whole Dragon Country dares to sell cigarettes privately? That is courting death."

"Yes, there is also the Electricity Group, which is also super awesome, but it is completely a younger brother to the Cigarette Group."

"It is said that the income of the cigarette group is the sum of the top five revenues of the Dragon Country's major companies. Think about it carefully, please think about it carefully, ~ it is so terrifying"

"My God, this is too scary. Her income is the sum of the top five revenues of Dragon Country's largest companies. Liang Xiaoru is actually the director of a cigarette group? How did she do it?"

"I am really curious. She is a child of a farmer, and she comes from such a remote small village. She has achieved this level with decades of hard work. It is shocking."

"Sure enough, this is not a miracle, a myth, then what can be called a miracle, a myth?"

"Liang Xiaoru is undoubtedly the strongest woman in Dragon Country. I'm afraid no one dares to question this!"

There was a chorus of approval from the audience.

"Yeah, I think that's the case."

"She is indeed the strongest woman in Dragon Country, I admit it."

"I admit that she is really amazing. I admire her very much."


Later, one netizen concluded:

"The president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, the president of Qinghua University, and the director of the Cigarette Group, just these three titles can put Liang Xiaoru at the top of the Dragon Country pyramid."

"If she were not a member of the state, then she would be at the top of the Dragon Country Rich List, a well-deserved top."

"The point is, if she wasn't a member of the state, she wouldn't be able to achieve this level."

"Yes, what the above person said makes sense. These are all given by the state. People who are not from the state have no chance to get them."

"It seems that the country has great trust in her, otherwise it would not have given her such an important position. The higher the position, the greater the responsibility. Liang Xiaoru is highly valued by the country!"

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked and stood still.

For a moment, they didn't know what to say and were stunned.

Obviously, they were all numb with shock and their minds were blank.

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, a netizen sighed

"Mr. Chu is truly a god!"

"Yes, he was able to teach people like Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, Zhao Dahu, and Liang Xiaoru. How terrifying is his own strength?"

"His strength is far beyond our imagination. To this day, no one knows what he does, what his profession is, and we can't even find the slightest information about him."

"It was as if he had jumped out from a crack in a rock, or dropped from the sky, without leaving any trace."

"And he disappeared for 50 years, no one knew what he was doing, which is very confusing."

"He also taught his students the three major thinking patterns, which were like magic, making his students as powerful as dragons. It was simply terrifying."

"To be honest, I doubt that he is not a human being. Maybe he is from outer space. I would believe that he is an alien. Otherwise, how can we explain that the three major thinking modes he taught have such powerful power?"

"The three major thinking modes can be said to be completely out of this world. They are a kind of thinking that far exceeds human thinking and is a kind of advanced thinking."

"What the above said is really right, I think so too"

"My God, who is Mr. Chu? It seems he knows.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were curious about Chu Yuan's true identity.

It was at this time that those bloggers directly posted the speculations of netizens in the live broadcast room on the Internet.

It caused an uproar and the entire network was shaken.

"What? Elder Chu is actually an alien? No way!"

"Most likely, yes, otherwise, where would he get such a terrifying mindset and such a supernatural ability?"

"This is indeed painful to think about. If you really want to say so, this possibility is the greatest, otherwise this matter cannot be explained at all."

"Oh my goodness, aliens, so scary!"

As Chu Yuan became popular on the Internet again, it shocked countless people and attracted more people to watch the live broadcast room.

The number of people in Chu Yuan's live broadcast room was soaring wildly.

From the previous 400,000, it soared directly to 600,000.

The number of people was still soaring, and Douyin's server was about to collapse.

The Douyin executives were extremely panicked. They realized something more serious.

That is, the number of people in this live broadcast room might reach an unprecedented height.

The server must keep up, otherwise, it might collapse directly.

The Douyin executives sat in an office.

They stared at the live broadcast room in disbelief.

You look at me, I look at you

"Do you think this Mr. Chu is really an alien?"

"I don't know either, but what he did is definitely not something that humans can do."

"Indeed, the three major thinking modes taught fifty students to all enter university, and that was still the era. The key is that the four who appeared now are more terrifying than the other."

"Their achievements are breathtaking, like a myth."

"So, is he really an alien? Oh my god, do aliens really exist in this world?"

Some people also expressed doubts. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't believe he is an alien. Countries around the world have been searching for aliens for so many years, but there is no news. Now saying he is an alien, I think it is a bit unreasonable"

"Moreover, judging from the previous photos, as well as his current appearance, speech, and state, he is no different from the current human beings."

"I don't believe that there is another planet besides Earth with creatures exactly like Earth, with the same language, various habits, etc."

"This probability is too small, so I don't believe he is an alien."

The netizens who thought he was an alien were shaken after hearing this analysis.

So, the view that Chu Yuan is an alien is a bit untenable.

It's not just these netizens who speculate.

At the same time, in the Shangang Primary School group, the fifty students were also attracted by the speculation on the Internet.

They frowned, as if thinking about the netizens' speculation.

Whether Chu Yuan is an alien or not.

The group fell into a strange silence.

I don't know how long it has been. Finally, someone spoke up.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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