Chapter 67 The president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, the president of Qinghua University, and the director of the Cigarette Group.

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Liang Xiaoru took Chu Yuan to the stage in the middle of the hall.

This place is the focus of everyone's attention, and you can see everything below. This is the stage for the birthday star.

At this moment, there is an old man.

Some people know Chu Yuan, and some don't.

Those who came in before didn't know him, but those who came in later knew Chu Yuan.

For example, Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Mr. Wang and others, they all know Chu Yuan.

Like some state-owned enterprise giants, most people don't know Chu Yuan. After all, most of them are dealing with official business, and they know less about what happens on the Internet.

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, Little Leo and others are all Internet giants.

They pay more attention to the Internet, so it is normal for them to know Chu Yuan.

Liang Xiaoru stood on the stage with Chu Yuan.

A host came out behind her.

He is the host of Liang Xiaoru's 60th birthday party.

A young and handsome man.

Wearing a suit, holding a microphone

���Next to Liang Xiaoru and Chu Yuan, he picked up a notebook and began to read:"First of all, welcome to all the guests.……"

I spoke a lot.

All the above is official language, and I didn't say anything important.

Ten minutes passed.

Finally, I got to the important part.

"Let's celebrate the 60th birthday of Ms. Liang Xiaoman, the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, president of Qinghua University, and director of the Cigarette Group.……"

When the host said this, the entire live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"I'm super, I'm super, I'm super"


"Liang Xiaoru is actually Liang Xiaoman, and she is actually the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce? Oh my God."

Countless people in the live broadcast room were shocked and their scalps were numb!

Their eyes were about to pop out.

Some netizens were puzzled.

"Brothers, why are you so shocked? What kind of organization is Tianmen Chamber of Commerce? Please help me."

Immediately, a netizen answered the question below

"Tianmen Chamber of Commerce is the most mysterious chamber of commerce in Dragon Country, and it is also the chamber of commerce that gathers the most bigwigs."

"Even Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Little Leo, and Huang Zhengzheng are not its members, it is so scary"

"Because all the members are big leaders of monopoly state-owned enterprises, only these people can join"

"It can be said that the Tianmen Chamber of Commerce has gathered the figures of the bigwigs of the entire Dragon State's state-owned enterprises, occupying 80% of the Dragon State's business territory. It is so terrifying."

"People like Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, Little Li, Mr. Wang, etc., all tried their best to squeeze in, but even so, none of them could get in."

"The Tianmen Chamber of Commerce is so terrifying that it is a chamber of commerce that all businessmen yearn for and pursue."

"Damn, I really can't believe that Liang Xiaoru is the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce. What kind of concept is this? It makes my scalp numb just thinking about it."

"It's really too scary."

After this netizen's detailed analysis, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Damn it 10086!"

"How is this possible! Dragon Country still has such an awesome Chamber of Commerce? Unbelievable"

"I also find it incredible. I have never heard of such an awesome chamber of commerce."

"That's because you are short-sighted. There is indeed such a chamber of commerce in Longguo, but most people don't know about it."

"Only the upper class elites are worthy of knowing about this mysterious chamber of commerce. Ants like us at the bottom of society are not worthy of knowing about it at all."

"I'm so fucking… it seems to be true (bdae), I am just a low-level person, an ant."

Then, the netizen was once again shocked by Liang Xiaoru's other identity

"Oh my god, Liang Xiaoru is actually the president of Qinghua University. Oh my god, when did this happen?"

Immediately, someone found out that Liang Xiaoru is indeed the president of Qinghua University.

However, she just took office, so not many people know about it.

This time, the live broadcast room exploded more violently than the previous one.

"Fuck, the president of Qinghua University, I'm numb"

"She turned out to be the president of Qinghua University. I was so shocked that I was suffocated."

"It’s true. I was completely stunned. The president of Qinghua University, this is probably the first female president in the history of Longguo!"

"It is said that this is indeed the case. This person is the first female president of Qinghua University since the founding of Longguo, and the first female university president since the late Qing Dynasty."

"Yes, there is no one like it before. As for whether there will be one in the future, we don’t know yet, but it is definitely unprecedented."

"Liang Xiaoru, my god, is so amazing. If you think about it carefully, she was the president of a 211 university before. After decades of accumulation, it is not impossible for her to become the president of Qinghua University."

"Horrible, a university president from a mountain village, the president of Qinghua University, and a female university president, this person is really amazing"

"That's right, I admire her so much that I bow down to her."

The netizens were so shocked that they lost consciousness.

They were numb and stared at their phones blankly.

Their minds were blank.

Then the netizen continued to be shocked and continued to analyze

"My god, the director of a cigarette group, I am dumbfounded."

One netizen was puzzled

"Brother, please explain what a director of a cigarette group is and how powerful it is."

"Yes, explain it quickly, I really want to know how awesome this is."

The netizen was shocked by so many horrible backgrounds and was a little numb.

After a long time, he finally reacted and explained:"Cigarette Group, you don't know yet?"

"The first enterprise in the entire Dragon Country, if ranked in the world, it would be the largest enterprise. It is said that the entire Dragon Country has only this one enterprise, which feeds the entire Dragon Country army."

"Just think about it, how terrifying it would be to feed the entire army of Dragon Nation! What a concept!"

"Like oil, banks, they are just younger brothers in front of cigarettes. They must bow their heads when they see cigarettes. Cigarettes are recognized as the most powerful companies in the whole Dragon Country."

After hearing the analysis of netizens, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room understood.

Their scalps were numb! (To read the violent novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

They opened their mouths in shock. Their faces were full of shock.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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