"What Mr. Wang said makes sense."

"Yes, yes, shut down the live broadcast. We don’t agree."

"That's right, we all disagreed. Mr. Chu must insist on live streaming. Your live streaming makes me forget about food and sleep. I wait for your live streaming every day when I eat."

"To be honest, I have been watching your live broadcast and have not missed a minute. I am not lying. I really like Mr. Chu's live broadcast."

"Yes, I am the same. I am afraid of missing any part of the video. I am always watching Mr. Chu’s live broadcast."

"I really want to see how powerful all of Mr. Chu's fifty students are. So far, only three have appeared. The fourth one is Liang Xiaoru, whose identity is still mysterious."

"Liang Xiaoru must be an extraordinary person. With so many big shots coming to congratulate her, she looks really awesome."

"Yes, it is indeed such a"953". Her identity and background are probably no worse than Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, Zhao Dahu and others."

"I think so too. Just looking at these big guys, we can see that they are all business tycoons in Longguo. Liang Xiaoru's identity and background are even more terrifying."

Some netizens did not pay attention to those students.

Instead, they all focused on Mr. Chu's identity.

Regarding Mr. Chu's background and strength.

How could he be an ordinary person who could teach such a group of big guys?

His identity and background are definitely not simple.

"Does anyone know Mr. Chu’s identity?"

"I am really looking forward to the announcement of Mr. Chu's identity"

"Yes, how terrifying is Mr. Chu's identity and background?"

"If anyone can reveal Mr. Chu's identity and background, I will reward him with one million."

The live broadcast room below exclaimed

"I'm over a million."

"Damn, one million. So exciting."

"I want, really want, Mr. Chu's identity and background……"

Some people have already had evil thoughts, thinking about whether they can make up a false identity and background for Mr. Chu to cheat the money.

There are still many such people.

Just when they were thinking about this, the netizen spoke up.

"Of course, this hundred is not so easy to get."

"If anyone cheats me, then you deserve to die. Not only will you not get the 1 million, you will also have to pay back 1 million."

"Hehehe... Don't test my strength. I can afford the price, so I have the strength."

Hearing this, the netizens fell silent one by one.

Especially those netizens who wanted to have some bad thoughts.

They quickly gave up the idea.

They couldn't help but shook their heads:"Damn, it's really hard to make money from rich people, they are so damn thieves."

Other netizens also expressed their agreement

"It is true. Which rich person is not a smart one?"

"If you want to get some money from the rich, you can't do it without some real skills."

"The reason why they can become rich is that their IQ is incomparable to that of ordinary people."

"Alas, one million, it seems that we are out of luck."

Many netizens sighed and expressed regret.

There was another group of people in the live broadcast room. Their goal was not the fifty students, nor Chu Yuan's identity and background.

Instead, it was Chu Yuan's three major thinking modes.

A magical top thinking mode. The magical thinking that can make an ordinary person like a dragon.

From a remote small village, fifty students were taught to become college students.

The four who appeared at the moment have shocked hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room and the entire network.

Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, Zhao Dahu, each of them is the top existence of Dragon Country.

Liang Xiaoru is even more so at the moment.

"My God, three major thinking modes, what kind of mode is this? I really want to know"

"I also want to know, if I can learn even a little bit, I might be able to make the leap to success"

"That's not nonsense. Look at Leo. He reached this level after only three hours of communication with Mr. Chu. Do you think the three major thinking modes are powerful?"

"It is indeed outrageous. These three modes of thinking are indeed the top ones in the world."

"I really want to know the content. It can be said that this is the most eye-catching part of Mr. Chu's program."

"I will never leave this live broadcast room until I see the three major thinking modes announced. I will keep following it."

"That's right, me too, and I will keep following it."

Chu Yuan was naturally unaware of the comments of netizens. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

At this time,

Mr. Wang and Mr. Chu were shaking hands and talking happily.....

Chu Yuan actually likes this Mr. Wang, especially his straightforward personality. He has no ulterior motives and is straightforward, making him very comfortable to get along with.

"Mr. Wang, you praise me so much, I, an old man, am almost flattered"[]

Mr. Wang has a straightforward personality and talked a lot with Chu Yuan.

He kept praising Chu Yuan. Of course, these praises were all positive.

There was no flattery or falseness.

They were all real, which made Chu Yuan very happy.

In the end, Mr. Wang even asked the doubts in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room and everyone on the scene.

Everyone was stunned.

"Mr. Chu, can I ask you a question?"

Mr. Wang looked at Mr. Chu.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Excuse me."

Mr. Wang said:"You are so popular on the Internet. The biggest reason is that you have taught so many excellent students. They all say that you have a top-notch thinking model."

"Actually, I also want to know, I wonder if Mr. Chu can teach me a few words?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire live broadcast room fell silent instantly.

Even everyone on the scene was shocked. All eyes looked at Chu Yuan with nervous expressions, wanting to see how Chu Yuanhui would answer this question.

Five seconds later,

Chu Yuan smiled:"Hahaha...that's not a top-level thinking mode."

"It's just my understanding and perception. I just summarized my life experience and taught it to those 5.1 students."

"As for their ultimate success, to be honest, it really has nothing to do with me."

"The reason why they respect me so much is that the old man thinks that they have all become good children who know how to be grateful and respect their teachers."

"So, netizens, don't think I'm so great, I'm just an ordinary old man."

Mr. Wang smiled and shook his head:"Mr. Chu, please don't be so modest."

"Everyone knows that without your three major thinking patterns, it is almost impossible for those students who came out of a small village to achieve such success."

Chu Yuan saw that Mr. Wang did not believe it.

He shook his head and said,"It seems that Mr. Wang still does not believe it."

"If there is a chance, I can also communicate with Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang was delighted;"Okay, okay, I can do it now.""

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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