Chapter 65 Liang Xiaoru, a boss with multiple positions, has a more terrifying background than Tang Youlong and others. At this moment, a figure came out quickly.

It was a middle-aged woman, but after putting on makeup, she couldn't be seen to be sixty years old at all, just like thirty or forty years old.

This person was Liang Xiaoru, one of Chu Yuan's students.

She ran out with a look of anxiety on her face.

"Where is Teacher Chu? Where is Teacher Chu?"

"Where is my teacher Chu?"

Looking left and right, Liang Xiaoru saw an old man standing at the door.

The moment she saw Chu Yuan, her eyes were full of excitement.

She was stunned.

At this time, there was only one person in her eyes.

That was Chu Yuan.


The hoarse voice spread, attracting the attention of countless people.

Everyone looked at Liang Xiaoru.

Chu Yuan also looked at her. He was slightly stunned.

After all, in his impression, Liang Xiaoru still looked the same as when she was 13 years old.

Although Liang Xiaoru now looks a bit like she did back then.

Under normal circumstances, she would not be recognized at all.

Even if they met on the street, they would probably not recognize her.

When Chu Yuan left, Liang Xiaoru was only about ten years old and looked very young.

Now fifty years have passed.

After fifty years of baptism, her appearance is no longer the same as it was back then.


Chu Yuan asked tentatively.

Liang Xiaoru nodded excitedly:"Teacher Chu, I am, I am"

""I am Liang Xiaoru."

After saying that, she came to Chu Yuan and looked at his old face.

Chu Yuan was no longer as young and handsome as he was in the past, and he was also weathered by the years.

At this moment, he looked like an old man.

But the shadow of the past could still be seen in Chu Yuan.

Whether it was his appearance or his temperament, his demeanor was very familiar.

Liang Xiaoru walked over quickly and held Chu Yuan's hand tightly.

Her eyes were blurred with tears and her lips trembled.

Finally, she couldn't help but let the tears flow down drop by drop.

"Teacher Chu, it’s been fifty years"

"It's been fifty years. We haven't seen each other for fifty years.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, fifty years."

"I never thought that fifty years would pass in a flash."

Shaking his head, he lamented that time passed so quickly.

Everyone around was stunned.

They stared at Chu Yuan and Liang Xiaoru.

"I didn't expect that President Liang was actually Mr. Chu's student."

"My god, Principal Liang is actually Mr. Chu's student."

"Director Liang, she is actually Mr. Chu's student? Or Tang Youlong and Qu Congzheng's classmate? Oh my God!"

"No way, how is this possible!"

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, and Little Li were all shocked.

Just now they had some guesses.

They guessed that Liang Xiaoman, that is, Liang Xiaoru might be the same person.

Now that this guess has been confirmed, it is indeed shocking to them.

They have all watched Chu Yuan's live broadcast before.

He taught in a remote small village and taught 50 students, all of whom were admitted to university.

Among them are people like Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Zhao Dahu. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They are all top-notch in Longguo.

They are elites in all walks of life.

Now there is one more, that is Liang Xiaoru.

The background and strength of Liang Xiaoru in front of us really need to be measured.

In fact, she is stronger than the three people who appeared above.[]

This woman is simply a demon.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is a myth. She has created countless miracles.

Even these business leaders, political leaders, education leaders, etc., all have great respect for Liang Xiaoru. It is conceivable that a group of men can respect a woman.

How strong a strength this requires. The reason why these people call her differently is because Liang Xiaoru has different identities and positions. In other words, she holds several positions concurrently. The netizens in the live broadcast room were all stunned. They were attracted by Liang Xiaoru's several names.

"Chairman Liang? Principal Liang? Director Liang?……"

"Does anyone know what this is? Can anyone help me?"

"I am a little confused. How come Liang Xiaoru has so many positions?"

"I'm also curious, isn't it usually the case that one person holds one position? Could it be that she holds multiple positions?"

"Don't say it, this is the only possibility that can explain why she has different names."

"Chairman Liang? Principal Liang? Director Liang? Judging from these titles, Liang Xiaoru should be the chairman of some association, the president of a university, or even the director of a large company."

"Oh my god, this is awesome! He holds three positions, and they are obviously not ordinary positions."

"That's right, you can tell at a glance that Da Ma Ge, Xiao Ma Ge, Huang Zheng Zheng and others all call her this way, and it is obvious that Liang Xiaoru's strength and background are higher than theirs."

Some netizens made such an analysis, which directly caused the entire live broadcast room to explode

"I'm so horrible."

"Higher than Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng, and Little Leo, no, and Mr. Wang, although these are all private enterprises, the key is that there are also many bosses of state-owned enterprises who call Liang Xiaoru this way"

"Oh my god, thinking of those state-owned enterprise bosses just now, I am completely numb, too horrible, they are all monopolistic state-owned enterprises! They are all large groups with market value of hundreds of billions or trillions!"

"The boss of such a large group calls Liang Xiaoru the chairman, Mr. Liang, what kind of concept is this? I dare not think too much, it is really too scary."

One netizen pointed out

"Momo just introduced Liang Xiaoru as the president of a university. That was probably decades ago."

"Now, decades later, her position must have changed dramatically. What kind of position could make these big guys address her and respect her like that?"

"I'm also very curious and look forward to having my doubts solved."

This is the doubt in the minds of hundreds of thousands of netizens.

They all stared at the video intently, afraid to miss the moment of the reveal.

Chu Yuan looked at Liang Xiaoru and smiled,"Xiaoru, don't say anything, the way you are dressed, you look like you are almost 30 years old. Compared with Tang Youlong and the others, you are a junior."

Liang Xiaoru smiled and said,"Of course, they are old men in my eyes, and I am still as beautiful as a flower."

Chu Yuan laughed out loud,"Hahahaha……"

"You have a point."

"Also, when I called you yesterday, why didn't you tell me that today was your birthday party? I was in a hurry and prepared some gifts casually." As he said that, he asked Chu Ling to take the gift.

Chu Ling reacted and immediately took the gift.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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