Chu Yuan took the gift and gave it to Liang Xiaoru.

"Xiaoru, this is a small gift from the teacher, please accept it."

Liang Xiaoru wanted to refuse, but when she saw Chu Yuan's look, she nodded.

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Chu."

I didn't look at it. For her, the important thing is the thought.

No matter how much she is worth, any gift is the same.

But Chu Yuanlai is more valuable than any other gift.


Liang Xiaoru made a gesture of invitation.

"Teacher, please come in"

"Today is a student's birthday party, I feel extremely honored that you can come."

Chu Yuan said with a smile:"You girl, you didn't even say hello in advance, making me look so hurried."

Liang Xiaoru said with a smile:"Isn't this a surprise for Teacher Chu!"

""It's good that you're not frightened."

Chu Yuan said half-jokingly.

Liang Xiaoru was really happy today. Chu Yuan's random words could make her flirt with him. She didn't show off as a big boss. The dignitaries around were dumbfounded when they saw Liang Xiaoru like this.

"Oh my god, is this still Director Liang? Why does she feel a little strange? She wasn't like this before."

"That's not nonsense. In the past, Director Liang was cold and aloof. His every word and action revealed his domineering aura. No one dared to approach him. He was like a queen."

"Yes, every time I see Director Liang, I get extremely nervous and dare not look directly into her eyes. If she doesn’t speak, the atmosphere in the whole space is depressing."

Immediately, many netizens agreed with the netizens above.

"That's true. I was a little confused. How could this be like President Liang? In my eyes, President Liang is a serious person. I have never seen her smile."

"I have never seen Ms. Liang smile in front of us. She always gives people the impression of being serious, strict, and demanding, as if she is thinking about problems all the time."

"It is true. I have never seen Chairman Liang like this before. Today really opened my eyes."

"Yes, it subverts my perception of Mr. Liang. It seems that everyone has another side, and this is Mr. Liang's other side."

Many netizens nodded in agreement.

Some netizens immediately saw the essence through the phenomenon.

"We can see a mystery from this, that is, Mr. Liang really respects Mr. Chu. It seems that Mr. Chu is really not simple!"

"Indeed, Mr. Chu is the most mysterious and terrifying person. No one knows his background or his profession."

"And his three major thinking modes, how powerful are they to teach people as awesome as Tang Youlong and others? Now there is another Liang Dong."

"The three major thinking modes are comparable to immortal arts!"

Countless netizens think so.

They admire Chu Yuan with all their heart.

They want to kneel down and ask Chu Yuan to teach them the three major thinking modes.

However, they know that even if they do so, they will not get the three major thinking modes.

Liang Xiaoru invites Chu Yuan in.

Then she looks at other people.

Those business tycoons, Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, Little Li, Mr. Wang and others. They all smile and nod to Liang Xiaoru.

"Mr. Liang, I wish you good fortune as vast as the East Sea!"

"President Liang, I wish you a long life!"

""Principal Liang, I wish you good health and all the best."

Liang Xiaoru smiled, which was equivalent to a response.

Then, her expression returned to the past.

The amiable and gentle emotions just now were only shown to Mr. Chu.

Others seemed to be unqualified.

This made many wealthy tycoons present helpless.

As Liang Xiaoru's expression changed.

A strong sense of oppression arose spontaneously, making people daunted.

The main reason was that Liang Xiaoru's achievements in her life were too great.

Thinking of every thing she had done before, she did it in a shocking way, and completely conquered many big men in Longguo.

Let them respect Liang Xiaoru from the bottom of their hearts.

"Come in!"

Liang Xiaoru said. Then they followed slowly in.

Liang Xiaoru pulled Chu Yuan in front, and behind her were the bigwigs from all sides.

This scene was really shocking, and a wave of excitement suddenly surged into my heart. (To read the novel of Baoshuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many people thought in their hearts: If only I could be so awesome.

Even if I could be so awesome once, I would be willing, even if it would shorten my life by ten years.

This is the dream of countless men and the pursuit of countless women.

The entire live broadcast room was strangely quiet at this moment.

Obviously, they were all so shocked by this scene that they couldn't say a word.

I don't know how long it has been.

Liang Xiaoru finally came to the banquet hall.

The originally bustling banquet hall became quiet instantly when Liang Xiaoru appeared.

Their eyes all looked at Liang Xiaoru.

And Chu Yuan beside Liang Xiaoru.

There were at least a few hundred people sitting below the banquet, and Xiao Momo was among them.

Xiao Momo was slightly stunned when she saw Chu Yuan.

".What's going on? Aunt Liang is actually holding that old man's hand?"

"He is Aunt Liang's teacher. From the looks of it, Aunt Liang seems to like the old man very much!"

"Doesn't that mean that if I reveal Aunt Liang's secret, she can really help me resolve it?"

"Hehehe...Grandpa really didn't lie to me."

Xiao Momo was extremely excited.

The people sitting at the banquet were all well-known figures.

Wang Congcong was[]

Many people saw Wang Zhaozhao and Chu Yuan and talked about it.

"Hey, who is that old man? Why is President Liang holding her hand?"

"Yes, Director Liang actually walked towards the stage holding the old man’s hand. What was going on?"

"I was also a little confused. Why did Principal Liang bring an old man up there? Who was he to Principal Liang?"

"Could it be Principal Liang's father? His father is not���Died? Who could that person be? He looked at least a few decades older than Principal Liang, so he should be an uncle."

"Could it be Principal Liang's uncle, or his cousin? Apart from these, who else could be worthy of Principal Liang personally bringing to the stage?"

"From Director Liang's expression, it can be seen that she respects this old man very much, otherwise she would not hold his hand, especially at her birthday party."

"That's right, this person must be someone very important to Chairman Liang"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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